field of psychology People experience different fascinations; mine questions how the human mind functions. We all have had experiences that relate to one or more fields of psychology, and we never even realized all that. As a child, I never questioned the impact my traumatic experiences would have on my mental ability and processes. With an increasing interest in exploring the human mind, I strived to understand how the field plays a direct role in explaining my life experiences and those of others. I desire to expand my knowledge and experience within the field of psychology by advancing my education level. Unable to attend physical classes due to family complications, I`m currently undertaking online courses in Psychology, Biology, and English lit. The setback never stopped me from pursuing my dream. Further, I also work for a sales and marketing company to support myself as well as my studies. Within the company, I have worked extra hard in making face-to-face sales, progressing quickly through the company ranks. At the moment, the company has entrusted me to train and interview people on…

The Dangers of a Single Story review The talk, “The Dangers of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Adichie, is about the perils that come with the acknowledgment of a single story. A maiden story is not untrue as Chimamanda puts it, but it is not complete. It gives only one dimension about a situation or a community and fails to recognize that there are other sides of the same. And that is how stereotypes are formed, mostly about certain groups of people. The talk by Chimamanda can be understood as an example of cosmopolitanism. That is because most of the knowledge about the modern-day world comes from perceptions that are gained from the stories that we hear from different platforms. The world is full of stereotypes, of which most of them can be traced from stories that one has had from another person or the media. There are a lot of wrong or incomplete notions that people have because they stuck with whatever they learned from solitary experiences, and they did not make an effort to go ahead and clarify…


Alice Munro

Alice Munro Alice Munro is one of the few Canadian authors who have established reputations for themselves within the borders of the country and outside the country. Alice Munro was born on 10th July 1931 in Canada, and she established herself as a short story writer, which saw her win the Nobel Prize in literature in the year 2013. Almost all the stories by Alice Munro a fiction feature, which is contributed to her strong regional focus. Munro’s stories are more informative and interesting because of their nature to single out and address most of the problems in the present world. The characters used by Alice Munro in most of her short stories tend to condemn strong customs practiced by various communities in the world. The female characters tend to be more complex while the male characters possess all the necessary traits of men in the community. In her early work, Alice Munro used characters who showed the dilemmas of a growing young girl about love and marriage matters. AS Munro grew to a woman, she shifted her stories and…

A detailed analysis of Cervantes’ Don Quixote Introduction How do the medical allusions directly influence the audience’s perception of Don Quixote as mentally ill? Throughout the play, entitled ‘Don Quixote,’ the theme of personality duality constantly presents itself through a scholar protagonist known as Alonso Quijano. Nonetheless, through the protagonist’s encounter, leaders become aware of various struggles facing Alonso that include but not limited to battles between early modernity and adverse outcomes of antiquity. The essay aims at offering a detailed analysis satire and various theme elements of functionality used to analyze the onset of a unique psychosocial imbalance. Apart from the paper only focusing on the theme of satire as the primary standing point of discussion, the audience learns that the author, Miguel Cervantes, presented a separation of Renaissance supporters and Baroque fanatics. The primary goal of the paper shows a strong understanding of Quixote’s through satire and other literary techniques such as functionality and chivalric satire. Chivalric Satire in Don Quixote Throughout the play, Don Quixote depicts a unique character of a ‘wanna-be’ tall skinny young man who…

“The Maker’s Eye” by Donald Murray When beginning writers complete their first draft, they usually read it through to correct typographical errors and consider the job of writing done. When professional writers complete their first draft, they usually feel they are at the start of the writing process. Now that they have a draft, they can begin writing. That difference in attitude is the difference between amateur and professional, inexperience and experience, journeyman and craftsman. Most productive writers share the feeling that the first draft (and most of those that follow) is an opportunity todiscover what they have to say and how they can best say it. To produce a progression of drafts, each of which says more and says it better, writers have to develop a special reading skill. In school we are taught to read what is on the page. We try to comprehend what authors have said, what they meant, and what are the implications of their words. The writers of such drafts must be their own best enemy. They must accept the criticism of others and…

BRAVERY AND COURAGE THEMES IN CHAINS Introduction Among the novels describing the American trilogy seeds, the novel Chains which is written by Laurie Halse Anderson, an American writer who is known for her deep interest in writing about children and young adult novels was ranked as the first novel with its series of historical stories based on an eleven- year- old Isabel story; an American black slave who is fighting for the freedom of her younger sister (Ruth) and herself while revolutionary war is taking place. The story was set in New York between 1776 and 1777 when slavery among the colonies was legal and common. The novel is basically fictional but the story events actual as reflected during the colonial period, for instance, the failed plans which aimed at assassinating George Washington and which were preceded by one of the conspirators being hanged. Throughout the story, Isabel appears to be more determined to gain liberty for herself and her young sister. Through her attempts, the two themes of Bravery and Courage are set profound as the big themes of the…

Winc- Your one-stop solution Well, Winc is the site that will help you to work and learn together. Earlier the name of the company was Staple. After that, they change their name to Winc. Besides, they have a lot of products in their bucket. And you can choose any of the products according to your preference. Be it school, office or safety essentials; you will get all the things in Winc. Also, the quality of these products is up to the mark. We assure you that these products will never disappoint you. Apart from delivering you with the products, they also provide services like marketing and print. And if you want to get their services at the best price, you can opt for the Winc Coupon code. Choosing for the Staple discount code will help you to enjoy some exciting discounts. Also, if you use the Winc promo code, you will be able to save a lot of money. Office supplies Well, if you are planning to come up with an office, you can visit this section of the site.…

                    Theme of evil Name Institution affiliated                     Theme of evil Introduction Themes refer to ideas that run throughout a literary publication. When a reader analyzes them, one understands the message that the writer intends to pass. Writers portray themes through characters and organized plots. Across the three novels, the theme of evil prevails. In any detective novel, the theme of evil is essential as it creates jobs for detectives while giving continuity to a plot. Behind the theme of darkness, many other ideas may arise. To understand evil and its importance in a detective text, analyzing the issue of evil in Wuthering Heights, The Sign of Four, and ‘The Beach of Falesá,’ is essential. The evil theme in Wuthering Heights The theme of evil comes up through love, word, and revenge in the novel, developing mainly through the character of Heathcliff. The first page of the book begins by criticism of Heathcliff’s black eyes. Black is associated with evil in the…

‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ and ‘The Necklace’ short stories are a recommendable read given their relevance even in current times. The embedded message in both texts leaves the reader wondering and imagining the possible ending were they complete novels. The two stories present in a way similar plots in two different stories, the women in both stories feel ‘imprisoned.’ Both ‘the yellow wallpaper’ and ‘the necklace’ are ‘real fiction’; they focus on the daily happenings, lives, and relationships of people within the society, giving a look at normal humans and the societal influence on their lives. In ‘the necklace,’ Mathilde despite being of poor background feels that she was born for the world’s luxuries, a world where she has an elegantly lavish lifestyle and envied upon, on the other hand, her dedicated husband, Loisel, is contented with their life and is willing to go through anything to make her happy—imagining that the wife would love to go to the ministerial ball (Maupassant, p10). He secures an invitation; he excitedly presents the letter to his wife, who is ungrateful because she feels…

Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe is one of the oldest novels in the history of literature. Written in the year 1719, the book depicts various moral themes by the author Daniel Defoe. The story talks about a young man who goes against the wishes of his parents and heads to the direction of the seas to seek adventure.  According to the novel analysis, the young man lived on an island for approximately 28 years.  Crusoe is the narrator of the novel. The book, Robinson Crusoe depicts various themes that the author uses to moralize his own life. As the audience, we can also learn a lot from these themes and even be able to moralize our own life. The book, in other words, provides a story that many young people can learn from in their own adulthood life (Rogers, Pat, n.d. 2014).  One of the themes that are depicted in the book is the theme of Christianity. The author depicts an aspect of Christianity throughout the story. Hence this literature analysis seeks to analyses how the narrator moralizes his own life…

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