Children Philosophy Children’s philosophy does not entail teaching traditional philosophy to children; instead, it is an approach that focuses on teaching thinking skills and the ability to question and reason. The strategy was developed by Mathew Lipman, who was a philosophy professor in the 1970s (Gorard et al., 2017). he was concerned with the concept of developing an education that would establish critical citizenry with empathy and respect for others in society. Children’s philosophy aims to develop critical thinking in children using philosophical dialogue evolves in a perspective of cooperation to enrich the view of the group versus competitive argumentation in which victory at all cost is the objective. The Lipman approach has been contested with researchers arguing that the thoughts it nurtures are not philosophical. Some say that children are not capable of thinking reflexively and critically. Others say that philosophizing requires encyclopedic knowledge and intellectual maturity characteristics not found in children (Siddiqui et al., 2019). There have been arguments on whether children’s philosophy should be considered as real philosophy. This paper seeks to investigate some of the thinking…

 Differences in social status in “Jane Eyre” novel “Jane Eyre,” written by Charlotte Bronte, is a fictional novel that discusses the story of a young orphan girl who grew up in her aunt’s house. The story focuses on how this young girl suffered living in that house during her childhood. After a while, when she reached the age of ten, she was sent to a public orphanage center, where she was forced to live. During her time living there, a series of events took place, which contributed to a significant change in Jane Eyre’s personality. She eventually learns how to deal with the various issues that she has faced in her time living at the orphan house, especially when her friend “Hellen” dies, which was the main turning point in this story. It seemed like Jane came back to know who she was by living in the orphan house after the oppression she faced living with her aunt and her family. Jane comes from a poor family; however, when her parents die, she meets a change in her life as…

Migration and Exile Introduction In his book, “Reflection on Exile,” Edward Said defined exile as a strange, compelling thing to think about, but very dreadful to experience. Additionally, Edward Said further states that exile is a split amongst people that cannot be healed or restored as it takes an intrinsic place between identity and its tru[1] e culture. Edward said, “It is an indispensable sadness that under no circumstances be surmounted.” He defines exile as a form of sadness that one has to live with and that which is hard to overcome irrespective of the circumstances. History has been seen to have content of romantic, glorious, triumphant, and even heroic chapters in the life of an exiled person. There are no additional struggles to overwhelm the crippling sorrows of hostility. The journey of experiencing exile is broadly and perpetually damaged by the loss of a touch left behind in life forever (Said, pp138-149, 2013). The other book that speaks about migration and exile is “Breathe, eyes, [2] and [3] memory” done by Edwidge Danticat, and first published in 1998. Its…

Reflection on Exile review In his book, “Reflection on Exile,” Edward Said defined exile as a strange, compelling thing to think about, but very dreadful for Edward to experience. According to Edward Said, exile refers to a split between individuals that cannot be cured or recovered as it takes a central place amongst identity and its true nature. Edward said, “It is an indispensable sadness that under no circumstances be surmounted.” He defines exile as a form of sadness that one has to live with and that which is hard to overcome irrespective of the circumstances. History has been seen to have content of romantic, glorious, triumphant, and even heroic chapters in the life of an exiled person. There are no additional struggles to overwhelm the crippling sorrows of hostility. The journey of experiencing exile is broadly and perpetually damaged by the loss of a touch left behind in life forever (Said, pp138-149, 2013). The other book that speaks about migration and exile is “Breath eyes and memory” by Edwidge Danticat and first published in 1998. Its first setting countries…

The integrated theme in Stella by EmericBergeaud, the Dew Breaker by Edwin  Struggle for Freedom. Stella, first published in 1859, is an imaginative retelling of Haiti’s fight for independence from slavery and French colonialism.  Set during the years of the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804), Stella tells the story of two brothers, Romulus and Remus, who help transform their homeland from the French colony of Saint Dominguez to the independent republic of Haiti. Romulus and Remus are symbolic, they show a new beginning of a new city called Rome (Bergeaud, p.50). The two names show division, differences and disparities between the two. The brothers quarreled over the location of the foundation of their new city; Romulus wished to start the city on the Palatine Hill, while Remus wished to found it on the Aventine Hill. In order to settle their disagreement, they agreed to consult augury; augury is a type of prophecy in which birds are examined and observed to determine what actions or persons the gods favor. Each brother prepared a sacred space on their respective hills and began to watch for birds.…

The Book of the Dead Throughout her childhood and into her adulthood, Ka was under the impression that her father was a part of the oppressed citizens of Haiti.  Little did she know, her dad was a member of the Tonton Macoutes.  He fled Haiti to come to Ka because he was involvement in the army.  Prior to learning this, Ka had carved a sculpture of her father out of wood and was going to sell it to any buyer.  The sculpture in itself acts as a symbol of her father’s current and former life.  The wood was both smooth and cracked, revealing its flaws as it gets weathered by age.  Ka’s father told the secret to his daughter, and afterward, destroyed the beautiful artwork she created his dad felt ashamed and that he did not deserve to be recognized or flattered.  Ka now sees her father in a different light as “the hunter” and not the oppressed. Water Child Water is one of the prominent themes used in The Dew Breaker and Danticat does it beautifully.  The idea of…

Death and Identity in the Short Story: An Analysis of Kafa, Poe, and Borges The research paper will analyze death and identity based on the short stories by Franz Kafka “Before the law”, Edgar Allen Poe “The oval Portrait’, and Jorge Luis Borges “Everything and Nothing”. It will focus on how the three stories portray death and identity by use of characters, themes such as prisoner to time, love, and desire to achieve unrealistic goals. Each of the three author’s view of death and identity will be analyzed. Through the stories, the paper intends to provide answers to the question of what is worth living for and why the concept of death. An overview of the author’s lives, similarities and differences in relation to death and identity will be provided to help the purpose for life. Kafka (4) noted that Franz Kafka was a member of the minority Jewish community in Prague. In his early life, Franz acquired a deep understanding of literature which made him be rejected in his community. For many years Franz was isolated and alienated. In…

Walmart Vs. What are the essential details of the event, and what do you see as the causes of the crisis and/or negative impact to society? Both Walmart and had risen to eminence in their distinct spheres. However, as they expanded into overlapping sectors, they started seeing each other as competitors. Walmart had specialized and mastered the retail business of brick and mortar characterized by a first and straightforward website that consisted of an electronic shopping cart and a list of product categories offered by the company. With little online presence, the company recognized the significance of developing a stronger online presence to combat the encroachment of in the retail sphere that Walmart had dominated for decades. Walmart saw online business as the expansion of its physical retail stores and dominating the market. Amazon, on the other hand, started an online business in 1995 and focused on providing its customers increased selection of novels at a smaller cost (Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, & Bryce, 2017). At the time when was venturing on online business, Walmart’s only worry…

Secondary Source Critique Chang, J. (2005). Melancholic remains: Domestic and National Secrets in Fae Myenne Ng’s Bone. MFS: Modern Fiction Studies, 51(1), 110-33. doi: In “Melancholic Remains: Domestic and National Secrets in Fae Myenne Ng’s Bone,” Julianna Chang argues how Ng’s melancholic temporality critiques modern notions of subjectivity and history, especially as formulated by the nation-state. Chang draws on how her article will provide a symptomatic reading of domesticity in Bone, and she observes how the encrypted secrets structure the family formation. Chang explores the idea of the hyper-exploitation of racialized labor, and melancholia as a subject in the novel and how the melancholic phantom makes an appearance in the novel, which signifies this encrypted secret of a failed America. Ultimately, Chang also focuses on how melancholia and domestic and national secrets are all components in Ng’s Bone. Chang begins her article by outlining that Ng’s Bone is almost a sequel of sorts to Louis Chu’s Eat a Bowl of Tea. Chang follows up this point by mentioning how Chu’s novel charts the transformation of New York Chinatown from bachelor society to…

BOOK FOR KINDLE INTRODUCTION We live in a generation where the mobile phone has become a major function of our lives. Reading is not an exception to this characteristic with numerous benefits if these functions are met with an application that has the modern tool to help readers navigate through the ebook reader app easily to search for the book of their choice based on the category of choice. BOOK FOR KINDLE Triumph or not triumph reading books on mobile devices among people is increasing the truth is that there are a lot of applications, to read electronic books that you already have in your possession and/or to read electronic books that you are going to buy (depending on the sales platform of those books), download and even read in streaming. There is a vast majority of the applications; some are free like bookstore apps while others are paid. Some applications depend on their commercial platform (where they sell their collection), and other applications do not depend on any platform and are used to read your books and documents. Surprisingly…

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