Should Prostitution be Legalized? Introduction Prostitution is among the oldest profession that has ever existed. It continues to bedevil the society despite efforts by most governments to try and eliminate it. The main reason is that some people do benefit from its illegal aspect, and they will continue promoting it as long as they know that they stand to gain. It must be eliminated because it is responsible for a lot of vices in the society. Although sex workers have been legalized to work in countries like Netherlands, Greece, and even the state like Nevada of USA, prostitution should not be legalized because of its illegal counterparts, it represents the darkest attitudes of capitalism, and it promotes a degrading attitude towards women. Supporting Views According to the Netherlands, it was legalizing prostitution intending to reduce the crimes that surround it when it is illegal. They believed that by legalizing it, it would make it easy to control or reduce any illegal activities that take place as a result of having prostitution being illegal (Slavkovic 382). Unfortunately, this has not been…

Ways in which resilience is shown in the stories of young Marjane from Persepolis I and Harry Potter from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Introduction The two characters, Marjane and Harry Potter, provide evidence through their actions that they were resilient through the adversities that they faced. The self-confidence easily supports the resilient efforts that they showed in their efforts. The paper seeks to provide a comparison of how resilience is shown in the stories of young Marjane from Persepolis I and Harry Potter from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Persepolis I Summary Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, is an autobiography told of a young Iranian girl. Marjane tells the story of the girl as a child in the first part and as a young adult in the second part. The setting of the book is in Iraq, where the Iranian girl is born. From there, she goes to exile and returns home as a young adult. The life of the book spans the fall of the shah rules through to the establishment of a revolutionary regime that effectively replaces…

academic goals and non-academic goals One requires goals to be victorious in life more so academic goals. There are academic goals and others which are non-academic goals. Some of the academic goals are to overcome failures. Behind every individual’s life failure is the factor which makes someone to give up. Another academic goal is to read books. One can obtain knowledge from reading different publications as well as novels. The other academic goal is to Encourage oneself to take part in a group discussion or else class as well as extra-academic activities. One of the non-academic goals is when one Looks into the self-defence of ladies in class. The paper emphasizes on activity goals where there academic goals and non-academic goals. Smart goals are the best goals. Someone is set up to achievement by smart goals. One could be having problems in meeting his or her goals. Some goals can be too big to achieve. Other individuals set some goals which are at present impractical and end up failing — setting goals which one can achieve sets one up to…

Frankenstein’s monster by Mary Shelley Introduction Marry Shelley, in her story, use the element of multiple narratives in telling the story of Frankenstein’s monster. This tool is critical in the various understanding of the story that the reader developed on the themes of the novel. The novel, which is set in multiple locations and is told in the many different ways, promotes a full different perceptional understanding. The author, Shelley relies on the various narrative form which she employees in the novel to illustrate the distinct element of her story and to create a different relationship between the readers and the story of the monster. According to one who reads the story, the critical narrative is that Victor Frankenstein’s creature as one of the most famous monsters in literary history. This essay develops an understanding of how the various narrative works in the novel and how hearing the story from the multiple points alter the relationships of the audience with the story and its theme (Martin, 28). The novel has various narratives that it uses to inform the readers of…

Socrates V. Leo Tolstoy on the Meaning of Life Much of what philosophy stands for can be captured in Socrates’ proclamation that an “Unexamined life is not worth living”. Any thinker who has followed since Plato’s teacher can be judged, in part, by their fidelity to this simple yet powerfully compelling creed. Leo Tolstoy’s life can stand as the perfect exemplar of Socrates’ life-guiding principle. To do so, this paper shows that the seemingly contradictory mechanisms used in each of their searches for truth: Socrates running toward reason and Tolstoy away from it, are compatible approaches to examining life’s meaning. Tolstoy is not so much abandoning reason as he is transcending it, a difference that dissolves the seeming paradox. Socrates (469-399 B.C.) was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamentals of modern Western philosophy. He is known for creating Socratic irony and the Socratic Method (elenchus) (Famakinwa, 2012). He has had a profound influence on Western philosophy, along with his students Plato and Aristotle. It is also argued that Socrates believed “ideals belong in a world…

Science Based Fictional Movies Introduction Science fiction movies are films that uses imagined ideas based on science to depict an occurrence that is not approved by the primary stream science. Science fiction films are on most occasions, aimed to reflect on the political and social issues and as thoroughly investigate the physiological effects such as the condition of the humans. This work seeks to analyze four of these science fiction movies, which include: The Frankenstein, the day the earth stood still, the thing from the other planet, and the invasion of the body snatchers in that order. First, Frankenstein is a fictional science movie since 1931 directed by James whale and adapted by Peggy Webling.  According to the film, Frankenstein medical student in his teenage years and he is much interested in what makes life; like how do fruits come to exist on the trees, how do two sons of the same mother one become smart and upright while the other is very corrupt and criminal? His desire to explore makes him obsessed to a point he overwhelmed with the…

Fredrick Douglas and Harriet Jacobs Fredrick Douglas’s Narrative, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an         American slave, is by far the most critical one since he wants his audiences to think about more than just legal, political, and historical issues of freedom and slavery. Frederick Douglass, in his narrative, writes to prove his identity and to bring into attention his eloquent indictment of slavery to a broader audience.  On the same note, Harriet Ann Jacobs, in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, narratives about autobiography, where she writes about her life as a slave as well as how she got freedom together with her children. Jacobs has contributed significantly to the slave’s narrative genre by application of techniques of emotional novels in efforts to address gender and race issues. The author tries to explore the sexual abuse and struggles that female slaves experienced during the plantations and their efforts to exercise motherhood as well as protecting their children from being sold away. Both Jacobs and Douglas offer to give their autobiography where they narrate out of their…

Film Adaptation Analysis: Mildred Pierce (Film 1945) In the adaptation of a written text to a film, certain alterations are usually made to fit the new audience, platform, and literature requirements. However, these alterations ought not to interfere with the ultimate message; otherwise, the movie would not be an adaptation but a different literary work[1]. Basically, Novels, are usually long a wide range of events relative to movies. Thus adaptation usually entails contraction where the film director eliminates several aspects of the novel to fit the new time frame. The film Mildred Pierce of 1945, directed by Michael Curtiz, exhibits a distinct difference in character development, plot, among other aspects of literature relative to James Cain’s novel from which it was adapted from. Film in the 1940s not only focused on strict codes but similar to date had a strict consideration of the target audiences’ cultural and moral values. For a movie to sell, it ought to be relatable with the beliefs of the community at that particular time, and in a way, address pressing issues as well as avoid…

Tales of the City Tale of the City was the original book that gave birth to Tale of the city series. It was written by Armistead Maupin, an American novelist in 1970, initially in the San Francisco chronicles. Its set was an apartment complex at Barbary Lane,  which includes the landlady, Anna Madrigal. The book looks at the juxtaposition of various segments of life and society in New York. This novel explores American cultures and the complex relationship between sex and sexuality. At the time this novel was being written, sex and sexuality were not viewed at the same angle as we see today. Sexual diversity was there, of course, but not as open as it is now.  Maupin brought in a topic where people explored their sexuality without fear. During those times, the 1970s, it was challenging to come out and proclaim yourself as a gay or a lesbian or a bisexual. But Maupin, in what will become his signature for his novel and TV series, brought out the matter in a clear way – a way which everyone…

Mariah Carey  Biography Mariah Carey is an American show business star, singer, music producer, actress, songwriter, philanthropist. Childhood and youth Mariah was born in March 1970 in the family of engineer Alfred Roy Carey and opera singer Patricia Hickey. According to the zodiac sign Aries. Carey inherited vocal data from her mother, who also helped her daughter with her first vocal lessons. The marriage of the parents did not last long; already in 1973, the man left his wife and three children. Unambiguously determine the nationality of Carey will not work. The fact is that her father was a Venezuelan of African descent, and her mother was a third-generation American Irish. Mariah Carey in childhood After the divorce, Mariah’s mother forced to work on several jobs to make ends meet. Carey’s older brothers started earning money early, so the girl was often left to her own devices. Children’s loneliness influenced the character of the future singer. She skipped school, refused to do housework, disappeared with friends. After school, Mariah decided not to continue her studies. The girl went to New…

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