Fanaticism, Aspirer and Obsession Fanaticism involves irrational and irregular extreme belief on something or an excessive desire to achieve something. Those named fanatics demonstrate characters of close-mindedness, unstable stand, and obsessed. Taylor, Maxwell, and Helen (111) noted that most fanatics are aspirers of something they strongly believe in and desire to achieve whatever the circumstances. When aspiration gets extreme, people become obsessed and even loss of oneself. The theme of fanaticism, aspiration, and obsession permeates the short story by The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe, Half a life by V.S Naipaul and Boxers and Saints by Gene Luen Yang. Poe presents an unknown character possessed and obsessed by the portrait of a girl to the point that he forgets about his wife (Richards, 307). The anonymous character aspires to be a painter after seeing the painting, and he gets obsessed with his desire. Yang presents a protagonist Lee Bao who is possessed to revenge for his fellow villager’s death. Lee Boa becomes a leader of the boxer rebellion, a group with the aspiration to stop killing by the imperial…

Death of Jay Gatsby and Willy Loman Introduction Arthur Miller is the author of Death of a Salesman novel. It shows how Willy, the main character stops at nothing to accomplish, which he considers is the American dream despite the cost. However, since Willy was a stubborn person, he was not capable of realizing his American dream (Miller, pp. 140). The Great Gatsby is a story; the search of the American dream by F. S. Fitzgerald. However, both novels differ from each protagonist’s troubles. In the end, however, they consider some rapid, devastating, and irrational decisions owing to the unsatisfactory with the pursuit of their lives. The paper compares and contrasts both novels, in particular, the quest for the American dream of the character, respectively. There are varieties of things somebody can sacrifice in search of the American dream. That’s what the two novels reflect; the Great Gatsby and the Death of a Salesman. The two narratives demonstrate the extent of how the character goes to fulfill the American dream. As per them, it is a fundamental life that is…

Answer the following questions. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your point when appropriate.  Edward Said critiques Orientalism. What does he mean by this term? Why is it problematic from his point of view? Said describes Orientalism as the Western attitude that views Eastern culture as inferior, primitive, and exotic. He further elaborates it as the acceptance in the West of the “the basic distinction between East and West as the starting point for elaborate theories, epics, novels, social descriptions, and political accounts concerning the Orient, its people, customs, ‘mind,’ destiny and so on.” As pointed out by Said, one of the most problematic aspects of Orientalism is the belief that radical ontological differences that exist between the natures of the West and the East, to the advantage of the West. The belief is deeply rooted in the notion that western societies, mentalities, languages, and cultures are inherently and essentially superior to those of the Eastern world.  He further says that the essence of the Orientalism ideology is the distinction between Oriental inferiority and Western superiority, which can be…

Charles Dickens Biography Charles John Huffman Dickens was born in 1812 in England, Hampshire, and died fifty-eight years later at Gad’s Hill. He was the second born out of eight children to John and Elizabeth Dickens. The earliest critical moment of Charles Dickens’s life occurred at a tender age of twelve years. Charles Dicken’s father was facing financial issues at the time and, due to bankruptcy, had been imprisoned at Marshalsea prison. Charles was consequently withdrawn from school and had to work at a shoe polish warehouse to help the family. His experience at the warehouse left profound implications for both his psychological and social life. It was at this stage that he had firsthand experience with poverty, and he, as a result, grew to become one of the most influential voices in his age. He, however, went back to school a few months later after his father was released from prison. Charles Dickens began writing essays and short stories with his first short story being, A Dinner at Poplar Walk. This publishing also featured in a December edition of…

Journalism Courses To have the right information and news in society, the need for good journalists is inevitable. This course helps the aspirants to have a complete insight into the field and present the facts to the people from various segments. Due to increased demand of journalists, those who have completed this course are much in demand. Field of specialization Some of its specialized areas are Professional journalism Sports journalism Science journalism Investigative journalism New journalism Gonzo journalism Celebrity or people journalism Convergence journalism Ambush journalism Advocacy journalism Citizen journalism Social news Participatory media Community journalism Environmental journalism Fashion journalism Innovation journalism Online journalism Parachute journalism Service journalism Trade journalism Video journalism Enterprise journalism Content The study of this field includes some or all of these- Fundamental of journalism Media laws and Indian constitution Basic audio and visual media Introduction to advertising and public relations Objective The foremost aim of this course in journalism is that the performance of media should be up to the mark. They should perform better than the best in all respects. The media group are…

EDGAR ALLAN POE Introduction Nothing invokes the concept of the melancholy and disturbing quite like the name Edgar Allan Poe.  From 1827 to 1845 in Boston Massachusetts, Edgar Allan Poe published many short stories and poetry that would go on to influence American culture and inspire the entire genre of gothic mystery and horror literature with a refreshing intrigue not seen since. Overview of Poe and his life Early beginnings: Edgar Allan Poe was born in January 1809 to David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Poe who were both skilled characters. At the age of three, Poe and his elder brother and younger sister were consigned into different families to reside there after their father deserted and the consequent death of their mother. He went to Richmond in Virginia to the family of John and Frances Allan. Since the Allan’s were healthy, they treated him as their son, educated him in private institutions and even took him to England for a few years stay. In his pubescent years, Poe fell out with Allan who did not approve of his aspiration…

The Awakening Kate Chopin is renowned for writing novels that depict women and their struggles within a patriarchal-dominated society. The Awakening was highly controversial literature during its time and explored the conditions of women in marriage throughout the nineteenth century. In modern times, the text has been rediscovered and recognized as a crucial text that develops deeper insights into feminist issues. Women in the Awakening, including the protagonist-Edna, are exemplified as women who are incessantly in search of their identity. Edna is demonstrated as a woman who is uncomfortable performing “patriarchal” roles while facing a challenge of obtaining either of the other two roles. This essay focuses on how the women in Kate Chopin’s stories share a commonality: Most of them seem to be trapped in confining gender roles, yet they all find a way to challenge those roles or subvert them, while still keeping the role itself intact. In a bid to comprehend the woman’s social roles in Edna’s society and that of other female characters whom Chopin compares with, it is fundamental to understand the tenets within the…

A COFFEE TRUCK BUSINESS PLAN                                                                           EXECUTIVE SUMMARY   While doing the research about the coffee truck business, I used primary research; that is all I was able to research truck business alone. Most of the sources I relied on are documents, photography as well as reading novels that talk about coffee truck.have you collected your data? The main target of the business is the internal  market; my major customers will be people within our nation. Basically, I would target people within my country because if I give them the best service, they will be able to market my business hence making it easier for me when dayI also starts several businesses in another country.The 4ps of marketing of my business includes: Promotion, product, price, and place   Product, in my business products, is goods; coffee is the main product that is planning to be selling, it is a friendly product that is used when people are tired and when they want to be refreshed. It makes people be jovial and stay awake when you use it.   Pricing:…

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Psychoanalytic theory bases on individual personality where motivation comes from unseen forces which are controlled by the rational and conscious thoughts. This work is a critical analysis of Mark Twain’s book of adventures of huckleberry Finn which is showing all the controversies and contradictions during the era in which the text wrote. Twain’s life is so influential to the behavior and motivation of the characters in the novel. It is evident; the freedom portrays Huck, the protagonist, referring conformity to the culture of the society as a form of a pound. For instance, Huck preferred that he instead could rather live and sleep in the natural other than stay indoors, which was a constraint to him. Twain goes ahead and also expressed another loss of freedom in the idea of slavery. In this case, the author used Jim, a slave to Huck’s neighbor, Jim plays a significant role in the novel as a conflicting ideal in that era. Twain, however, intends to highlight the situation by emphasizing Jim’s painful experiences of slavery. Clemens’s work as a…

Book Review on the Book Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn’t Have) by Sarah Mlynoski Introduction Young people get to learn from the events which occurred in this exciting book, which is written specifically for teens. The title of the book is Ten Things We Did (and Probably Shouldn’t Have). It was written by Sarah Mlynoksi, a writer of teen novels in the United States, New York City. The primary characters of the novel are April Vi, Jake, Suzanne, and Noah. The book is a fiction that shows how young people can misuse freedom whenever they get it. The theme which manifests itself in this book is the dangers of absent parenting. April lived without her biological mother after they moved to Paris with her stepfather and her brother. April’s mother, who had an affair, left to Paris, leaving her with the father who got married to a new wife. Mothers play a more significant role in the life of a child; April was always careful when her mother was still living with them. She never arrives home past…

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