The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today In 1873 Mark Twain and Charles Dudley wrote a book named “ The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. Gilding is a process of coating cheap metals with a thin layer of gold. The terms gilded Age defines the time between the twentieth century. The period was marked by significant technological, industrial growth, which resulted in the social and political transformation with industries rising from the small based enterprises and small-scale factories of the previous 1820s. The Gilded Age was a period from the late 1800s through the early 1900s. The name of this period was typically provided by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner in their book The Gilded Age: A Tale of today, which adequately expresses this time using two stories. One a Tennessee family was attempting to sell undeveloped land and the other of two upper-class business people. This book sufficiently addresses the advantages and disadvantages of living in this Age. Those who are rich and plentiful, and those who are dirt poor. Convincingly demonstrating the struggle people went through to live in this era. The employees during this period were conservative capitalists, typically attempting to make as much money as possible. However, they did this at the expense of the poos who got even poorer as this occurred. During the gilded ages, the overall wealth distribution was much divided, typically separating the rich from the poor more than ever. Additionally, there was an unhealthy competition. As…

Book review of gifted hands by Dr. Ben Carson The book, ‘Think Big’ by Ben Carson is a very interesting book to was written by Dr. Ben Carson in 1997, and millions of people around the globe have read it.  It is one of the most excellent books I have ever read. Right from the beginning, one can depict that it is not an ordinary book. The title is attractive and leaves the reader wanting to know more about how his/her hands are gifted. What is most impressive with the book is that it is not a fiction story. The book narrates how the author, Ben Carson, navigates through his journey to success. The book is a motivational and inspirational book. The book narrates the life of Caron. He comes up from a family where her mother and father are divorced when he is still young. Together with his brother, they are brought up by his mother single-handed. Carson has seen it all. From ghetto and being humiliated by his classmates because of his performance, he ends up becoming…

analyzing the Haitian life comparatively Haiti is an island in Hispaniola. It was once a sanctuary for most people. During the olden days, slaves were imported from Africa and brought to work in the fields in Haiti. The slave trade was put to an end after the first revolts by slaves. Haiti gained its independence later. Unfortunately, the leaders who took over the leadership of the country impacted misery and suffering to the people. The sufferings undergone by Haitians have been well described in works of art by Danticat and Krik Krak.  The use of literature as a reflection of society’s woes was very effective. The two writers narrate how Haitians life have been influenced; they also note how some leaders have used religion as a political tool for manipulation. Haiti has suffered a lot, and most people have been fleeing away to the United States. This paper focuses on analyzing the Haitian life comparatively. The first novel by Danticat is narrated by a Haitian girl who had a similar history with hers. Her name was Sophie, and she was…

Narrated Monologue in Jane Austen’s Emma             A novel is a form of a narrative written in a fiction way with some reality in it to entertain people. While writing a novel, certain voices are used. The voice refers to the style used by authors to make their work quality and unique as well as display their attitude, personality, and character. Rachel Oberman is an author who narrates monologue in Jane Austen’s Emma in her article illustrating the importance of identifying the voice used in narration. Rachel Oberman refers to the Emma as a novel written in third-person technique making it difficult for the reader to determine whether the voice heard in the novel belongs to the narrator or a character in the novel. The article shows how lack of understanding of the difference between the narrator’s and character’s voices leads to a misinterpretation of the literature in the novel. Understanding who is speaking is essential in understanding the flow of the story in a novel. The article reveals that false understanding between author and character leads to. misinterpretation of…

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