Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “I, being born a woman and distressed” or George Elliott Clarke’s “Blank Sonnet.” In this assignment, you will practice your critical reading skills. This assignment is designed to guide you through the steps of analysis and argument. You will be analyzing either Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “I, being born a woman and distressed” or George Elliott Clarke’s “Blank Sonnet.” Because this is a structured response, be sure that your essay is structured as follows: Begin with a brief paragraph introducing the text you are discussing and the general topic of your essay. End this paragraph with a thesis statement that makes an argument about the meaning of the poem and the reason for the use of the sonnet form. Write a paragraph or two to present your close reading of the poem. You are expected to work very closely with the primary text, offering specific examples from the text and clearly articulated readings and interpretations of those examples. Consider any elements of the poem you think contribute to the creation of the poem’s…
Alterations in cellular processes The disease suggested by the case study is streptococcal pharyngitis, which is primarily an infection of the back of the throat. Clinical research shows that genetics often play a role in the disease’s pathogenesis. The disease is a multifactorial disorder. McCance and Huether (2019) define a multifactorial disorder as a disease resulting when small variations in genes interact with the environmental factors to produce severe defects. This is the nature of streptococcal pharyngitis. According to Ibrahim, Eisen, Jospin, Coil, Khazen, and Tokajian (2016) when variations in emm28 strains occur, and it follows that a person is exposed to environmental pollutants including occupational and hazardous irritants, streptococcal pharyngitis is more likely to develop. McCance and Huether (2019) document that multifactorial disorders cluster in families. The boy described in the case study is presenting with a series of specific symptoms. These include a sore throat that has lasted for three days, a pulse of 78 and regular with respirations of 18, and a temperature of 99.6F. Besides this, the physical examination shows that the client has reddened posterior…
Psychology: Human Behaviour Literature Review Marking Criteria Selection of appropriate scholarly sources To score well on this criterion you need to include appropriate scholarly sources (see lecture and tutorial notes for what is deemed ‘appropriate’) that are relevant to the research topic. Title and Abstract Unsatisfactory Needs Meets Exceeds Outstanding Improvement Expectations Expectations Scholarship The title is absent The title is present The title is present The title is present The title is clear and or irrelevant but simply repeats but does not and is a clear concise, about 10-‐ or rewords the clearly summarise attempt to 12 words long, literature review the main theme of summarise the summarises the question the literature main theme of the main theme of the review literature review. It literature review, may be too long including reference (more than 12 to key concepts. words), or miss key concepts. ❏ 0 ❏ 0.5 ❏ 1 ❏ 1.5 ❏ 2 The abstract is An attempt has An attempt has A good attempt A clear attempt has absent or been made to been made to…
Research Paper Project: General Guidelines and Sources (130 total points) GENERAL DESCRIPTION Research paper with a maximum length of 6 pages (not including Works Cited page (required), any appendices (not required), and/or cover page (not required)). Consists of five parts: Completion of LMC (academic research) LMC Tutorial (10 points) Topic Proposal (0 points) Oral Presentation (20 points) Written Presentation (50 points) and Final Draft of the completed paper (50 points) For additional details, please refer to the information below, as well as other course documents. GENERAL FORMAT Name, class, and date must appear at the top of the first page of the document.[unique_solution] APA format for all bibliographic information, including: (1) Part IV of your Presentation assignment (not Parts I-‐III, where references are not required), (2) in-‐text citations in the final draft only, and (3) the Works Cited page of your final draft. APA format is not required in any other way(s) in your submission (e.g., margins; cover page, if any; etc.). The Final Draft requires a minimum of 10…
Greek or Roman Humanities Greek humanities refer to the study of Greek cultural practices such as sculpture, poetry, music clothing, and jewelry. The cultural traditions emerged from the humanitarians who fought for the rights of Greek people during the Roman invasion period. Pericles was among the significant historical people who are known for being the most influential Athens statesman. Despite being Athens statesman, he had other roles like being a leader, a military and an orator. Through his evident roles in serving Athens, he happened to be the most influential person to them. Pericles used his assigned tasks to influence the Athens people by promoting artistry and literature making Athens to be identified for having good educational and cultural backgrounds. Pericles had great political leadership skills. He served as a Democratic Party leader before becoming Athens ruler. In his leadership, he emphasized on democracy (Perry, 242). Pericles was voted in as a leader by the people. He was such an influential leader because he got elected at a period when democracy was not observed. However, his intentions and efforts to…
The Kite Runner and How to Read Literature Like a Professor In order to give all of our students a proper head start in their classes, each student will be required to complete a pre-course reading assignment prior to the start of their English class next year. English teachers will begin the semester with lessons and assessments based on the assigned pre-course reading. Each student must complete a dialectical journal (instructions below) and will take a test over their reading during the first two weeks of the semester. Pre-course assignments are as follows: World Literature: Chinese Cinderella: The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter by Adeline Yen Mah (on-line copy available). Assignment: Dialectical Journal (to be submitted to turnitin.com). Honor’s World Literature: The Kite Runner and How to Read Literature Like a Professor The Kite Runner o Complete a Major Works Data Sheet and submit to turnitin.com by deadline established. How to Read Literature Like a Professor – Chapters 1, 4, 6 and 10. Assignments Chapter One – “Every Trip is a Quest” :…
Explain how the characters in the Do the Right Thing are representative of ″Reagan′s America?″ Explain how the characters in the Do the Right Thing are representative of ″Reagan′s America?″ Consider how Wolfe′s Bonfire of the Vanities and Lee′s film Do the Right Thing are about a decade of decline rather than a decade popularly perceived as a decade of decadence. Students should at this point be making reference to assigned readings to further their analysis. 500 word minimum In text citations required / works cited page as well. (Choose a citation format ex. MLA, APA, Chicago… but remain consistent) http://www.easybib.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.[unique_solution] Explain how the characters in the Do the Right Thing are representative of ″Reagan′s America?″ Consider how Wolfe′s Bonfire of the Vanities and Lee′s film Do the Right Thing are about a decade of decline rather than a decade popularly perceived as a decade of decadence. Students should at this point be making reference to assigned readings to further their analysis. 500 word minimum In text citations required / works cited page…
endangered species in the state of washington the endangered species document is the requirements for the assignment, please look it carefully. the template to use document is the format. total should find four endangered species. each endangered species should have one template to use. the format should be one photo of species and one template to that species. please put in one word document together. eg: one photo of this endangered species, and one endangered species template to use. total are four. the sources need to be APA format. do not just copy word from internet, which will cause plagiarize. the endangered species document is the requirements for the assignment, please look it carefully. the template to use document is the format.[unique_solution] total should find four endangered species. each endangered species should have one template to use. the format should be one photo of species and one template to that species. please put in one word document together. eg: one photo of this endangered species, and one endangered species template to use. total are four. the sources need to be…
Mirabai – a Feminist Heroine? Mirabai is regarded as a staunch devotee, at least in the post-independents Bharatiya process of evolution and stood against the prevailing social vices. As a pure devotee, she was not limited to the occult search of any spiritual path or performing rites and following ritualism. Also, through her poem, she challenged the dominant conical traditions and sought for liberation. The immersion in divine gives her the courage and strength to pose a challenge to the established norm of the society. It essential to note that the young girls and women could look up to a value of Mirabai as she served as a role model. Mirabai stood for what she believed was right and dared to challenge the norms of the society, which was very outstanding in that era. Also, she used her poetry to advocate against traditions that oppressed women. Meera is considered as an embodiment of the furious soul of reverential defiance for her levels. Her verse conveyed more weight inferable from the distinguished foundation and the incredible position she held regardless of…
diverse literature genres The world of English and English Literature were introduced to me at a very young age. I could spend days wrapped up in a world existing in between the pages of a book that provided me a fresh and creative outlook and developed my ability to read the sentences with a broader sense of details thus building my intuitions and expanding my mind. With the passage of years, my appetite for English grew too. I began to understand the historical significance of literature and how, through books and literature, one can genuinely travel through time to places that once were. Reading diverse literature genres helped me make sense of the world and learn, understand, and appreciate the beliefs of other people. Until a couple of years ago, I was trapped in a world of numbers and figures, science and maths, losing touch with literature, the world of creativity. However, my aesthetic attraction and deep-seated fascination towards literature emboldened me to make a sharp u-turn back to my home ground. I joined IBC media as a financial…