Philoctetes Essay 2, on Philoctetes, which students attending last night have already begun, will be in response to the prompt-question that I wrote on the board last: IS the ″deus ex machina″ at the end of Sophocles′ Philoctetes consistent with the play up to that point? That is, do we A) judge this move (the deus ex machina–god from the machine) as a cheap, ″god-saves-the-day″ device used to force a happy ending (and conformity to the Greek mythology) upon the play, OR have we, B) as the three articles or essays in the 4/27 handout have argued (in their different ways), been PREPARED, somehow, in the events, acts and emotions leading up to that moment, for Heracles′ ″miraculous″ appearance and Philoctetes′ (seemingly sudden) change of mind? [That is the basic prompt for the paper; below is HOW you are to go about responding to the prompt and writing the paper:] [unique_solution]1. Represent (with accuracy but in summary–probably in 2-3 paragraphs) some version of the (B) argument as argued by one, or two, or all three of the authors in the…

relationship between religion and two of the following themes: gender, race, sexuality, politics, environment, health For this essay, you are to explore the relationship between religion and two of the following themes: gender, race, sexuality, politics, environment, health. The ultimate question you′re answering is: why is religion relevant to any two of the above themes; or how does religion shape or influence, or is shaped/influenced by, these two themes. All your examples and data must be from the United States, not from another country. You must choose one religion; sect or denomination doesn’t matter. SOURCES: You must cite at least 3 sources. Your sources must be scholarly and reliable, not random facts or articles from the internet. The people you cite must be experts on, or otherwise have the credentials to talk about, the issues you′re citing them for.[unique_solution] You may use only ONE news report (and it does not count towards the 3 required scholarly sources) if you cannot find evidence for a certain statement or claim in any scholarly readings. CITATIONS: You can use any citation style that…

Richard Wright Richard Wright was an African-American writer who focused on writing novels, plays and memoirs. Wrights works were mainly based on the desire to empower the blacks and started his writing career primarily in the US. The book, “Native Son” in 1940 was a breakthrough in Wright’s career, and he later grew to become a widely celebrated writer in the world. Wright’s works were inspired by the life he had in America, and he then had to relocate to Europe citing the extreme racism that forced him out of America. Richard Wright began his career shortly before the start of the Second World War, which the US was significantly involved and his first novel had already become a bestseller making him the wealthiest African-American writer of his era. Richard Wright was concerned in writing about the racial discrimination that was being aimed at the African-Americans from the late 19th to the mid 20th century with his major theme being Racism and violence against the black Americans both in the south and north. The early life of Richard Wright played…

Theme: to laugh or not to laugh  The notion of whether to laugh or not or not always challenges many There are always two cases To laugh with or laugh at somebody Sometimes there is a deep confusion of the two cases Somebody might perceive the two differently Thus, one should be careful when choosing when to laugh Varied emotions are sparked To laugh at someone Is an expression of ominous nature? It tends to invoke feelings of humiliation and dishonour To laugh with someone is an indication of understanding and happiness To laugh is the choice of the beholder And it is like a plague, hard to control But controllable when given a second thought Does the way we laugh determine our true nature? As to choose is to know one true nature. Laughter can create, haunt or destroy It is rather confusing Whether to laugh or not While the cognitive awareness pushes both direction To understand when to laugh We should understand feelings As they are linked to pain and happiness And both determine human reactions   Thesis…

 Common themes in Mahô no chôku and Suna no Onna   Struggle for freedom The story of women in Dune is an exploration in the desert in Tokyo, Niki misses the bust to the city where a widow accommodates him at the sand pit. We can see that the following day he could not be able to exit from the bottom of the sand pit since the rope he could use had been removed by the villagers. Then he has to struggle for freedom to come with resolutions concerning his destiny. In the magic chalk, we can see the poor artist who lived in the small empty room. He had nothing to eat and looked weak and pale. The film shows man’s confrontation with life and freedom in nature. It affirms the work of sarte or Bunuel. Nick represents modern men and also appears as a Japanese who has adopted the way of the western. Argon had the same character and took the dressing of the west code, and he is also living in the city where everyone has adopted…

post-apocalyptic America Learning Paper It is the year 3020 in post-apocalyptic America where the ancient rules of the past (aka, the 21st century) no longer apply. Nonetheless, there is still school, still classes, and still expectations that you arrive on time. You are a student who regularly arrives on time for your English class and you watch as a large number of students continually arrive late for the class. It becomes clear that the English professor is bothered by their behavior. You decide to use the information that you have learned in your Psychology class to help your professor out by advising him or her about ways to reduce tardiness. You decide to write a formal paper outlining the most effective methods for enforcing and maintaining student behaviors. Remember, your English professor will not know anything about operant conditioning, so it is your responsibility to teach them. You want to impress your professor with your creative writing, so you decide to come up with the craziest, funniest, and most outlandish suggestions.[unique_solution] Anything you teach your English professor should be cited,…

History of Canadian confederation Introduction Written by Christopher Moore, the Tree Weeks in Quebec City is a graceful land an entertaining book for any Canadian person who has concerns about our country’s democracy. The  book talks about long meetings which ends with genuine tension. Moore begins his story in 1864 with British north America comprising of colonies that are poor and are poorly administered including Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. These colonies were united in a forced marriage of the now southern portion of Ontario and Quebec. A conference by the name Charlottetown had taken place in whereby delegates agreed to come together and see the formation of a federal state. the thirty-three men how had assembled in Quebec had a goal of forging a constitutional framework following their improbable and bold idea[1]. Representatives from five provincial legislatures had come to the city of Quebec to pertheuse unity of all the provinces of the British colonies in the North America. The American civil war was taking place and this encouraged the small provinces that were barely…

LITERATURE REVIEW PLAN Introduction of chosen public health issue (Identify a public health issue not about evaluating quality of care but about preventing health, illness, disease and promoting positive health and well-being) Include why it is a public health issue, why particularly to your group, what is the impact on people, communities, NHS, Cost etc. Relevant to the field of nursing (doesn’t have to be about your field of nursing or exclusive to your field)   Methodology: literature search engines used Key terms used in search Inclusion / exclusion criteria Search conclusion and how you reduced this Short Analysis of literature breaking down the two/ three themes that you are going to explore Tables of literature (10 articles) – title/ method of research/ key findings. This can be sections into your themes if this helps. Thematic analysis of the literature in the two or three themes that you have identified Practice improvement ideas – what does the literature suggest would improve the outcome[unique_solution]   Example: Obesity in adults with Learning disabilities Key search terms -Obesity, learning disabilities, life style Inclusion/…

the wall-mounted shelf designs The uniqueness of a house can be brought live when you fill the house with inspiring decors. In the list of home decors, the wall-mounted shelf designs rank to be eye-catching ornamentation to the house. When you try to utilize the space for adornment, and you do not want to compromise on the interior décor of shelves, then wall shelves should be your first choice of furniture. Wooden Street brings you a fantastic antique collection of wall shelf designs ideas in front of you by just a click. The designs presented by Wooden street are quite exclusive that you will have several choices to go through as per your needs. From the list, below are 5 top-selling compilation of wall shelf designs offered by Wooden Street. Taris Wall Shelf Are you a person of books and design? Then your choice should be ‘Taris Wall shelf’ model with exclusively designed shelves. Shiny finish of this model is termed as ‘Honey finish’ due to its smooth touch of finish, and the shelf made of ‘Sheesham Wood’ which is…

THE SKIN I′M IN The assignment is to write a thoughtful essay of 1500 or more words that analyzes the meaning (theme) of one of the novels we are working with in our class. The methods of analysis that we are using are taken directly from our lectures (Analysis, Reading Analytically, etc.). Goals of this essay: • Demonstrate an understanding of analysis and of writing an analytical essay.There are a number of resources within our class to assist you with this concept. Please do not to turn in a plot summary! • Write a unified essay with an assertive thesis in one sentence • Use relevant quotes from the story (at least two) to support your interpretations. • Integrate research (at least two scholarly sources) to develop your interpretations using MLA format. A note on content: In writing an essay that analyzes how elements of fiction convey theme in a novel, use at least these essential elements of fiction: setting, characters, plot (including conflict and resolution), theme and personal appeal. Other elements that may be useful but may be difficult…

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