Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Marxism criticism of “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner.” Marxism criticism, which is based on philosopher Karl Marx’s writings, attempts to connect literature and the underlying social conditions that literary works were produced. “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” is a literary work that shows how the capitalist state exploits the soldier. Randall Jarrell was born around 1914 in Nashville, Tennessee. He studied for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Vanderbilt University. Jarrell was considered as one of the most feared and astute poetry critic, peerless literary essayist, and poet of his generation. His reputation as a poet began after publishing the book, Little Friend, Little Friend while still serving as a soldier. “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner,” which is written in the first person, is a reflection of a soldier’s treatment in the military (“Jarrell Randall,” 60). “From my mother’s sleep I fell into the State” (1), the author narrates how as a child existing in the capitalist system, he transitioned from the security and safety of his mother…
What is Journalism Journalism is the practice of collecting and presenting factual information. This information used to make a document for archival purposes and to transmit a narrative. This is sometimes electronic, by print, broadcast, photography, or via media. Evolution of Journalism: Seek the facts Journalism spans history. Once the printing press created in Germany, it took off in the 1600s, however. Periodicals and papers started to flood the roads, beginning to keep the public educated on the events, soon after. Political pamphlets distributed, leading to printed in 1655. This was known as the Oxford Gazette, and it occupied the qualifications needed in a newspaper all. The Late 1600s From the 1600s, people started to question the lines of media freedom. The laws which were before the Stamp Act of 1712 in place were people who averted treason, reporting slander that is rebellious and Parliamentary activities. Journalists were wary of publishing any material which spoke until acts against the authorities that freedom of the media put into place. Once journalism started to grow and become a profession, it…
Literature Review on organizational behavior Introduction Organizational behavior is how people carry themselves in an organizational setting. The study is concerned with both individual and group activities within an organization. It seeks to understand, predict, and control human behavior within an organizational setting. The human behavior is essential for any given organization because it impacts on the organization’s structure, performance, motivation, and leadership. These behaviors are influenced by the person’s experience and associated disciplines such as sociology, economics, and psychology, among other factors. The studies of organizational behavior can be traced way back to the evolution of industrialization and the work of the sociologists Max Weber. The industrial revolution led to tremendous culture and social change, which informs the new forms of organization. In his analysis of the modern organizational form sociologists, Max Weber believes that bureaucracy is the ideal type of organization due to its believe in the principles of rational-legal process and maximization of technical efficiency. However, the organization study behavior was not formed as an academic discipline until the 1890s, as a result of the arrival of…
Chief Complaint (CC): Patient feels tired, and her hair keeps falling out History of Present Illness (HPI): A 32-year-old female, Chantal, checks in the facility complaining that she feels bored, and her hair falls out. In the past year, she gained 30 pounds but recorded her reduced appetite. She indicates sleep difficulties as she often feels cold on ROS. The patient is vibrant as she keeps up with her hobbies, though not aware, she is depressed. Medications: Currently, the patient takes the following medications Dexedrine 5 mg take after 8 hours for three days. The drug is either a prescription or an over-the-counter (RX/OTC). Lunesta oral 1mg, which helps her in improving her sleeping habits. She has taken the medication for almost a month. The drug may be RX/OTC. 300 mg Ibuprofen tablets for the last 48 hours. She takes medicine to relieve her pain. The medication is over-the-counter. Lorcaserin hydrochloride tablets 10 mg BID orally. She has been taking the drug for one month, intending to lower her weight. The medicine is OTC. Allergies: The patient is allergic to…
different mindset portrayed by the authors within their timeframe At a young age, my grandmother was diagnosed with dementia. Her condition drew me closer to studying and understanding the relationship between the mind and behavior we exhibit as humans. As her condition worsened, her behavior became unpredictable. I began to question the role of the brain in controlling one`s behavior and actions. My growing interest led me to undertake online classes in psychology and biology. I was intrigued by why humans behaved so differently, and I was curious to understand the theories behind all that. Does the brain solely control our behavior? Or does the environment also play a part in determining our behavior? On the other hand, I`m also fascinated by classic or dystopian novels that challenge my perception of psychology and human behavior. I easily get lost in the world of books as they help me explore a different mindset portrayed by the authors within their timeframe. Within psychology, I got more interested in psychopathology, a study of the manifestation of extreme behaviors that are indicative of mental…
Name Course Instructor Date Name Course Instructor Date Objective Violence Slavoj Žižek is a renowned political theorist and sociologist who has authored many books on the subject. One of the most critical publications authored by Zizek is Violence, which was authored in 2008. This paper discusses violence as a significant theme in the book. It is essential to understand global violence and the way through which it occurs in the world, especially concerning interests in the economy. Subjective violence is violence that is caused by a distinctly recognized agent of action as in the incidences of terrorism. On the other hand, objective violence is violence that has no distinct agent and can only be discounted in the context of the outbreaks of subjective violence, as in the case of outbreak of global poverty or pandemic like COVID-19. Objective violence cannot be blamed on a specific agent, and even if global medical elites were to be recognized as responsible, they would still be acquitted. In his work, Zizek gives us an insight into philosophical discussions about the contemporary world. One of…
field of psychology People experience different fascinations; mine questions how the human mind functions. We all have had experiences that relate to one or more fields of psychology, and we never even realized all that. As a child, I never questioned the impact my traumatic experiences would have on my mental ability and processes. With an increasing interest in exploring the human mind, I strived to understand how the field plays a direct role in explaining my life experiences and those of others. I desire to expand my knowledge and experience within the field of psychology by advancing my education level. Unable to attend physical classes due to family complications, I`m currently undertaking online courses in Psychology, Biology, and English lit. The setback never stopped me from pursuing my dream. Further, I also work for a sales and marketing company to support myself as well as my studies. Within the company, I have worked extra hard in making face-to-face sales, progressing quickly through the company ranks. At the moment, the company has entrusted me to train and interview people on…
Critique: Hypothesis on Nationalism and War Literature Description of the Work In the article “Hypothesis on nationalism and war literature,” Stephen van Evera produces nine main hypotheses and 12 sub-hypotheses to demonstrate the impact of various types of nationalism that can cause war. Evera classified these hypotheses in terms of remote and proximate causes of wars. However, the author acknowledges that these hypotheses need to be validated empirically to ensure they are used for empirical inquiry. The author also argues that the impacts of nationalism are variables that affect how different aspects of nationalism can cause war because they are dangerous under certain circumstances. In that regard, the central purpose of the article is to spin out valid hypotheses (Van Evera, 1994). Evera also predicts how nationalism will pose the risk of war by using different examples such as Eastern and Western Europe. In this paper, the chief focus is to critique the article by evaluating the methodology used by the author to support his hypotheses on how nationalism can cause war. Besides, the critique will also evaluate the organization…
The Hard Truth of Diabetes Type 1 You Should Know Ask anyone living with diabetes type 1 what they have to go through daily to manage the disease. You will be surprised by what you find out in the timetable and the schedules in the life of diabetes type 1 patient. Even though the strict processes of managing the disease can be overwhelming and stressful, it has positive results. You can live a long healthy life. You can do anything and go anywhere. The procedures for managing diabetes type 1 include: Regular monitoring blood sugar Maintaining a healthy diet Maintaining a healthy lifestyle Regular exercises Proper insulin administration. Your body uses insulin hormone to absorb glucose (sugar). The glucose then enters into the cells to provide them with energy and to store the excess. Your pancreas is the organ that has insulin-producing cells called beta cells. Some factors, such as hormonal changes, autoimmune effects, viruses, genetics, can interfere with insulin production leading to type 1 diabetes. The condition causes sugar in the blood beyond the required average level. The average…
Madness is a central theme in Edgar Ellen Poe’s two famous stories, “Eleonora” Madness is a central theme in Edgar Ellen Poe’s two famous stories, “Eleonora” and the “The Tell-Tale Heart.” Poe derives inspiration for this theme from past struggles with depression and madness. “Eleonara” by Edgar Ellen Poe creatively uses the theme of madness to address the internal conflicts affecting the narrator. The narrator’s insanity spams from the psychological problem he is experiencing, having to deal with the grief of losing his first love, Eleonora. He is also confused and conflicted between the ideas of moving on with another prospective lover, Ermengarde, or remain faithful to promise he gave Eleonora. The narrative beginning with the narrator confessing and attempting to justify his madness. He questions, “Whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence,” This implies that narrators, to some extent, believe that madness may be the highest form of intelligence. Therefore, the narrator’s madness may be metaphorical to his heightened emotional state of mind as a result of his grief. “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Ellen Poe explores…