Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe is one of the oldest novels in the history of literature. Written in the year 1719, the book depicts various moral themes by the author Daniel Defoe. The story talks about a young man who goes against the wishes of his parents and heads to the direction of the seas to seek adventure. According to the novel analysis, the young man lived on an island for approximately 28 years. Crusoe is the narrator of the novel. The book, Robinson Crusoe depicts various themes that the author uses to moralize his own life. As the audience, we can also learn a lot from these themes and even be able to moralize our own life. The book, in other words, provides a story that many young people can learn from in their own adulthood life (Rogers, Pat, n.d. 2014). One of the themes that are depicted in the book is the theme of Christianity. The author depicts an aspect of Christianity throughout the story. Hence this literature analysis seeks to analyses how the narrator moralizes his own life…
Anthropological Theory During the initial years of anthropology, the current perception of anthropologists and the other existing scholars was that culture evolves or develops progressively and uniformly. Evolutionists built upon the success that Charles Darwin presented by his theory of evolution, but they did not draw inspiration from the central contribution of this idea of natural selection(Long & Chakvow). Instead, they opted to track how culture develops with time. In the same way, it is thought that species evolve into complex forms, cultures were also thought to increase progressively from simple states to complex states(Ingold, 2016). Previously, many scholars thought that most of the societies have the same series of stages that they pass through to arrive where they are today(Enke, 2018). It was thought that change principally originated from the culture and therefore development was determined internally. One of the theories in anthropology that explains the existence of culture exhaustively is social evolution, which is addressed in the foregoing paragraphs. Since the enlightenment, people accepted the evolutionary progression of societies. Both Scottish and French moral and social philosophers…
Themes of Development Child development has always been a key concept for scholars. Studies have been conducted and papers written on the conclusions of how a child’s development influences the future of a kid when he is grown. From birth to a full-grown adult takes stages that are full of interaction with caregivers and other children and adults. This interaction shapes the life of a child and determines the character of the child. There have been many reasons or themes for child development studies. Many have studied childhood development to better understand themselves and how their childhood has influenced their adulthood. Some studies have also indicated how development has been influenced by the environment they have grown up in and the hereditary characteristics from their parents. As these studies look more interesting, the more exciting study reveal has been that children influence their development. The most interesting themes shown by studies is that development in the very many domains that differ are all connected. This paper will help us understand these themes in the lives of children and how they…
Analysis poetry and how is it related to Present In the poem ‘America,’ Claude McKay describes his feelings towards America. Despite the difficulties that America thrusts his way, Claude reluctantly loves his new home. Even though the Country seems to suck the life out of him as well as hating him, he loves America as it plunges itself towards a particular death. Hate and love are the two core profound emotions that an individual might experience during his or her lifetime on Earth. The two emotions are incredibly different because of being polar opposites, but genuinely, they result in various haunting similarities. Also, both emotions might drive a woman or a man to behavioral extremes. Many people have been oppressed, tortured, and even killed in hate and love. In the poem, these emotions have been expressed fully of frustrating duality as well as extremely strong relations about society. The vigor of America has flown into Claud’s blood, strengthening him towards opposing her own hate in order to fight for and against him. The theme of the poem is to fight…
PSY 300 Topic Proposal and Literature Review Worksheet This worksheet will help you complete Milestone One of the final project. Using the feedback received from your instructor and classmates in Module One, describe your chosen topic in the box below. Many individuals seek oral care yearly and many have had bad and painful experiences. This has resulted in many of the patients developing anxiety while going to the dentist; dental anxiety. They fear injection, pain, fear of loss of control while being treated, among others. I want to discuss ways that will ensure that going to the dentist is less stressful for the patient. Reference One Cite reference in APA style. Talo et al. (2017). Is there a relation between dental anxiety, fear, and general psychological status? PeerJ, 5: 2978, What claims do the authors of the study make about the influence of the brain and nervous system on human behavior? The claims that the author makes in oral health are that if patients have anxiety disorders such as dental anxiety or even depression, they would…
Public Awareness toward Palliative Care: Integrative Literature Review. Introduction. Hospice care is the kind of medical treatment given to an individual experiencing their final stages of a terminal incident. This treatment is often accorded to individuals who are most likely to die in six months and are usually meant to give them psychological support and care during that trying phase of their illness. The program includes close observation of the patient and is usually most recommended among families with gravely ill individuals but the family wants to continue with the patient’s treatment. Hospice care ensures that the ill patient gets to spend as much time as possible being alive especially due to the close attention paid to them by the medical experts. However, not many individuals know about hospice care as will be highlighted below. This literate review highlights previous scholarly thoughts on public awareness about this medical treatment in society. Public Awareness toward Palliative Care: Integrative Literature Review. This review highlights the public awareness levels and attitudes towards hospice care. There were various methodologies used in the research. Cross-sectional…
Experimental Films This week we had the chance to look into experimental films which are also known as avant-garde cinema. Experimental films are films that do not follow the conventional modes of cinema and employ non-narrative ways and traditional methods of working. Over the years, these types of films have been used by directors to convey different challenges that society faces. Experimental films played a role in highlighting some of the problems that face society, such as an increase in gender inequality as well as racial segregation in America during the post-war period. Therefore, this week we have been able to explore how experimental films have evolved over the years as well as their importance. Chapter 8, Challenging Form: Experimental and New Media, focuses on experimental films and how experimental films have evolved over the years and how it has influenced the media industry. The article follows how experimental films have had an impact on different aspects of the film, such as sound, visuals, and even social and political matters affecting the world. The article shows how experimental films…
Show Dark The Netflix science fiction series Dark requires concentration among viewers to be intense to watch and to understand what goes on. It is more than just viewers who cannot speak German or understand what the show’s characters are saying, putting down their phones to read and follow the subtitles. The German-language series requires viewers’ concentration to avoid missing small details, hidden meanings, and things amidst all of the show’s mind-boggling insanity and meticulous plots. The series, whose premise about the small town of Winden, Germany, follows several families and primary characters finding their way through the secrets they harbor that span generations, among them the abduction and murder of young boys. It is a show whose plot includes many time travels, which, together with allusions to pop culture, music, history, and, as covered in this paper, mythology, and folklore, help viewers keep up with the storylines, genealogies, and concepts of time. The significant symbolism and subtle references to mythology and folklore in the series one of Dark add to the meaning of the tragedy in it. There…
The essay will be a bio-critical, evaluative review of an author The essay must be minimum 1000 words (3-4 pages) and organized and prepared as follows: Introduction, stating your topic and reason for reviewing this chosen author Body paragraphs (3-4) a summary of the author′s personal life and literary life (who they are as a writer) a discussion of the author′s style, which may include how they use genre, language, symbolic meaning, and how they draw from their particular social/historical context, and what their impact was on the literary period a discussion of three of the author′s major works and themes Conclusion, stating your ultimate, informed and supported review of the author′s work. Citation and MLA format: Secondary sources are integrated through paraphrase or quotation. Sources are correctly cited both in-text and on the separate Works Cited page. Sources are appropriately used to support your statements and ideas. Do not let them speak for you; do not rely too heavily on other people′s words. [unique_solution]Writing and Style: Sentence structure is syntactically correct. Standard conventions of spelling, punctuation, grammar, and mechanics…
Stylistic analysis on Toni Morrison: Commencement Address, Wellesley College, 2004 Smith (1992: 75) spoke succinctly to the concern about loss of intelligibility across varieties: ‘My response … is that for at least the last two hundred years there have been English-speaking people in some parts of the world who have (c) 2011 Hong Kong University Press. All Rights Reserved. not been intelligible to other English-speaking people in other parts of the world. It is a natural phenomenon when any language becomes so widespread.’ By adopting this commonsense and empirically arguable stance on the issue, Smith does away with recourse to emotional sorts of reactions to the spread of English. The reflexive cry ‘something must be done!’ is set aside in favour of a reasoned exploration. Holistic approaches to intelligibility are difficult to carry off: it becomes clear, as illustrated in the examples above, that there are various levels of language and of the perception of language at work in communicating with other speakers of English. Strevens’ proposal of separating accent from the other layers of language was a step in…