Social interaction shapes babbling: Testing parallels between birdsong and speech Introduction to Developmental Science—PSY:2401: Research Essay Due week of 4/6: Submit electronic copy via CANVAS (under assignments) before discussion section; turn in a hardcopy to your TA in discussion section Research Essay: Worth 100 points. Note: your paper will not be graded (1) if you do not attend discussion section or (2) if an electronic copy is not uploaded on ICON before your discussion section. Carefully read Goldstein et al.’s (2003) paper “Social interaction shapes babbling: Testing parallels between birdsong and speech” (available on ICON). You will then write a 2-page (double-spaced) typewritten essay summarizing the research study. Keep in mind QALMRI as you organize your thoughts (but focus on the Q, M, R and I). provide a brief overview of the purpose of the study (why was it done? Identify both the broad and specific questions) methods (be specific about what was done in the study-you don’t need to include how they recruited participants)-this should be enough detail that another lab could replicate the study and what they did…

The book to kill a mockingbird Summary: The book to kill a mockingbird tells the story of a father named Atticus Finch who is a lawyer and has a son named Jem and a daughter named scout.Anyways, in the book there is a guy named Boo, and rumors were spread about him stabbing his father in the leg with scissors. The childrens wanted to know more about boo because they thought he was a monster. They then found a hole in a tree with different types of gifts inside for them; But then the hole gets covered of cement by Boo’s brother. Yet, more on Atticus Finch is defending a black men named Tom Robinson who was accused of rapping a white women named Mayella Ewell. On the side of Mayella story, she claims that she had asked tom to do some work while his father was out, and that then tom step inside her house and started beating her and raped her until her dad came and scared him away. On the other hand, Tom’s version of his story…

 defining discourse It is always helpful to start studying a subject by studying the definitions. We will also take the same strategy, i.e. starting with definitions. As suggested by the name, definitions will give a kind of guide or hints about what the subject is. In additions, definitions will also give information about the components of the thing defined. However, this is not wholly true about discourse analysis. As I always say in many occasions, it is not easy to define discourse analysis (see for example, Suherdi, 1994, 1997, 2006). This is partly because there are many different, even conflicting and overlapping perspectives, ranging from a very linguistic-oriented to socio-political one (Fairclough, 1992). In other words, discourse is different thing to scholars working in different disciplines (Brown and Yule, 1983). To give you detailed illustrations, let‟s see how many different writers use their perspective to define discourse. Widdowson (1984: 100), for example, defines discourse as “a communicative process by means of interaction.” This definition is very simple.[unique_solution] For Widdowson, discourse is a communicative process manifested through interaction. The definition can…

SEO Copywriting: How to Write Perfect SEO Optimized Articles in 2020 SEO has come from far, and it is going far. According to Forbes, businesses in the United States expect to use up to $80 billion on SEO services by the year 2020. The truth about SEO is that it is a big thing in almost all industries, not only in America but also globally. Because of this, learning SEO copywriting is necessary. As a blogger or SEO article writer, you need to ensure that you stand out from the competition that is now emerging and will continue to develop as long as people keep using internet technology. How do you write an SEO optimized article? Do you just wake up from nowhere and begin to write without direction? I believe not. You need a strategy and a powerful one for that matter. Therefore, in this article, we are going to provide an essential guide to writing SEO optimized articles. Where SEO Copywriting came from Some years back, SEO copywriting was quite different from how we know it today. Writers…

The Marlboro Man and Migrant Mother, and War Stories The Marlboro Man and Migrant Mother, and War Stories are compelling articles with vivid descriptions of the author’s depiction of their thoughts and others. In the Marlboro Man and Migrant Mother, McClure has expertly described how features of both created an image that the common man could resonate with. Bezalel, in his article, War Stories, was more descriptive with his narration with direct extracts from the story supporting his arguments. The writers are very intense with their imageries and are not afraid to express their point of view. Where McClure is more intense with her analogies, Bazelel takes a more relaxed approach which emphasizes on his point of view. His style is more tranquil and expressing his reflection in a manner that that mirrors that he is confident about his understanding and could very well be wrong but believes in what he has to say- whether someone agrees with his point of view or not. The Marlboro Man and Migrant Mother is a more research-based where the author, besides her considerations,…

How to Define the Main Idea The main idea of a paragraph is the primary point or concept that the author wants to communicate to the readers about the topic. Hence, in a paragraph, when the main idea is stated directly, it is expressed in what is called the topic sentence. It gives the overarching idea of what the paragraph is about and is supported by the details in subsequent sentences in the paragraph. In a multi-paragraph article, the main idea is expressed in the thesis statement, which is then supported by individual smaller points. Think of the main idea as a brief but all-encompassing summary. It covers everything the paragraph talks about in a general way, but does not include the specifics. Those details will come in later sentences or paragraphs and add nuance and context; the main idea will need those details to support its argument. For example, imagine a paper discussing the causes of World War I. One paragraph might be dedicated to the role that imperialism played in the conflict. [unique_solution]The main idea of this paragraph…

INDIVIDUAL WRITTEN ARGUMENT FOR AP SEMINAR Hello. I want to put here that I am looking for a writer for the Individual Written Argument for AP Seminar. Due to the corona virus, the only things being scored are the essays which makes this very crucial. Therefore, I am looking for writers who can offer me their services that can give me a perfect to near perfect score on this assignment. Below is a link that shows the rubric for the IWA as well as a high scoring example titled ″Utilizing Data Science to Establish Sustainable Agricultural Production System in China.″ The examples that follows are low scoring examples and should not be looked at when judging a high scoring sample LINK: [unique_solution]To continue, here is the stimulus packet that must be included in this research. You do not need to use all of the sources but some sources must be used. Also, you ARE allowed to use outside sources and you have to. LINK: Hello. I want to put here that I am looking for a writer for…

History of the Holocaust Memoirs are an important part that enlightens the understanding of the Holocaust. Night by Elie Wiesel and Survival in Auschwitz by Primo Levi are two prominent memoirs that provide insights on how people managed to deal with and survive the horrors around them during the Holocaust. Holocaust is a genocide that occurred during the second world war where millions of Jews were murdered. Germany and its collaborators carried out the Holocaust in various stages between 1941and 1945. Racism and antisemitism were the key factors that motivated the Germany powers and its collaborators to persecute the Jews in Europe. During the Holocaust era, mass shootings, discrimination, and persecution were prevalent across Europe. The Survival in Auschwitz is a memoir by a Jewish writer that was published in 1947. During the Holocaust era, Jews were being captured and taken to persecution camps by the Germany soldiers. The memoir by Primo Levi describes the kind of life experienced by the Jews incarcerated in the Auschwitz concentration camp. On the other hand, the Night by Elie Wiesel provides a comprehensive…



Netflix Question #1 Netflix utilizes a subscription-based business strategy. With the rapid technological advancements and innovation, the company has expanded its operations into many countries across the world. The organization ensures that consumers have access to a wide range of movies and TV shows. Customers can access these services from their mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs. Netflix faces various challenges. The company faces stiff competition from rivals such as Hulu, Amazon, and HBO (Rothaermel & Guenther, 2017). Thus, the organization must develop strategic initiatives to maintain competitiveness in the market. Subsequently, Netflix relies on internet service providers to provide high-bandwidth content to customers. When internet service providers fail to offer high-speed connections, Netflix loses customers. Question #2 Netflix disrupted the United States home entertainment industry by promoting brand awareness and reputation. When the company developed its website in 1998, it engaged technology writers to publish articles about its products and services (Rothaermel & Guenther, 2017). The organization also provides affordable pricing to consumers. The affordable prices attract potential customers who want original content. Besides, Netflix’s business has changed…

Theme – Human Nature   The question – regarding human nature- Explains how (1 – 5) dealt with the question: “Can people be trusted “to do the right thing for the greater good” over a sustained, indefinite period of time?     The answer – depends on “the truth” about human nature- Explains why/how (1 – 5) had the belief they did about human nature. either good or evil; how/why it came to be that way who/what (God, the church, society, and/or the government) is responsible for cajoling, inducing, and/or forcing people to defy their very nature and “do the right thing” by looking out for the welfare and well-being of the larger community in which they live?[unique_solution] Are some people born “naturally” good and others “naturally” evil? If so, who/what is responsible for this type of human nature? If all people are born good, how and why do some become evil? Or . . . are all people so “totally depraved, corrupt and/or in bondage to sin” that they can do nothing for the sake of anyone beyond themselves?…

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