Reflect on the characteristics and benefits of a high-performing project team. High-Performing Project Teams The success of a project is impacted significantly by the levels of cooperation between the team members because this element promotes efficiency, accountability and a steady flow of communication. When the team is well-equipped and functioning such that the stakeholders and other contributors to the project are less worried about the plans’ progress because they receive regular updates due to efficient communication, the chances of the project’s success are high. Most high-performance team members report that working on collaborative teams is fun and satisfying since they are expected to contribute beyond their maximum potential and to learn new kinds of stuff along the way. High-performance teams have got several characteristics, such as group leadership shifts from time to time, to deliver results as required. No single person is more important than the group as they all have the same goals to strive for. People have strong and profound confidence in each other and the objective of the group—they freely express their opinions and ideas. Team members…
How does the racial problem affect people’s lives today? Introduction Racism in the United States has remained a primary public concern despite the diverse efforts that have been put in place to control its development. The social environment has been greatly toxic based on the psychological influence on the lives of individuals, especially the minority groups. Minority groups have been greatly affected by racism as a result of the existing negative stereotypes that define different ethnic groups (Bailey et al., 18). Racial inequality has created major divisions and development of relations on racial lines in the United States, which is detrimental to cross-cultural relationships and overall commitment to the united states for all. Ethnic inequality remains a significant issue in the united states across different settings including, school, health, law enforcement, and within the social environment where individuals are engaged using ethnic connotation. Research question How does the racial problem affect people’s lives today? Significance of the study Racism makes individuals appear inferior and less confidence, considering how they are addressed or treated by the majority population. Discrimination based on…
AP Statistics The sample size for question 3 part B (P1) was large enough for the simulation using the normal distribution in addition to the fact that the null hypothesis, which states that the data was normally-distributed, was true. More specifically, the values of Pm – Pc were 10,000, which was large enough to simulate using the standard distribution method. Furthermore, a histogram is an excellent method for summarizing a large quantity of data, especially when the value of data is greater than 10. The basis for using the normal distribution to solve question 3 part B (P1) is that the result of extensive data is always normally distributed. Additionally, the accuracy of normal approximation results is always directly related to an increase in the sample size. Hence it was appropriate to use the method for computing the results for the question since the sample size was 10,000, and there were high chances that the results would have been accurate. The normal distribution also allows for ease of approximating probabilities with random values that are difficult to memorize or even…
play Helen by Euripides review In the play Helen by Euripides, the author has used mythology to explain what the play is all that revolves around some main characters. The author has used some of the most salient literary styles to deflate one of the famous legends of Greek Mythology. The myth in this play is that the main character Helen ran away in an adulterous manner with Paris to seek refuge in Troy. However, in the version presented by Euripides, it is only a phantasm Helen runs away with Paris adulterously. The real woman is believed to pine faithfully in Egypt. Further, when Menelaus is said to have been shipwrecked in Egypt as he was voyaging from Troy, he is perplexed to see a duplicate Helen. It is until the Phantasm Helen disappears and allows his reunion with his real spouse. This unbelievable act is used by the author to illustrate and emphasize the details of the myth. The pair then plans and successfully escapes from Egypt. Their reason for escaping is that king Theoclymenus wanted to lure Helen…
Lunar Report for Astronomy In the field of astronomy, lunar is a term used to refer to any object related to the moon. Thus, the word lunar is often used interchangeably with the term moon. General Lunar Background The term “lunar” is derived from the ancient Greek goddess of the moon called luna (May 37). According to Greek mythology, luna is perceived as the compliment to the god of the sun referred to as Sol. Hence, the moon appears at night while the sun appears during the day. The moon revolves around the Earth and is the Earth’s only satellite that occurs naturally. Also, it is the fifth-biggest satellite in the Solar system. In comparison to other planetary satellites, the moon is the largest concerning planet size. Jupiter’s satellite is the largest, followed by the moon. Finally, it is the second in terms of density. Scientists perceive that the moon was formed approximately 4.51 billion years ago, shortly after the Earth was created (Barboni et al. 1). The most logical explanation for its formation is that after a hypothetical object…
Buy a Well-Structured Dissertation Discussion The dissertation discussion is the biggest section to tackle. It is recommended that you should include most or all of the following: A brief reminder of your initial thesis A brief reminder of your results An in depth discussion about how your results prove your original thesis to be true and a discussion about results that go against your original thesis A discussion about how your results fit with the current theories and why your results are important You can also include a recommendation for further research in this section this is not only helpful to your readers, but it also shows that you are thinking like an expert. You are looking into the practical applications and saying what should come next. It shows you deserve to be qualified. As you can see, a good discussion is fairly involved and complex. Don’t worry – Academized are here to provide dissertation discussion help. Dissertation Discussion Writing Help from a Reliable Company Our website provides legit dissertation discussion writing from good, top rated writers. These writers know…
animal farm by George Orwell Most literature books are written to address particular issues and conflicts in society. The various authors, through literature, document the incidences of the various times in history and especially about leadership and governance. Literature has proved its nobility overtime to record and accurately articulate various historical events with great exactness. Just like many Literature writers, George Orwell, an English Novelist, was a great writer who wrote many books, some of his most famous books being; Coming up of air, Homage to catatonia and Animal farm. Considering his book, the animal farm, George Orwell covers a vast spectrum of ideologies enhanced by his excellent mastery of the English language. He, among many other themes, covered the leadership of the time, corruption deception, among many others (Dickstein, 2007). The novel is symbolic of the Russian revolution and highlights the major conflict in the development of communism policies and corruption. The novel evaluates the major issue of governance and leadership while examining the question of power management in enhancing equity. Through symbolism, the various animals have been used…
Characteristics and Operations of Malware Characteristics of Malware The malwares in existence have many different characteristics. One characteristic of malware is that they are mandatory to install. They do not require an administrator’s permission for them to install. They install themselves on the user’s computer. The malwares are difficult to uninstall. The malwares do not have the conventional way of uninstallation, and they always run even after unloading procedures. The malwares also hijack browsers. The malwares do this, and they modify the user’s information. Malwares also collect the user’s information. The information ranges from the user’s internet use behavior to private information like bank details and passwords. The malware also conducts malicious uninstallation of programs. Malware like computer viruses can replicate themselves until they infect the whole system. They also can attach themselves to computer files. Malware also reduces the speeds of the computer system and its related processes like data transfer. Some malwares are polymorphic, meaning they can change the computer’s code. Operations of Malware The different malwares operate in many different ways as well. Computer viruses infect clean…
Hackers: Wizards of the Information Age Question 1 The hackers in the documentary give a totally different definition of the term hacker from the one we are accustomed to today. In modern times, hackers are perceived as people who gain unauthorized access to people’s computers. One of the hackers in the documentary – Nicknamed “catalyst” – describes a hacker as someone who hacks away at the computer keyboard until a program works. “Catalyst” distinguishes hackers from crackers by explaining that a “cracker” is someone who breaks the system security of a computer. Andy Herzfeld describes a hacker as someone who has a passion for designing programs and seeing their use actualized. They are not driven by money but only by the love or joy of seeing their programs work. They are people who conceive ideas and want to see them actualized. Hackers are also described in the documentary as people who love what they do, and they spend time improving or working on their hacking skills. Question 2 The individuals in the video explain that they learned to use…
Olaudah Equiano Personal life Olaudah Equiano was born in 1745. He came from Eboe, in today’s Nigeria. At the age of 11, he became a victim of the slave trade and was kidnapped along with his sister and sold to merchants who ferried him to West Indies. He was not sold immediately and thus witnessed the selling of other slaves and was later sold as a worker in Virginia and later as a gift by Henry Pascal. Most books present Equiano as a sailor since he spent a significant part of his life in British navy vessels and slave ships serving his captains. Henry Pascal, the captain of a British trading vessel, renamed Equiano Gustavus Vassa. He used the new name for the remaining part of his life, even though he published his works under his African name, Olaudah Equiano. His master, Henry Pascal travelled with him to many nations including England, Scotland, Nova Scotia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Holland, Gibraltar, Georgia, and the Caribbean. In 1763, a merchant from Philadelphia, Robert King, purchased him and made him his clerk and…