Norms happen to be the standardized generalizations regarding expected behavior Initial Post To fit well into a group, one has to master the various social forces, including roles and norms. As far as this is concerned, it becomes imperative to realize that a role refers to a set of expected behavior that is attached to a position or post in a social unit. In any company, a worker’s role is illustrated by a position title and also specified by what can best be identified as a job description. Group roles are highly considered when it comes to making division among employees and assigning the responsibility. On the other hand, norms refer to the rule of conduct that has been put in place by group members. This is to imply that group members have accepted these norms as general expectations (Dignum, Vázquez-Salceda, & Dignum, 2004). In simple terms, norms happen to be the standardized generalizations regarding expected behavior when it comes to matters that are of some significance to the group. It is worth noting that rules dictate what ought to…
Comparative Analysis The Diffusion of Innovation The theory of diffusion of innovation came to be in 1962. The idea originated from E. M. Rogers. It is centred on communication and explores the process through which people adopt a novella product, idea, or service (Surry et al., 1997). Adoption is evident when there is a notable change in behaviour. Rogers developed five categories to explain the innovation process. First, there is the innovators group. People who belong to this division are risk-takers who are very willing to try new ideas. Little persuasion is needed to be done so as to get them on board. The next group is known as the early adopters. Early adopters are majorly opinion leaders who embrace change. To appeal to them, one needs how-to manuals as well as information sheets. The third category, as explained by Rogers, is the early majority. Although, people in early majority lack leadership qualities, they embrace change before the typical individual. To get them on the idea, they need evidence that the innovation is effective. Then there is the late majority…
interaction with the American people I am Yijia Zhao an international student from Hong Kong, China. My peers call me Scofield an alias for Wentworth Miller, a fictional character and one of the main protagonists of the American television series Prison Break. Scofield remains to be my favorite character in the series. I like to read books as part of my leisure activity and write poems. I realized I would make a good poet when I wrote a consolation poem for my heartbroken friend sometimes back. She came for a piece of advice and I did not know what to do. I wrote a few lines on a piece of paper and the feedback made me to start writing poems. When not reading books or composing poems, I will be in the company of my basketball team. I am not perfect in the game but I always love watching the late Kobe Bryant skillful moves on You-tube hoping to up my game and emulate him. I am the second born in the family of four. My family are in China…
A Summary Response on “The Voices of Hurricane Katrina: Part I” by Abe Louise Young. “The Voices of Hurricane Katrina: Part I,” is a text written by Abe Louise Young, where the survivors of Hurricane Katrina are remembered as a result of Raymond McDaniel, who has used their stories to write a poem for personal benefit without their consent. According to this statement, hurricane Katrina is a disaster that occurred in the United States, where it damaged Orleans city and killed most of its inhabitants. Consequently, the survivors have gotten less help, which has forced them to continue suffering. However, McDaniel has used the stories of these survivors to come up with his poem called “Saltwater Empire” without their consent, “. . . as the centerpiece poem of Saltwater Empire, without contacting the project or the survivors” (Young 2). According to this statement, McDaniel has secretly used the stories of the survivors of Hurricane Katrina for his gain without crediting them. In my opinion, McDaniel went against the ethics of poetic appropriation, which was wrong. This claim implies that;…
My Mother My hero Once I think of a hero, there are specific qualities that surround my imagination, being courageous, hardworking, truthful, strong, resilient, and generous have been the qualities I taught about. I also think a hero is someone protective, caring, and so concerned to change the life of the others and make them happy in their life. My Mother has all these qualities and recognizes her as my hero. Otherwise, she grew up on the support of two great parents who had a good life where she grew up and become a teacher in her life. Almost every individual has had some achievements in their life, and there must be a factor behind those achievements, especially someone who had a significant impact on their life. My mother appears to be my hero, who had a substantial impact on my life. She is currently 54 years old. She was a teacher by profession, and she did her best as a teacher, where she influenced the lives of many students positively; up to now, some still call her and pass…
The nature of the Constitution that the country should pursue s It is recommendable that the state adopts a similar constitution to that of the U.S. if the nation intends to maintain stability and not the British Constitution or any or any other. This is precisely so, due to the range of benefits the American Constitution presents. The U.S. Constitution has a set of articles that establishes the subsequent articles, which different regions can follow regardless of their diversity. Besides, in the case that any given article in the Constitution is contradictory, a written constitution like that of the U.S. provides better reference and continuation records (Walker, n.d.). This is essential as it clears the underlying misunderstandings. In addition to this, having a written constitution as that of the U.S. guarantees that the leaders of the country and the ordinary citizens alike operate under the set legal standards. Therefore, this means that everyone in the organization understands when they are not following the rule of law. There are, however, a set of problems that the country should brace itself for…
Poems by Robert Frost The poem “Mending Wall,” written by Robert Frost, mainly talks about the tradition associated with two neighbors gathering to amend a wall that occurs between them. The wall is utilized metaphorically to indicate the relational separation that occurred between the neighbor and the speaker. “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall” (1, 35) is observations that the environment does not value walls either, not only persons. There isn’t meant division to be present in everything, and nature attempts to split them down through using falling stones. One neighbor supposes that there should be the existence of the wall while another does not consider that the wall should exist just for the sake of existing. Individuals are naturally preordained to be together and communicate with each other instead of being divided. “Good fences make good neighbors” (27). Even though the literal understanding is that it is a good thing for keeping out properties like livestock, the key idea is that there is a need to be the establishment of some degree of privacy in each relationship.…
Analyzing the Theme of Transience using Two Poems INTRODUCTION The thematic analysis in poetry is an important aspect of their study because most poets have hidden messages they intended to communicate in their works. Edgar Allan Poe is one such poet whose ballad titled ‘Annabel Lee’ effuses the theme of transience in various ways. Similarly, William Wordsworth’s famed sonnet titled ‘The World is too Much with Us’, also points to some distinct and serious aspects of mutability in human society. This essay analyses the two poems from the perspective of transience with the intention of establishing its level of inevitability in human existence relative to reality. TRANSIENCE IN ANNABEL LEE AND THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US Renowned writer and poet Edgar Allan Poe wrote Annabel Lee to narrate the experiences and love of the narrator for his wife. Unfortunately, she passed on, but that did not change the love he had for her. The poem recounts all the sweet feelings he had for her while alive and reiterates them even after she is long dead. Therefore, Annabel Lee’s…
dialogue with my friend concerning the matter about abortion The dialogue between two or more people involves the engagement of participants to in a conversation due to various reasons. Most people prefer a dialogue between two people in instances where they fear communicating even in small groups, or the matter at hand is very delicate. Each participant in the conversation has varying expectations due to different ideas and assumptions between them. These assumptions can refer to view about life, about individual lifestyle, religious beliefs, and political interests. Despite the existence of different expectations during the dialogue, participants should think about what action an individual can take or what life means to them. In the case of the dialogue with my friend concerning the matter about abortion, the issue is conflicting between being a Christian and the reality of life. Christian culture is firm against abortion and gives dire warnings to believers who practice the sinful act. As a Christian, we follow God’s law as outlined in the Bible, which proves that He is the giver of life and the only…
Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “I, being born a woman and distressed” or George Elliott Clarke’s “Blank Sonnet.” In this assignment, you will practice your critical reading skills. This assignment is designed to guide you through the steps of analysis and argument. You will be analyzing either Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “I, being born a woman and distressed” or George Elliott Clarke’s “Blank Sonnet.” Because this is a structured response, be sure that your essay is structured as follows: Begin with a brief paragraph introducing the text you are discussing and the general topic of your essay. End this paragraph with a thesis statement that makes an argument about the meaning of the poem and the reason for the use of the sonnet form. Write a paragraph or two to present your close reading of the poem. You are expected to work very closely with the primary text, offering specific examples from the text and clearly articulated readings and interpretations of those examples. Consider any elements of the poem you think contribute to the creation of the poem’s…