The Mind-Body Problem People comprise of both mental properties and physical properties. Humans have some features associated with physical science. The physical properties may include some elements like motion, size, shape, time and space, etc. People also have mental properties, which generally do not associate with physical components. The psychological features are associated with consciousness, which includes things like emotional and perceptual experience. There are also intentionality elements like desires and beliefs. They are all possessed by a self or a subject. Physical properties are mostly public, which means they are equally upheld or observed by any individual. Other physical properties are not entirely observable, but, on the contrary, they are available to all, with scientific techniques and equipment. These properties include an electron. The case is different when it comes to rental properties. One can feel pain directly, but his/her behavior can also show the pain they are experiencing. Conscious mental properties are generally private to the self, who is privileged to access them in a way that no one else can to the physical. The mind-body problem involves…

pros and cons of aging at home Aging in place is a decision that older adults make when they grow old that they want to grow old at home. The choice seems simple in its context, but when looked at, it is not easy. Staying and aging at home has its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the situation at home, aging at home can be helpful, or it can lead to potential health problems. Therefore, before deciding to age at home or for a family member to age at home, it is necessary to consider the pros and cons and make an informed decision. Pros Familiarity- older adults wish to age in an environment that they are used to. As one of the sayings goes, “east-west south-north, home is best.” Therefore, older people find it hard to say goodbye to a place they have grown up and established their lives. They also find it hard to grow old in an area that is not the home they built. Thus, familiarity is an issue of consideration when choosing a place of…

The Son of Man and God             The debate on the position of Jesus in the Christian religion remains a mystery. Different groups appear to differ concerning whether Jesus is the son of man, son of God, or both. The belief by Christians is that Jesus was the begotten son of God and that he existed even before the earth was made. Also, Christians believe that Jesus only took a human body upon coming to the earth in a bid to act as a mediator between humankind and God due to the mishap that had happened at the Garden of Eden when the devil deceived humankind into disobeying God. Several groups including theologians, however, claim that Jesus was a normal human being given special religious powers by God and could only be defined as a particular prophet. A different explanation is however provided by the Council of Nicaea, which shares the belief that Jesus was not created, but existed from all eternity with God the Father. Based on the belief that God also created time, the council claims that there…

Analyse the titles Son of God and Son of Man. Did Jesus see himself as either or both?   Introduction “…one in being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.” The Nicene Creed (325 AD).   This is a declaration of our faith that we pronounced every time we attend Mass. The creed is a personal statement of what we believe. We believe that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God. A wide cross section of people, including theologians believe that Jesus was only a human person who had special gifts given to Him by God; they did not believe that He was truly God. They believe that He was a special prophet. However, the Council of Nicaea (325) believe that Jesus was not created, but existed from all eternity with God the Father. They further stated that there was never a time when Jesus, the Son of…

The Saudi Arabian criminal justice The Saudi Arabian criminal justice is primarily based on Islamic law known as the sharia law, which controls the entire Saudi Arabian judiciary. At the same time, its magistrates, attorneys, and judges form the part of the state’s religious governance (Ulema). Also, there are extra-sharia states tribunals that primarily deal with cases or disputes involving specific royal rulings. Correspondingly, courts and tribunals must strictly adhere to Sharia rules, procedures and attestations despite the intensity of the crime. Saudi Arabian Sharia is derived from Koran (Quran) and the Islamic traditions of Prophet Mohammed, popularly known as the “Sunnah.” While the judicial system is primarily grounded on the Hannibal school of Sunni Islam, strictly following the 1926 rulings by King Abdi Aziz. According to the Hannibal system of jurisprudence, the analogy is rejected as a source of criminal justice laws in Saudi. Instead, it recommends the traditional Islamic statutes and the saying of Prophet Mohammed.  The use of traditions and sayings of Prophet Mohammed in the criminal justice system is mostly used rigid Sunni Muslim Jurist who…

Tree of Life doesn’t always mean good? Throughout history, the concept Tree of Life has been used in a spiritual and religious context; it even has deep roots in various mythologies. In order to talk about whether it’s good or bad we first need to understand the symbol and its meaning. While the Tree of Life has various meanings in cultures and religions, the crux of it all that it represents that all things are interconnected to one another in this universe. History The symbol, which depicts a tree with sprawling branches and roots contained in a circle, dates back to ancient times. It has links to philosophy, spirituality, and religion. The earliest known examples of Tree of Life symbol were found in Domuztepe excavations (modern Turkey) and dated back to 7000 BC. Various Meaning of Tree of Life It would be unfair to categorize Tree of Life to a single definition as it incorporates several things such as  Representation of Growth A tree symbolises strength and growth and having deep roots, it can weather any storm and keep…

Tree of Life doesn’t always mean good? Throughout history, the concept Tree of Life has been used in a spiritual and religious context; it even has deep roots in various mythologies. To talk about whether it’s good or bad, we first need to understand the symbol and its meaning. At the same time, the Tree of Life has various implications in cultures and religions, the crux of it all that it represents that all things are interconnected to one another in this universe. History The symbol, which depicts a tree with sprawling branches and roots contained in a circle, dates back to ancient times. It has links to philosophy, spirituality, and religion. The earliest known examples of Tree of Life symbol were found in Domuztepe excavations (modern Turkey) and dated back to 7000 BC. Various Meaning of Tree of Life It would be unfair to categorize Tree of Life to a single definition as it incorporates several things such as Representation of Growth A tree symbolizes strength and growth and having deep roots; it can weather any storm and keep…

The Gospel of Thomas vs. Canonical Gospel The gospel of Thomas is believed to have been written in the 4th century. The manuscript containing the sayings of Jesus was discovered in Egypt in the year 1945. There are close similarities between the sayings in the gospel of Thomas and the gospel of Mark and John. For example, in the chapters of Jesus’ ministry in the book of the Mark, there are around 35 sayings that are neither Mark’s or comments by Jesus. Of the thirty-five around twenty, one such saying is found in the gospel of Thomas. John 8: 51, 52 says whoever keeps the word of God will not taste death, in the same manner, the first saying of Thomas says, whoever discovers the interpretation of the sayings will not taste death.  The gospel of Thomas is, however, different from the canonical gospel of Mark and John in that, unlike the two canonical gospels, the gospel of Thomas does not give a storyline connecting the life of Jesus. In the gospel of Thomas, there are no summaries about the…

Book review on Breathing Room Susan Elizabeth Phillips was born on the 11th of December,1948, in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is a United States romance novelist. She was a high school teacher becoming a writer. Susan and her husband were readers, which motivated them to sit one day and write a book which to them three weeks. Their first book together was Copeland bride, which they published in 1984. She has written several books like Glitter Baby, Risen Glory, Fancy Pants, Hot Shot, Honey Moon, and many others. BREATHING ROOM is about a woman, Dr. Isabel Favor, an ambitious diva who spent her precious time building a self-help empire only to come crashing on her feet, and she needs a space to rebuild her reputation. The book has a colorful pink cover. There is a lady in-car driving away. The cover related well with the title as it shows a woman driving away to find a place of rest and get away from the craziness of the city. The novel shows disappointments and frustrations met by this woman. It’s sad how…

Islamic Law and Logic Islamic law has been considered to be the embodiment of Islamic thought, the core of the religion, and the way of life for most Muslims. Knowledge has also been regarded as sacred in this particular religion. One evidence to this fact focuses on the existence of the term “fikh.” Law, on the other hand, has been viewed as knowledge par excellence. Joseph Schacht established this particular view in his book (Schacht, 1975). For one to be able to understand the logic behind Islamic law, one needs to acknowledge the two primary sources of Shariah. The sources include the Sunna and the Quran. The combination of the sources has led to the development of a link that exists between revelation and reason. Furthermore, the emergence of Islamic law can be linked to the existing marriage between the two primary sources mentioned. The Quran is highly regarded as the most sacred book and source of this form of law. This holy book contains verses that revolve around human beliefs, god, and how an individual practising Islam as his…

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