CHRISTIANITY Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world, with one-third of the world’s population as followers (Patridge 461). The teachings of Christianity date back to a small Jewish sect before spreading into the Roman Empire and eventually Asia and North Africa. The religion spread out from the Roman-occupied Palestine area into the entire Mediterranean region. The recognition of Jesus as the Messiah of the Jewish teachings resulted in the separation of Judaism from Christianity. This change is also is in line with the transformation from the Old Testament to the New Testament. This new order came with essential rituals, including Baptism, Communion, and Easter. Apart from being the largest religion, Christianity is also the most diverse due to the division of the early church into three different branches, i.e., Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant ( There were three centers of the Christian church in the Eastern Mediterranean region with Jerusalem as the capital. The expansion continued to modern-day Turkey, Istanbul, and the south in Egypt. However, according to Patridge (462), this triggered off persecution of Christians as the…

Judaism religion Judaism is a religion mainly adhered to by Jews. Jews believe in one God who chose them as his people to set an example of holiness and ethical practices that include truth, compassion, self-respect, and justice. Most of the groups within Judaism believe that God instructed Moses with tablets containing commandments on Mt. Sinai. Jews have religious holidays such as Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), which is the holiest Jewish holiday. It is celebrated yearly on the tenth day of the seventh month per the instruction in the book of Leviticus 16:30 that states that day no work shall be done other than fasting and praying for forgiveness. In the book of Exodus, Israelites were freed by God through Moses from the tyranny of the Egyptians and afterward spent 40 years crossing the desert to reach the Promised Land eventually. Jews commemorate this event described as wandering in the wilderness during the three pilgrimage festivals that include the Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot. Jewish prayer tradition stems from the teachings of the Talmud Yerushalmi, which states that the Great…

Scott D Seligman, Scott D Seligman, the author of Chinese Business Etiquette, is a master’s degree holder from the University of Harvard. He is a New Jersey native and lived for more than eight years’ in Orient. He also taught in Tunghai University, Taiwan. He was among the founders of the American Chamber of commerce in China when he was an executive in the U.S.-China Business Council in their office in Beijing. During the 1990s, he managed Burston-Marsteller in China.  He is an author of many articles in china and is one of the authors who wrote Now You’re Talking Chinese and Chinese at Glance.   Chinese Business Etiquette is written in the format of a guiding protocol explaining the etiquette that is required in business success in China. It starts by giving the importance of learning Chinese ways of doing business and how the Chinese operate from the early years. The author shares the first time occasions in the history of China to modern times. He shares the key ideas of the Chinese community since he had lived there…

How can we follow Jesus in this path?  To follow Jesus in his path today, we need to understand his words and follow God’s commandments. In Ephesians 1:4, God decided that we will be Children, and He will be our father. To meet these essential requirements from God, we need to believe in Jesus and follow his path in the following ways. Firstly, we need to believe and accept. Affirming that Jesus is Lord is the first step to knowing about the love of God to us. We require to trust that Jesus Christ is the son of God, Who died on the Cross for our sins (Joh 3:16). Accepting and believing will enable us to remove the barriers that sin has created between God and us. The next step to following Jesus’s steps is by repenting. We need to turn from old ways and start to walk a new life. Repenting enables us to get rid of all the sinful ways and become the children of God. It will empower us to walk in God’s ways and hence, follow…

What is Patience? Patience is to hold one’s soul from being impatient and displeased, holding the tongue from complaining and the body parts from harming himself or others. The patience is mentioned at many places in Quran and Sunnah of the beloved Prophet (SAW), which shows the virtues and greatness of Patience. In the Arabic language, (Sabr) Patience means to confine or contain. Patience in Islam Patience has great status in the sight of Allah Almighty and in Islam. Patience is of best from deeds and has the great reward with no limit. Allah Almighty said in Holy Quran: “Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without Hisaab (without limit, calculation, and estimation).”(Quran, 39:10). There is great reward only for those among us who are patient with the Decree of their Lord. In this world, we face many difficulties or trials and sufferings but we have to be patient because Allah Almighty loves those who did Patience (Sabr) in a difficult time. As Islam is a complete code of life and it guides and teach us…

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