“The house of Bernarda Alba” play. “The house of Bernarda Alba” is a play developed by Spanish writer Federico Garcia Lorca exploring the lives of five daughters who are under the care of their oppressive mother. Throughout the play, the themes of freedom and repression keep on recurring conflicting with each other. The main characters Lorca’s play are females; Bernarda and her five daughters. The daughters are, “Angustias (39 years old), Magdalena (30), Amelia (27), Martirio, (24), and Adela (20).” Bernarda forces her daughters to abide by her rules, and they have fewer choices to make on matters about their lives. Bernarda interferes with her children’s privacy and freedom; they are forced to play as per their mother’s rules. The daughters are even denied fundamental freedoms, like making their relationship decisions. I relate to the play because I feel that it explores my reality. My mother has a significant control on my relationships and freedom. To some extent, I think that she is over-controlling me, and it is undesirable. This paper uses K. Hope, “Rhetorical Modes,” to analyze two conflicting…

relationship between religion and two of the following themes: gender, race, sexuality, politics, environment, health For this essay, you are to explore the relationship between religion and two of the following themes: gender, race, sexuality, politics, environment, health. The ultimate question you′re answering is: why is religion relevant to any two of the above themes; or how does religion shape or influence, or is shaped/influenced by, these two themes. All your examples and data must be from the United States, not from another country. You must choose one religion; sect or denomination doesn’t matter. SOURCES: You must cite at least 3 sources. Your sources must be scholarly and reliable, not random facts or articles from the internet. The people you cite must be experts on, or otherwise have the credentials to talk about, the issues you′re citing them for.[unique_solution] You may use only ONE news report (and it does not count towards the 3 required scholarly sources) if you cannot find evidence for a certain statement or claim in any scholarly readings. CITATIONS: You can use any citation style that…

Theme: to laugh or not to laugh  The notion of whether to laugh or not or not always challenges many There are always two cases To laugh with or laugh at somebody Sometimes there is a deep confusion of the two cases Somebody might perceive the two differently Thus, one should be careful when choosing when to laugh Varied emotions are sparked To laugh at someone Is an expression of ominous nature? It tends to invoke feelings of humiliation and dishonour To laugh with someone is an indication of understanding and happiness To laugh is the choice of the beholder And it is like a plague, hard to control But controllable when given a second thought Does the way we laugh determine our true nature? As to choose is to know one true nature. Laughter can create, haunt or destroy It is rather confusing Whether to laugh or not While the cognitive awareness pushes both direction To understand when to laugh We should understand feelings As they are linked to pain and happiness And both determine human reactions   Thesis…

 Common themes in Mahô no chôku and Suna no Onna   Struggle for freedom The story of women in Dune is an exploration in the desert in Tokyo, Niki misses the bust to the city where a widow accommodates him at the sand pit. We can see that the following day he could not be able to exit from the bottom of the sand pit since the rope he could use had been removed by the villagers. Then he has to struggle for freedom to come with resolutions concerning his destiny. In the magic chalk, we can see the poor artist who lived in the small empty room. He had nothing to eat and looked weak and pale. The film shows man’s confrontation with life and freedom in nature. It affirms the work of sarte or Bunuel. Nick represents modern men and also appears as a Japanese who has adopted the way of the western. Argon had the same character and took the dressing of the west code, and he is also living in the city where everyone has adopted…

*Breaking the Bread*   Friday 1 May 2020   *Theme*: The Pitfalls of a Life Based on Feelings   Bible Text: John 12.24, 25   *’Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life.’* Friends, in this new series, we will look at the soul is the seat of feelings. The *self* is the *centre* of a life based on feelings. The death of Christ was like the dying of the corn but became the cause of much greater harvest. What do we learn from Jesus? – When we die to the ‘self’, we derive our support entirely from God. Just like the corn depends on the ground for nourishment. – We need to die to the ‘self’ because death is essential to a life of increase. – When we ‘give ourselves up’ individually, we can impact the…

Literary Themes- (Conformity/Rebellion) Music is a tool that has been used in society since back in time to address some of the critical issues affecting the community. Music is used given its ability to appeal to the listeners’ critical thinking skills and also manage to play the entertaining responsibility (Reyzábal, 2014). Back during the struggle for independence, various songs that exhibited the theme of rebellion and the struggle for justice were produced. One such song is the Italian resistance movement song Bella Ciao that was used by the partisans to exhibit their readiness to die for their nation and freedom. The theme of political liberation is evidenced in the song whereby the songwriter says, “If I die a partisan, then I die a partisan and bury me in the hill” this indicates the theme of rebellion that displays the necessity for emancipation from mental as well as physical slavery. The partisans were patriotic citizens who were in opposition to the fascist regime in Italy during the Second World War. The theme of rebellion I evidenced in the history of the…

The Theme of Filial Love in Tobias’ Wolff’s “Powder”             Tobias Wolff’s short story “Powder” depicts a rough connection between a father and their child. As observed through the child’s viewpoint, the father is attempting to make a superior association with him by taking him on a skiing trip before Christmas. Wolff uses the idea of filial love to delineate the father and child’s relationship.  Despite the fact that these two characters are direct inverses, the affection between the father and the child abrogates majority of their family issues. Throughout the “Powder” story, Wolff uses the theme of filial love to show how a child needs their father’s love for self-identity and the way a father’s love influences their child. The story by Wolff starts with a conflict where the boy’s mother does not want the child to be taken for the trip. Wolff presents the mother’s anxiety by saying, “He promised, hand on heart, to take good care of me and have me home for dinner on Christmas Eve, and she relented,” (Wolff, 1). This shows that the mother…

The theme of the underdog: book, Ragged Dick by Horatio Alger and the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. The theme of the underdog is evident in the book, Ragged Dick by Horatio Alger and the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. Underdogs are individuals associated with minimal chance or no chance at all to win under a normal environment. Underdogs are always regarded as weaklings in an environment that requires a struggle for survival. In most cases, however, underdogs have an advantage in that, attention that may pose unnecessary competition is not directed on them. Underdogs are viewed by society as being disadvantaged by an unfair life or maybe to have failed in life. The lives led by underdogs represent the under-privileged members of the community whose fate in life does not show any signs of a bright future. However, underdogs appear as winners at the latter stages of an initially crisis-dominated life. In literature, underdogs are presented as winners in fights involving legends. When the battle between underdogs and legends end up with the underdog winning, the result is received…

The theme of Conflict in the Novel Archangel Conflict has broadly manifested in this novel, Archangel. The characters are seen to experience conflicts in their daily activities, such as in their education, traveling, and cultural practices. Some of these characters who experienced Conflict in their activities include Olga Komarova and Papu Rapava. The theme of Conflict basing on the characters named above is as discussed below. Conflict has manifested itself in the novel when Olga Komarova during her effort to silence the old man, termed other people as red fascists, “Take no notice, “instructed Olga Komarova, standing up beside the driver. She tapped the side of her head. These are crazy people. Red fascists. Olga Komarova is trying to indirectly refer to this man as needlessly strict, which could otherwise mean that they were dictators or tyrants. Adelman, on the other hand, while he tries to pass older man’s information to other passengers, he accuses him of trying to say that they stole their history.  “He’s` talking about how the Hoover institution attempted to buy the party archive for five…

Walt Disney Theme Parks and Universal Theme Parks From the above current ratios, it is evident that Walt Disney Theme Parks and Universal Theme Parks have upright liquidity. However, it is more apparent that Walt Disney Theme Parks have a stronger liquidity capability than Universal Studios Theme Parks since Walt Disney Theme Parks have a current ratio marginally smaller than one while Universal Studios Theme Parks have a current ratio less than one by far. A quick ratio is an indicator that measures an organization’s position on short-term liquidity, as well as the organization’s ability to settle the short-term liabilities by liquefying the total liquid assets. Altogether, quick ratios are employed to determine a company’s accounts receivable, marketable securities, cash, as well as other current obligations (Babalola & Abiola, 132-137). To calculate quick ratios, cash equivalents, current receivables, cash, and short-term investments are added and then divided by the recorded short-term liabilities. The close of the 2019 fiscal year had Walt Disney Theme Parks with a quick ratio of 0.69, while Universal Studios Theme Parks had a quick ratio of…

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