How theme of sustainable development will save the environment entirely is the interest of everyone It all started the moment we forgot its value. The environment is like assets to human beings. It is where food comes from, where fresh air that we breathe circulates in, and also where we live. Polluting the environment has not only affected the health of human being s but also their living standards. Currently, the ozone layer depleted, and global warming profoundly felt across the world. Daily forests destroyed, factories release foul air, chemical mixed water discharged into rivers and streams from factories, and also mineral resources depleted. From all these human activities, the environment is slowly becoming hostile to human beings. However, one of the actions taken to curb the depletion of habitat is the introduction of sustainable development activities. Sustainable developments are ways to meet our daily needs without affecting how the future generation will meet their own needs. How this theme of sustainable development will save the environment entirely is the interest of everyone. According to the Brundtland report, sustainable development…

How the setting helps to convey the central theme of each of the work The setting is undeniably a very influential aspect in the determination and evaluation of a theme in a literature piece. Notably, the author’s choice of the location, period, and the cultural environment in which the subject is situated greatly assist in the comprehension of the literary piece. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper and Susan Glaspell’s Trifles are both influential feminist works that extensively explore gender, especially the unequal treatment of women in the early 20th Century. The respective settings of The Yellow Wallpaper and Trifles significantly advanced the conveyance of the theme of gender through the framing of the mood of the text, the reflection of the society the characters lived in, and the invocation of emotional responses. It is irrefutable that the mood of the literary works, established by the physical attributes in a setting, assists in the development of the theme of gender. The descriptions of the characters’ surroundings are particularly helpful. In The Yellow Wallpaper, the narrator sets the unsettling mood of…

Plato’s Alcibiades Theme of Love Plato and Love According to Plato, the ultimate object of love is usually the pursuit of wisdom and immortality. Love is thus the central theme in Plato’s dialogue of the symposium. On this concept of love, Plato is mostly interested in love between two people who are of the same sex, for example, a young man and an older man.  However, in his theory of love, Plato asserts that, “These kinds of relationships are not guided by romance and other sexual intentions” (Plato, 2015) He, however, wants us to distinguish between love and friendship and that people should concentrate on friendship because it is pure (Dickinson, 2016). He makes us understand the meaning of platonic love which entails that kind of relationship that is pure and spiritual. Plato gives us an example that if a girl and a boy hung out yet they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, this kind of love is the best because it is not physical. The theme of Plato’s Alcibiades truly implies the nature of love.   The dialogue that Plato…

Rebellion as a Theme in The Hunger Games Rebellion is basically a central theme in the entire dystopian novel of The Hunger Games. The story begins at a point where the future is uncertain, which was a consequent result of natural calamities which left North American in a devastated state. As a result of the natural disasters a nation there was rise of a nation named Panem with a city called Capitol which was surrounded by thirteen districts. The rulers of the Capitol exploited the resources of the districts as well as their workers (Collins 110). This exploitation contributed to the thirteen districts to attempt a rebellion against the Capitol. The rebellion was however unsuccessful and the districts ended up being defeated. The Capitol rulers subsequently created an annual hunger games to discourage the districts from ever carrying out a second rebellion (Collins 50). Freedom and civil empowerment of rights and privileges is the backbone of any community. The government should provide these rights and freedoms as primary elements of human dignity and the promotion of quality life and development.…

Sampling strategy (ward units) Target population The study targets aggressive patients. The patients must have interacted with the nurses at the McLean hospital. Through interaction, it is easier to determine an aggressive patient. The target population of the study is, therefore, two groups. The primary groups are the patients who display aggressive behavior and secondarily the nurses who will help analyze the aggressive behavior of their patients. As mentioned earlier, nurses play a crucial role in the research by identifying the target population. Sampling approach Since the study focuses on a target population with particular characteristics, it is only fair to use a non-probability setting. The best sampling method to use is a purposive sample. Purposive sampling is also referred to as judgment sampling. The study is subjective, and therefore when choosing the members of the population, the research has to rely on the judgment of the selected nurses. Inclusion and exclusion criteria All the nurses within the McLean hospital who are registered and recognized by the medical center are included in the research. Their professional opinions as nurses are…

Try these 2020’s most extensive and beneficial WordPress themes Have you been designing your new website and faced with the heck about the best themes for your website? Don’t struggle anymore. The WordPress website design company saves you the frustration! It has the best themes for your website in the store. The platform has excellent themes suited for specific users. When one is beginning, there might be an overwhelming feeling due to the many quality choices available. However, this article caters to you. It guides you in the discovery of the most extensive and beneficial WordPress themes for 2020. Astrid This is the unique theme of choice for creating business pages. The most excellent theme features for your business website are available here. The most fantastic color options, full-width header images, and custom wedges can be obtained through the Astrid theme. Besides, this theme offers you blog options. Astra theme It is a fantastic customizable WordPress theme. It enables you to create the website the way you would want it. It has a set of demonstrations. Through Astra, you quickly…

The Theme of Social Classes in Don Quixote In the earlier periods of Spain’s civilization, individuals were identifiable by their social classes. Individuals who came from noble families got accorded much respect since they were rich. In the novel of Don Quixote, the theme of social classes is apparent because, on more than one occasion, people loving one another got separated due to their social classes’ differences. Still, the author plays with the theme of social classes as he seems to allude that a person’s personality matters, but on other occasions, he is okay with the idea that the relationship between people of different social classes is only correct if it is not in widespread. The author’s main idea in the book is the notion that people from nobles seemed to gain more respect despite having less input in society. It was a general idea that a person’s social class determined the level of respect or his self-worth that he should get accorded. The author seemed to be against the idea that the aristocrats got naturally respected because of their…

Four Identified Themes Further examination of the data resulted in the documentation of the following four themes; collaboration, involvement, teacher learning, and time all of which were in the PLCs. Collaboration; this was the first theme to emerge from the data. The seven members articulated positivity in cooperation with their associates. They detailed that their associates cooperated on lesson plans, classroom rules, and training methods. They articulated gratefulness for the chance offered to learn from their associates. For example, the members conveyed that their understanding was improved as soon as they conversed with the different procedures they used to help learners master the Common Core standards. One member stated that collaborative planning is very much important. The second noted, “Being capable of recognizing various views provides us all with some backing relating to our ideas and how to relate them. “The third one stated, “My associates and I are furthermore valuable jointly than me alone.I study from my associates. “The Fourth one commented, “I reason that it’s great to have a podium to share ideas, facts, and approaches with our…

theme of wealth as a factor in social stratification Sociologists utilize the phrase social stratification to portray the arrangement of societal ranking. Social stratification alludes to a community’s order of its kin into levels of financial levels dependent on factors like riches, salary, race, education background as well as influence. The financial status of a person may be dictated by two unique measures: earnings and affluence. Earnings comprises of cash got from wages, salaries as well as income from endowments. Affluence is the estimation of every single monetary resource, including pay, property, endowments together with liabilities. The article “The Wealth Gurus” by Clifford Alvares in the BW Businessworld magazine will be the premise of this review. This papers analyses and explores the theme of wealth as a factor in social stratification and how it impacts the social class among various people in the general public.   Affluence may be gotten from other sources too. However, affluence additionally incorporates what individuals claim or their properties (Alvares, 2019). Houses, as well as vehicles, are basic examples of properties. Retirement records, stocks together…

Why bikers prefer to have trendy rings from the online store? People love to wear rings for a number of reasons. Some wear it as a status symbol some wear it as a symbol of protection from evil and other for their love for jewelry. This way, some prefer wearing biker rings that are easily available in the online store. Now, you must be wondering which online site will be perfect to buy the rings from. Make sure that you choose the reputed site that offers quality biker rings. To buy biker rings online that are quality ones, you can go through the options available at Zuobisijewelry. You can get the rings at an affordable rate and each of the designs is unique to choose from. If you are buying biker rings for the first time, the following reasons can help you get the right one. Rings speak for a biker fashion statement Do you wish to enhance your style statement by wearing a unique biker ring? Well for this, it is better that you go through the options available…

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