
Hamlet IB

Hamlet IB   Directions: Write an IB on Hamlet. Your main claim should be one of the following themes. Your three sub-claims can be anything else from the play but be sure your first sub-claims can be support by a quote from either of the two soliloquy’s we studied. The IB outline and soliloquies are provided below. In-text citation needs to be act, scene, and lines, like this: Hamlet states, “To be, or not to be” (Shakespeare 3.1.90-91). Shakespeare writes, “Now might I do it pat” (3.3. 80-83). Due: Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 9am   Themes:   Appearances Revenge Surveillance Corruption Mirroring Madness Power Tragic Hero (not a theme)     IB Outline: One Introduction Author, title, & very brief summary Background and/or set up Thesis with main claim and three sub-claims   One Body Paragraph Claim (topic sentence) Set Up (transition from claim to evidence) Evidence (quote) Support (explain how the evidence supports the claim) With quote That idea could lead to other parts of the play Conclusion/Transition (Close out your analysis and/or transition to next point)   Soliloquies:…

Textbook Information Cultures of the West: A History Volume 1, 2nd Edition Author: Backman ISBN: 9780190240462   Assignment: Read Chapters 1 & 2 in the textbook. List 3 important themes from each chapter. Note: Listing themes means that you should not only list important themes, but you should also write a brief explanation of why each theme is important enough to include.     Assignment: Read Chapters 3 & 4 in the textbook. List 3 important themes from each chapter. Note: Listing themes means that you should not only list important themes, but you should also write a brief explanation of why each theme is important enough to include.     Discussion: What is the Epic of Gilgamesh? Why is it important? What impact did it have on the history of the time? Is there any impact on our lives today?

Get top-notch plugins and themes from Template Monster Growing an effective subscriber base for your website may seem to be a daunting task. For this, you need to pick innovate website designs, templates along with popups WordPress plugins. In the growing age of web technologies, you need to focus on the necessity of email marketing. To make the WordPress blog site stand out from the rest, try to incorporate the best innovate and unique features. For this, you have to make the most of your creative mind. However, you should have the courage to adopt brave steps to make attractive changes to the website. For this, you can start by installing a popup WordPress plugin that is sure to work great for your target audience. It sounds amazing, right? Yes, it will accentuate your subscriber base. Now, you have to get the right digital marketplace to choose the plugins from. If it sounds hard, research for the plenty of options available. So, for professional WordPress themes, templates, plugins and other digital products on your website, Templatemonster can be considered as…

The problem of a single story Narratives are important because they allow children and adults to grow their imagination. Today, most jobs like architecture require an individual with imagination to create designs that are functional, practical and impressive. Without much imagination, all houses would have similar designs. The stories in narratives humanize and empower the character of individuals. However, the biggest risk with a single story is that it is easy to break the dignity of people and malign them. Stories carry a great deal of power, and with a single story, a reader can easily make assumptions about the culture and lives of people they have never met. Adichie gives an example of how, after reading the American Psycho, she says that it is such a shame that most young men in American are serial killers. The audience laughs because of her absurdity in the generalization, but, it is clear that the single stories keep people from authentically connecting as individuals. The power the story has to create a dominant culture’s stereotypes that disempower the groups and threaten other…

Noble corporate stories can play a vital role in creating the loyalty of employees as well as enhancing programs of corporate social responsibility. This can be attained by maximizing the probability that workers will efficiently support the claims of responsibility of a company. When PMC wanted to reposition itself, the company communicated to its workers a complex corporate narrative. The corporate narrative tried to elide inconsistencies between the old as well as the new company’s stories. Some features of the narrative were manifestly false like the claimed steady evolution of the company’s beliefs about the dangers of cigarette smoking when the company had realized for 50 years that it had instigated disease and death. Another internal narrative feature of PMC is its dependence on YSP as evidence of its responsibility. This aspect appeared disingenuous, considering that PMC dismissed most of its workers’ suggestions for operative ways to minimize youth smoking. Thus, in generating its new corporate narrative, the company misled its employees as well as the public. The company’s new narrative may not have wholly convinced workers in the first…

Dior’s Native American-themed Cologne, Sauvage, has been Considered as Racism. Luxury fashion house Dior’s faces backlash over its newest cologne advertisement. The French company has been accused of racism after naming their latest cologne Sauvage which means “wild” or “savage” in French. Also, they have gone to the lengths of using a native American, Johnny Depp, as their face of the advertisement. This action has not been taken lightly by the Native Americans who have highly considered this as an insensitive act of racism. The act of using a native American as the face of the advertisement has filled the native Americans with rage and the pain of being criticized by Dior. However, Dior has tried to defend itself by saying that the entire campaign was supervised and co-starred by native Americans. They strongly say that they had native Americans as their consultants, and therefore they thought it was okay to start the campaign. Dior’s ad video of the $150 Sauvage cologne shows Johnny Depp stacking rocks to mark his path while walking at south-western Utah in the amid of…

9 Best SEO Optimized Themes For WordPress 2020 SEO could also be a huge topic, and there are many factors in it to know. If you’re an online site owner, you have a website of your company, and you want your site to rank on the very best of the program result pages. According to records, Every year many corporates, organizations and online eCommerce businesses spend a huge amount of money on their advertisement to rank their website higher in search engines. Ranking your site to top SEO takes some hard effort. WordPress is considered to be the foremost SEO friendly platforms, but you’ve to back it up with SEO friendly WordPress themes and SEO plugins for your WordPress website. Now you don’t need to worry about SEO by installing SEO Friendly Themes Offered by WordPress. Here are some 9 Best SEO Optimized Themes for WordPress 2020 listed below, you’ll check it for better ranking of Your WordPress site9 Best SEO Optimized Themes for WordPress 2020 Mh Magazine Theme Mh Magazine is a dynamic WordPress theme which is suitable for…

Websites for Rating Men’s Liked Services and Products Men are not easy to understand, and the products they like are not natural to know as well. The services offered to men are not too easy to evaluate to all people. Many sites have been designed to help men come up with reviews on what the majority likes and what is disliked. The sites can be useful guide if you know how to use them. If you sell men’s products and services, you need to find a site that will be fit for that. The website will be hard for you at times to choose if you are not fit in the field. The following are the factors to consider finding the best. First, you need to consider if the site is affordable. Indeed, you cannot get these services for free. The companies are different in the price they will ask from you in their services. Select a company that will not charge you highly when you want to review men’s products and services using their sites. It will be easy…

Prevalence of childhood obesity In reference to the PICOT question regarding the prevalence of childhood obesity, it is arguable that all the studies articles have reflected on the elements that were found to influence obesity in children. In this case, it is seen that social-economic factors, parental education, and nursing interventions, influence childhood obesity. This is one of the traits that has been confirmed by the four studies under different study settings. That is, in a summation, all studies have concluded social factors, parental education, nursing intervention, and economic factors such as income influence childhood obesity. Another similarity between the four articles is that all have a hypothesis attributed to the condition being tested. They have also engaged rigorous research inapproving the hypothesized attributes pertaining environmental factors and childhood obesity. Equally, the studies, both qualitative and quantitative, are empirical; that is, they have engaged detailed and measured statistics and non-numeric data that has a provable rationale. Moreover, all articles are systematic in terms of investigation. That is, they have a hypothesis and a problem of investigation whose results reflective their…


Movie themes

Movie themes The recent surge in the popularity of dance movies is undeniable. As an avid viewer and fan of the genre, I tend to watch these movies more to enjoy the sterling choreography and camera plays on display than actually looking into the underlying themes the films possess. Now, watching them again with a more analytical eye, it is hard to miss the major issues dealing with everyday society, which such films aim to portray. Beyond the apparent clichés and romance that are usually easily noticeable the first time round, for the inattentive viewer, there are much more important themes that come into play, as can be seen in recent films such as Save the Last Dance, and Street Dance 3D. Hybridity is an accepted aspect of modern dancing. Sara, in the film, Save me the last dance, as detailed earlier, is a young girl trying to adapt to her new school. She is a promising ballet dancer who, after getting introduced to Derek by her friend Chenille, gets immersed in the world of hip-hop dancing upon gaining interest…

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