Analyzing the Themes of Power and Authority from King Lear                                  Power and authority are addictive, and when a person loses hold of them, adapting to the ordinary environment becomes hard. William Shakespeare, in his play, King Lear, demonstrates how power and authority can blind a person to make thoughtless decisions. In the tragedy, King Lear decides to hand over leadership powers to his daughters. However, he demands that the daughters confess their love for him. When Lear notices that Cordelia, whom he also loves the most, dos do not reciprocate the same in words, he rushes to divide the power between Goneril and Regan. Therefore, the rushed decision by Lear when handing powers and authority shows that emotions can cause a person to make irrational decisions. When King Lear decides to hand powers, he disregards the right procedure and follows emotions. He coerces the daughters to confess their love for him in order to get a share of his power, which is a misuse of his powers. Goneril and Regan lie to their father that they love him a…

Introduction/Theme Every individual in the world has their legend, which they follow with the aim of achieving greatness in their lives. As a result, these personal legends or dreams are what drives human beings to work hard and give up some material things to attain what they deem to be the most important achievement in their lives The centrality of Personal Legend In the story of The Alchemist, the author demonstrates the theme of the centrality of personal legends through Santiago, who is the main character. The book depicts that people are always in pursuit of their dreams as the end goal of living a fulfilling life. For example, this could be through attaining individual social status in the society or career opportunity. The theme of the centrality of personal legend is in conjunction with Maslow’s theory of motivation, where individuals are usually motivated to take part in different activities in life in order to reach self-actualization. In this case, once a person achieves their personal legend, they will end up living a self-actualized life. In the process of pursuit…

The Theme of Equivocation in Macbeth Introduction In the hands of evil, equivocation is an extremely dangerous tool. This is because it contains a powerful force that can result in serious consequences. This is evident in William Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth. In the play, we have seen the tragic end of Macbeth and other people (Baqir Twaij, 2017). Equivocation is not a new concept. It has existed in society back to the beginning of mankind in the Garden of Eden. Equivocation was first used by the devil to be creating a deceitful evil. Eve fell for the equivocation, and she ate the forbidden fruit. The devil convinced Eve that God had forbidden them from eating the fruit because upon eating, they could be as intelligent as him. Shakespeare uses equivocation to illustrate the evil traits of the three witches. Equivocation is the use of expressions and words with an aim to mislead other people. The witches make prophecies that mislead Macbeth (Shakespeare, 1915). Their form of deception is using words to deceive Macbeth. As the first prophecy, the witches tell Macbeth…

The Theme of Gender Identity in Bechdel’s “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic” “Overview of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States”. Religion and Public Life, Pew Research Centre, 2012, This article traces the various victories that the struggle for same-sex marriage has won over the years. As the article notes, a thin line has been drawn between the opponents and proponents of same-sex marriage. Those who support same-sex marriage argue that its legalization will enhance the equality of rights while those against say that it will undermine the most consecrated heterosexual marriage. The different views have led to the emergence of debates and court battles. Reference is given to the Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMAs), passed by over 40 states, that marriage can only be established by a man and a woman. However, same-sex marriage has gained momentum, and victories have been realized in states such as Maryland, Washington, and New York. The Supreme Court is set to review the DOMAs and other courts’ decisions to give a ruling on the course the US constitution should take. This source is…

Divi Layout vs Divi Child Theme- Overview You might have noticed that Divi Child Themes are generally more expensive than Divi Layout packs. Why do you need to pay some extra dollars on Divi Child Themes? What’s the difference between Divi Child Theme and Divi Layout? What are the benefits of buying a Divi Child Theme? Divi users mostly ask these a question. Well, some people consider both options identical as there is no visible difference between Divi Layout and Divi Child Theme. The only difference between these two options is the flexibility of customization. Divi is the most famous WordPress theme right now with almost 500,000 active users. Several plugins are specially designed for Divi parent theme. If you don’t have any development experience, you can easily create a professional website with Divi theme. If you see two options of Divi Child Theme and Divi Layout, you don’t need to worry about these options. We are going to cover everything related to Divi Child Theme and Divi Layout in this article. Divi Layout vs Divi Child Theme- Overview If…

The novel Frankenstein themes review Isolation has always been a present occurrence throughout the existence of humankind. Isolation refers to the physical or emotional separation from others. Individuals frequently feel isolated based on their appearance, socio-economic status, or views about specific subjects. Individuals who deviate from the normality of society are seen as a threat to the welfare of the community leading to isolation. The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley explores several notable themes as they pertain to the day to day struggles that individuals experience, but isolation is the central theme. The idea is developed thoroughly throughout the novel since from the beginning, and someone feels isolated from everyone else. Shelley develops the theme of isolation through the characters, notably Victor Frankenstein, Elizabeth, and the Creature, who is emotionally and physically alienated from their families and society. Most of the decisions and actions of the characters are the real causes of isolation. However, the characters are forced to quarantine through separation for situations that are beyond their control, which explains their experience of solitude. Thus, with respect to Frankenstein,…

pre-conceived notions (prejudice), individual responsibility or resistance to change themes Using at least four of the literary pieces we have read dealing with one of the following themes: pre-conceived notions (prejudice), individual responsibility or resistance to change or any other theme you think might be appropriate for the four readings you choose, compose a thesis and prove your point. What you have said or what others have said on the Forum (Discussions) may be helpful. Also note the student essays to see how different readings can be synthesized to prove one point. The readings include: ″Incident″ by Countee Cullen – p.128 ″Minor Miracle″ by Marilyn Nelson (handout – see link) ″Fourth of July″ by Audre Lourde (handout – see link) ″Letter From Birmingham Jail″ by Martin Luther King – p. 151 ″Black Boy″ by Richard Wright – p.555 ″Cathedral″ by Raymond Carver – p/ 436 ″The Lottery″ by Shirley Jackson – p.100 ″Much Madness is Divinest Sense″ by Emily Dickinson – p. 129 (See my explication to help you understand the poem.) ″Mending Wall″ by Robert Frost (See the student…

theme of oppression Introduction The major theme which is common among the three films watched in class; “the ashes and diamonds”, “tales of the tale” and the “little Vera” are oppression. Each of the three movies has the dominant theme being oppression of different forms. Expressed through how Vera discounts her life and the oppressive society in “the little Vera”, the films illustrate much of the abuse same as how the tales of tales which demonstrates the part of paradises and part of hell created by the same oppression.  Equally, the film, “Ashes and Diamonds” is also structured around the abuse that people had to undergo between World War 2 and the cold war. All three films describe the theme of oppression in the various forms using the most unique and advantageous cinematic features (Tikka et al., 2015). The development of the common theme in all three films has been done using some of the most congenial ways. All three films use the element of mise en scene in three different ways. The first film, the “Ashes and diamonds” employs…

From your perspective, discuss the historical significance of the theme of this book? Among the main themes in the book “The Mis-education of the Negro” by Dr. Carter G. Woodson is education. Woodson is talking about African Americans getting an education to liberate themselves. He argued that during the time, black Americans were culturally indoctrinated instead of being taught in American schools. He is trying to say that lack of education made them feel inferior. Woodson states that this conditioning led the black people to become dependent and to look for inferior places in the greater society of which they are part. Although he presents the theme of education in a different way, Woodson has demonstrated it in a way that makes it historically significant- through the idea of black studies, blacks being taken as inferior, gaining education o fight for their rights, how church supported the blacks, political education and African Americans thinking for themselves. Woodson argues that African Americans had to receive education concerning their culture and the substantial accomplishments of people of African decedent. He further states…

HARRISON BERGERON CENTRAL THEME Introduction Harrison Bergeron is a satirical short story and was written by Kurt Vonnegut, who is an American writer. First publication of the article was in 1961. The characters are fourteen years old Harrison Bergeron, his father George, Hazel, who is his mother, a dancer named Ballerina and the Diana moon glampers. The story’s dystopian setting and the humor encompassed in it enhances its social and political critique. The purpose of this paper is to explore the central theme of the writer in the article. Body In the short story, Vonnegut’s central theme is the future America, which Vonnegut anticipates; all people are equal in all aspects no matter the race, religion, or any element. The writer is imaginative of a world where the government of the United States forces all of its citizens to be equal through means of cruel handicaps. Vonnegut mocks not the rapidly rising emphasis on the equality of opportunities which is majorly endorsed by man people during his time, but the growth in the equality of outcomes which many people…

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