Bread of Life      Deuteronomy chapter eight verse three states that, ” He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.” In comparison, John chapter six verse thirty-five states that ” then Jesus declared, “ I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” In my opinion, I believe that in John chapter six verse thirty-five, Jesus meant that no man could survive without Him as He is the giver of life and the sustainer of that life. According to Beutler (2017), the message in John chapter six verse thirty-five conveys that Jesus Christ is the real bread and the giver of life where no man short of Jesus can support or live by himself. Even when one is a believer, their power cannot support their spiritual growth and…

Poverty in the United States Poverty in the United States is a prevalent social and economic crisis. Poverty USA estimates that as of 2018, there were 38.1 million people, or 11.8% of the population, living in poverty. The Federal government has set $25,700 as the poverty threshold for a family of four, and many Americans are living in far less than this amount. After reviewing the video and article sources on poverty in the country, one thing is clear – debt is unavoidable for millions of people. The poor are not employed, as is commonly thought. Those living in poverty hold jobs multiple times. The reality is that the minimum wage in the United States is inadequate for living above poverty due to the high cost of living. Once individuals pay their rent, loans, utility bills, and buy food, there are barely left with anything. This indicates that many Americans are a single paycheck away from losing their standard of living. Many factors have pushed people in different parts of the country to poverty. The deindustrialization of cities is one…

WATER QUALITY Water is an essential substance to the environment and its constituents, including the economy of the world. Although the water is vital for drinking it varies depending on the conditions of the water source. The water, safe for drinking, should be treated accordingly and must meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency. In most cases, water supply is done through a community system under environmental regulations. Our community has its own system of water supply, which supplies more than 1000 households. Annual reports are presented concerning the quality of the water we drink. In the last two years, the reports that have been presented create awareness to the community about the safe water. The reports contain different information which includes but not limited to about the source of water, contaminants levels, and other standards of water quality as well as the violation of contaminant level (Power, 2017). From the reports in our community, it is shown that there was no violation of the regulations on the standard level of contamination. After conducting different contamination tests, one of…

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