The Benefits of Using Sustainable Concrete Sustainable concrete refers to a hunk of concrete that utilizes less energy during production and produces minimal carbon dioxide as compared to the regular concrete. Structures that are constructed using sustainable concrete have minimal societal impacts during the life cycle. There are numerous benefits of using sustainable concrete. The first one being minimal Carbon (iv) oxide emission during its productions, which results in increased environmental quality. Since the manufacture of cement causes significant release of CO2, a greenhouse gas which contributes to environmental issues (Gautam, Krishna & Srivastava, 2014). Through the use of sustainable concrete, the environmental impacts are minimized as it also reduces the depletion of natural resources through the use of secondary raw materials as and urban mining. Transportation of the materials to the construction site is also reduced as it enables recycling on the site, thereby reducing the greenhouse gas effect. Furthermore, the concrete meets the performance requirements of the contractors and producers. The concrete has low inherent energy requirements whereby little wasted products will be produced as it is made…

.Sustainable Development Strategy, 1997-2001 Safeguarding our Assets, Securing our Future Executive Summary Natural resources epitomize the very essence of sustainable development. Few sectors have more direct impact on the natural environment. Yet few are more integral to the economic and social well-being of every region in Canada. Sustainable development – the integration of environmental, economic and social considerations – necessarily means reconciling sometimes competing interests when deciding whether and how development should proceed. It requires that we factor in social concerns such as health, equity and community sustainability when making environmental and economic decisions. In a country as resource dependent as Canada, this is a major challenge. Resource development is crucial to the Canadian economy, generating $95 billion or nearly 14 per cent of Gross Domestic Product and 38 per cent of this country’s exports. The energy, mining and forestry sectors employ 0.75 million people across the country. Natural resources provide the essential raw materials for products used by all segments of society, from the lumber to build our houses and metals to manufacture machinery, to the oil and natural…

The Good, The Bad, and The Politics Politics, what has led to the largest events in history from revolts to assassinations they have been the most immense headlines for hundreds of years. This paper will focus on how people over time have come together and fallen apart through politics. Elaborated by discussing ancient politics, how these became modern politics and the up rise of dictators throughout human history. The evidence that will be used is primary and secondary sources. Politics as a way of ruling has been around for thousands of years and many of the ancient politics have inspired new age politics that are seen throughout the world. An example of an early government established is the government that was used in Ancient Rome in a way of a Republic split into three sectors. The three sectors of the Roman republic were the Consul, assembly, and senate branches which dictated the republic for the time that it ruled, then it became an empire. The change to a republic was shown as the following “ Caesar emerged victoriously and was…

Social Impact of Population Growth The United Nations has hired you to be a consultant on global issues. One of the challenges is assessing the impact of population growth. There is no question that the world population will grow dramatically in the next decade throughout many countries of the world. The members of the UN are working to understand the impact that population growth has on society, specifically in developing countries. Your first project with the UN is to develop a whitepaper on three issues related to the population growth faced by one of these countries. Read the Case Study and provide an assessment based on the questions below. (For a brief list of resources for this assignment, please see the end of the course guide.) II. Overview Our obsession with continual economic growth deters us from studying the role that an expanding population plays in global warming.[1] About 3 billion years ago, the Earth suffered through a mass extinction caused by catastrophic volcanic activity in Siberia and wildfires that covered the entire planet. Since then, four more extinctions have…

Recycling plastic waste Abstract This paper is to analyze the design/product/concept, (DPC) of recycling plastic waste. Recycling of plastic waste is an essential subject of environmental, social, and economic significance. The importance of plastic products to humanity cannot be over-emphasized because plastics have been around for a long time. However, plastics have significant adverse environmental and social effects, which, if not properly managed, can result in problems. Failing to recycle plastic waste is unethical, and as well, banning the use of plastics can lead to chaos due to the dependency of people on plastic products. The utilitarian ethical theory fits the arguments behind the recycling of plastic waste since it provides the greatest good to the greatest number. The paper argues that it is justifiable to continue and implement recycling of plastic waste. Background Recycling plastic waste is a process of recovering different types of plastic materials with the aim of processing them into new plastic products for re-use. Plastic recycling is necessitated by the fact the component materials are non-biodegradable, and hence failure to recycle them is an environmental…

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Founded by Jerry Sanders and friends in 1969, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) started by making copies of the existing microprocessors in the market. The company overgrew touching revenue of U$ 26.5 million by 1974. In 1975 AMD expanded its operations globally and emphasized innovation, introducing its first memory product RAM. The growth of AMD was driven by two initiatives ‘Age of Asparagus’ representing the company’s drive to increase the number of proprietary products by strengthening its R&D and ‘Catch the way’ representing recruitment drive intended to tap the talent pool. The company responded to changing market conditions by venturing into networking and production of the communication chips, programmable logic devices, and high performances devices. AMD also signed cross-licensing agreements with IBM and joint venture with Fujitsu to stay ahead of the game.   Featured on top 50 ‘America’s most admired companies for two consecutive years from 2003 and 2004, ADM is renowned for its commitment to business ethics, social and environmental issues. It had won several national and international prestigious awards for exceptional achievement in environmental…

The 21st Century struggle The 21st Century struggle that took place in West Papua is reminiscent of genocide attack. The Indonesian government, in conjunction with other nations, played a crucial role in advancing human rights abuses. The History of West Papua under the Dutch regime i included. The economic and political interests of the Dutch swill be included together with the strategies that it undertook to prevent Indonesia from invading Papua. Indonesian invasion of New Papua is likened to the Spanish entry in South America as well as in the Roman Kingdom.   Emphasis is placed on the Indonesian government`s transmigration policy which was aimed at evicting West Papuans from their original homelands in the 1960s. The application of deceptive means as well as guns to threaten landowners are included. The government`s intention of relocating some of its citizens from overpopulated cities, former military personnel, as well as their families to Papua is elaborated. Also, the government`s application of economics and unity as a strategy of bringing the nation together has been considered. Apart from that, the forcible entry of…

Identification and assessment of significant risks using game theory by GM General Motors is working towards converting its existing line of vehicle business into all new electric vehicles. It implies that the organization require resources and correct assessment of the resources. Converting traditional vehicles into electric vehicles would involve risks, and the company can consider using game theory in order to assess the risk. The game theory considers the factors that could affect customers, employees and other parties involved. During the decision making process, the reaction of these two parties matters and ways in which they will respond to the final decision also matters. The management at General Motors can use the game theory for assessing the problem and then determining the most suitable solution. The customers might opine that they will prefer electric vehicles rather than the traditional vehicles because it can reduce harmful emissions and enhance the overall health. EVs also produce less noise pollution and considering the environmental impact, it can be stated that EVs produce less harmful impact. On the other hand, another customer base might…

The Problem at the City Zoo City Zoo Case Analysis The case is about the City Zoo, which is a popular tourist attraction animal zoo that attracts tourists from all over the country. The zoo had gained a remarkable reputation locally, provincially, and nationally for providing a high-quality environment for its animals and enabled children of all ages to learn about different types of animals and their habitats at the zoo. The zoo operates with a committed staff of 157 full-time employees and 550 part-time and seasonal employees. Most of its revenues are from a special tax levy on city property owners who vote on whether or not to renew during the city elections, which are held every three years. The zoo experienced several problems in its management, communication, teamwork, and organizational structure, and as a result, several animals died in the zoo, which sparked much attention from the public and regulators. As a result, the employees of the zoo had low motivation, and the zoo faced risks in the deterioration of its revenues. The main issues identified in the…

WHO IS A PROGRESSIVE? According to Roosevelt, what are the characteristics of a progressive?  Roosevelt read his speech which, clearly highlighted the characteristics of a progressive. According to him, a liberal can be defined by several fundamental principles, which include consumer protection, control of corporations, and the conservation of nature and the surrounding resources. According to Roosevelt, a progressive is an individual who is positive about life and considers the prospect of progress and disputes resolutions. A characteristic that arises from the fundamental principles is that a progressive is also one who acts on the consequences of industrialization to regularize corporations’ regulations and to prevent exploitation of both the environment and the people (Roosevelt, 1912). From the speech, it can also be noted that another characteristic of a progressive is that s/he is a person who is passionate when it comes to change, the transformation of the government and world, and are willing to offer voluntary services. A progressive demands social justice at all costs and is very open to ensuring that the democratic process is expanded for the benefit…

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