EFFECT OF CYBERSECURITY ATTACKS ON PIPELINES AND NATURAL RESOURCES Introduction Cyber threats are a widespread form of risk that is faced by most of the organization in the present era. It is the type of attack that tends to steal and damage data that are confidential for an organization. However, the cyber threats also there on the pipeline operators and even in losing the natural resources of the nation. Types of cyber threats and their impact on the economy It was observed those five years ago, a hacker under the name of Ugly Gorilla stole tons of confidential data from the gas pipeline companies of the country (Pipyros, Mitrou & Gritzalis, 2017). The situation resulted in a massive financial loss of the organizations which have breached 3 lakh web of steel. Such an incident has shaken the pipeline organizations, which used to be one of the most significant contributors to the country. The economy of the country, as a result, has suffered a tremendous loss. The cyberattack on the shared data network has led to forcing shut down four of…

Analyzing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Efforts of an Organization Corporate social responsibility CSR is a word used to describe the effort of accompanying in improving its efficiency. The initiatives range from donating money to nonprofits to implementing environmental policies in the workplace. The main agenda of any corporate social responsibility is to make sure it offers financial aid to the customer rather than exploiting them. Apart from the corporation giving people financially, all moral support is required to make sure it supports people morally by considering the three corporate social responsibilities, environmental, philanthropic and the ethical (De Jong & van der Meer, 2017). In connection to that, this paper analyzes the Environment conservation, a Corporate Social Responsibility CRS Efforts of an Organization. Environment conservation is one of the corporate social organization that aims at saving the environment from collapsing through the work of human beings or natural degradation. The human being is supposed to protect the environment from collapsing through social activities, among other factors that cause environmental pollution. The main aim of preserving our environment is to make sure…

Natural and Sexual Selection in Frogs According to the Darwinian theory of natural and sexual selection, organisms undergo variations and mutations in order to possess significant traits for their survival in a specific ecosystem. Such adaptations increase the survival and reproduction rates thus maintaining their existence in an ecological niche. Moreover, the variations are inheritable hence making the future generations to survive. However, in the case of reproductive isolation, new species are likely to form. Sexual selection inhibits overproduction of unfit species’ generation since only organisms with the best fitness compete successfully for mates either in intrasexual or intersexual selection. For instance, the bullfrog has unique phenotypic adaptations that enable it to survive on the competitive land and aquatic niches. Since amphibians live partly on land and water, the bullfrogs have different leg lengths which help them in their movements with the fittest bullfrog having the desirable characteristics and optimum length. Irschick & Higham (2016) affirm that due to the effect of natural selection, some of the bullfrogs underwent phenotypic reproduction hence the variation in the leg characteristics of the…

Geography Question 1. Supranationalism is a system whereby different nations in agreement create a treaty and an organization whose boundaries go beyond the national borders. The member countries become subject to the authority of the organization. The individual nations have lesser powers than the organization formed. Such agreements exist, for example, the European Union created for economic and political reasons. Question 2. Devolution refers to the decentralization or transfer of power to lower levels. A central government can devolve its power to a local administration. Centripetal forces tend to draw things together and unify them. Such an effect can be a national language or common culture that binds the nation. Centrifugal force pulls the country apart, such as corruption and ethnicity. Spain has experienced devolution majorly to help maintain democracy to curb dictatorship.   Question 3. Balkanization refers to the process of disintegrating a state into smaller states which are either uncooperative or are hostile towards each other. In the 1990s, Yugoslavia experienced balkanization and was dissolved after an economic and political crisis. Former Yugoslavia is now made up of…

Africa-Quo Vadis? (Where Africa May Be Heading) Subject matter- this research will focus on the development of Africa in the 21st century. As Africa is a developing continent, it seems an excellent opportunity for international companies to go there and start businesses. The scope of consumer and industrial products is increasing day by day. It generally attracts the rest of the world to invest over there. Additionally, Africa has the world’s most significant youngest population, 80% of the population is 35, and above years old, these can be interpreted to be a country with the potential of growth in the economy. Some enemies of development are also common in Africa, corruption, and other activities like negatively affect Africa economy. Counties have political issues related to their political system, like Nigeria has an unstable political system (Hendricks, 2017). The shortage of power is also a significant concern in South Africa. It needs a lot of investment that can create a better Africa. Now, Africa is almost near to celebrate its independence, but after so many years of its independence, Africa is…

Sustainability Factors A sustainable design is a thoughtful design that has two primary purposes; to maximize the value of the built environment and to diminish or remove the adverse effects to the natural surroundings. A sustainable infrastructure design incorporates workable standards that will offer benefits to the environment and the society at large. Therefore, an engineer or planner needs to put this into significant consideration. Some of the factors considered when coming up with the water project include the use of natural resources that were naturally available. In this case, water is the resource in question. Water is usually available underground, and the project came up with pumps to deliver the water to the surface for the locals to utilize. The pumps used for the project were mechanical pumps which do not produce any smoke or other emissions. Therefore, the project was environmentally friendly to enhance its sustainability. Also, the main aim of the project was to allow the locals to participate in the provision of water for their needs. The community members would pump the water, and therefore, water…

Global environments of doing business in South Korea                 Introduction South Korea is a nation located in the Eastern part of Asia. It is bordered by countries such as North Korea and Japan. It is among the best-performing nations in Eastern Asia and has been improving gradually. Japan is known to be the most developed in East Asia, but South Korea has attempted to strengthen its economic structures so that it can catch up with such a nation. However, the country faces various hindrances while trying to increase its dominance due to North Korea. The country has different challenges and drivers, which influences the investment choices by multiple investors. It has high foreign reserves and account surplus, which encourages foreign investment. However, the country has experienced a slowdown in investment by countries like America and China.   International trade activities South Korea trades with different nations in the world, including China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, the United States, and Japan. The country mainly depends on services, industries, and agriculture, but the service industry is the most developed. But despite this…

Ecological Footprint Ecological footprint refers to a model used to measure how a given society utilizes natural resources at disposal to sustain their needs. All supplies used by man to achieve any goal comes from the physical environment. Tools, structures, machinery, energy, utensils, clothes, plants, animals, and any other necessity are derived from the environment. Wackernagel, M., and Rees, W., are credited with championing ecological footprint and Biocapacity in the 1990s. Today carbon model has also been developed and applied in various disciplines and industries to evaluate the population consumption index.   Pincetl, in her article ‘The Invisible Urban Nature All around us,’ states all resources utilized by man are nature. Nature, according to Pincetl, compromises the non-living matter. Non-living component of our environment forms the natural resources and are harvested for socioeconomic use. The utilization of support should be done sustainably. Unsustainable exploitation of resources led to environmental degradation and pollution, which is harmful. The polluted and degraded environment cannot sustain population demands and contribute to socioeconomic constraints that led to conflicts in most of the societies. Government and…

Important people According to me important person is any one valuable in life, Indigenous people of Americans are treasured; this article will talk about how the native USA people are critical. The United States is the melting pot of many different ethnicities and indigenous tribes attempting to harmoniously coexist. One of the major ethnic groups is the Indigenous Peoples of America. Who are they? Jose R. Martinez Cobo was a diplomat and politician who elaborated a definition for Indigenous Peoples, although the UN officially never adopted his definition, which is the commonly accepted understanding of the concept of Indigenous Peoples, stating: “ Currently, 4.1 million indigenous peoples are living in the US, which contributes to 1.5 of the US population (Warren 1-19). The majority of these individuals are members of one of the five greatest tribes that form the Confederacy of the Five Nations: Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Iroquois, and Lakota. The land is the basis of the domestic economy, and indigenous people have a deep spiritual relationship with the land. For instance, they often identify themselves by taking the name…

Change of Attitude and use of Natural Resources in the Pacific North The reality of degradation of the environment in the Northern part of America has been an issue for the past decades.  For instance, the state of the Columbia River is a prototype of the discourse about climate change as it presents a case where an entire region has experienced systematic collapse. The said “progress” or the advanced civilization, as well as technology, brought changes in the attitudes of the local people towards the use of the river. Also, north Colombia presents the twist of power and places where, due to power play, places were turned into hostile environments. Additionally, Mount Rainier National Park legislation presents a community’s dilemma between the preservation of natural resources or economic development. The arrival of European in the North West region and the political, social, and economic aspects of their interaction changed the native people’s attitudes and uses of natural resources. Human history and natural history are perpetually entangled in a codependent relationship. However, these ties have turned to be irreversible through the…

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