IGO Historical Background and Purpose. The Arctic Council was formed in 1996 to contribute more to the protection of the environment and cultural needs in the northern region. All this is geared towards achieving sustainable socio-economic development. The need to protect the natural and cultural heritage in the northern area led Canada to start regular dialogues with other countries in the region. The Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy was signed into action in 1991. Later in 1996, the member states created the Arctic Council. The Council regularly produces comprehensive and cutting edge environmental, ecological and social assessments through its working groups. Structure and type of IGO The Arctic Council is regional, as only member states of the arctic region are members. Some member countries are members of other regional blocs such as the European Union. Their purpose and functions, therefore, can intertwine. The IGO is multipurpose in that it aims to promote the security of the environment and the community and well as cohesion among member states. The member states are Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Russia, Norway, Sweden, and the United…

Government and environmental management Environmental and natural resource management is devolved function in Kenya therefore becoming the responsibility of the county governments. This environmental management arrangement is intended to increase local ownership and improve environmental policy. However, the central government has a stake in environmental issues through the ministry of environment and such agencies as NEMA, KWS and KFS.   Decentralisation of the environment function is based on the idea that most governments, particularly African governments, do not have the capacity at the central level to effectively implement necessary environmental protection measures. This impediment leads to a continued degradation of soil, forest coverage, water quality, and biodiversity.   Constitution and environment Chapter 4 Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the right to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through legislative and other measures.   Chapter 5 The State shall— Ensure sustainable exploitation, utilisation, management and conservation of the environment and natural resources, and ensure the equitable sharing of the accruing benefits. This acknowledges the role of the…

report on the key issues that must be considered by Britvic PLC in the process of constructing a new business enterprise in Mexico Introduction The main focus of this essay is to present a report on the key issues that must be considered by Britvic PLC in the process of constructing a new business enterprise in Mexico. The essay has six major sections. Section 1 analyses the macroeconomic indicators in Mexico. Section 2 examines the Foreign Direct Investment policies in Mexico and entry mode for new foreign enterprises. Section 3 compares the key corporate governance in Codes between the UK and Mexico. Section 4 identifies the available sources of finance for Britvic PLC in the process of raising funds required for constructing the new Semen Indonesia Plant. Section 4 explores the opportunities and risks available in Mexico and the UK. Section 5 examines the foreign exchange risks which can affect Britvic PLC and their remedies. Section 1: The Macroeconomic indicators in Mexico Since the last quarter of 2019, the economic growth in Mexico seems to have stagnated due to the…

Overview of an Emerging Market in Thailand  Thailand is a country located on the central continent of Asia.  The Country’s geographical structure comprises hilly lands in the Northern part, the fertile central plains which support immense scale growth of rice, the broad plateau on the Northern and rugged coast, which acts as a tourist attraction site. Thailand was known for the agricultural Country back till the end of the half 20th century, and this view changed gradually since the start of 1961 due to the immigration of the countries citizens to Bangkok, which is the headquarters of Thailand. Although Bangkok is the administrative headquarter of Thailand, other sizable capitals are coming up, such as Chiang Mai, Nakhon Ratchasima, Pattaya, and the Hat Yai. Burma surrounds Thailand’s main body on the western side, and it also occupies the entire peninsula reaching its southern border with Malaysia. The Thailand landscape is divided into different climates zone, from the mountainous landscape to the alluvial plains and the sandy beaches at the coastal part of the Country (Kingnetr & Sriboonchitta, 2017).  The Country has…

Sino-African relations Sino-African relations are a vibrant, two-way dynamic in which both sides adjust to policy initiatives and popular perceptions emanating from the other. RAND researchers have assessed Chinese and African goals, African perceptions of China, how China has adjusted its policies to address local reactions, whether the United States and China hj compete in the region, and how Washington and Beijing might actually cooperate to their mutual benefit. China’s role in Africa defies conventional stereotypes and punchy news headlines. China is both a long-established diplomatic partner and a new investor in Africa. Chinese interests on the continent encompass not only natural resources but also issues of trade, security, diplomacy, and soft power. China is a major aid donor, but the scope, scale, and mode of Chinese aid practices are poorly understood and often misquoted in the press. Most analyses of Chinese engagement with African nations focus on what China gets out of these partnerships — primarily natural resources and export markets. Some studies have described the impacts, positive and negative, that China’s aid and investment policies have had on…

Risk Management Plan Introduction Risk management plan is the process through which an organization can be able to identify, analyze, monitor and control any risk any event which can cause loses to lives of workers and the properties (Hubicki, 2014). This Risk management plan is meant to highlight some of the risks facing Health Network, Inc. (Health Network) and provide some of the days to day procedures which can be performed to reduce the impact of the risk. It also identifies various parts of the network which requires regular monitoring pegging on the sensitivity of information it conveys. All stakeholders in the Health Network are required to keep proper records of management and assessment activities. What drives natural resources demand? In the past, a relationship between natural resources demands and the economic growth. However, there are additional aspects involved more than easy economical forms. The demand for natural resources is not only as a result of a change in population; both of the taking part. There are several other factors that play a role, these factors include: Price Pressures Technological…

Comparison of natural and anthropogenic climatic changes Introduction Global warming refers to the increment in the level of temperature on the earth surface. In last 100 years, there has been a rise in the level of temperature based on increment in economic activities such as production leading to pollution. There have been green activities which lead to the production of more gases in the atmosphere causing more global warming (Cottrell, 2013). Climatic changes occur on earth either permanently or many last for a long period. The article seeks to compare the natural and anthropogenic climatic changes, take the position or whether or not global warming is taking place, give mitigations to global warming and also discuss policies used to stabilize global warming. Comparison of natural and anthropogenic climatic changes Physical changes have contributed to global warming through the tilting of the earth around the orbit leading to the production of cycle energy. These energy rises which causes the temperatures to rise above the normal. There are natural ways in which the oceans have a cooling and warming cycles which alter…

 effects of global warming, adaptation, and vulnerability Part A: Critical Reviews Reflection #1Climate Change 2014 Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects Climate change is now a confirmed issue from the recent ecological changes. The report by Working Group II address the effects of global warming, adaptation, and vulnerability. The report employed socio-economic, technical, and scientific literature to create an updated comprehensive report (Adger et al., 2014). It was important for the report to include these issues as climate change will affect everyone. By taking that approach, the Working Group II created a material that can help all stakeholders in decision-making. Most studies on climate change do focus on immediate effects such as unpredictable and heavy precipitation, temperature rise, and the impact on animals and plants. According to Adger et al. (2014), the report got more detail to highlight the effects of global warming on international security, travel, and trade. The focus on other ignored issues besides the natural ecosystem or human endeavor gives the report more credit. Whenever food supply is destabilized because of climate change,…

chemistry-focused topic Selecting an appropriate topic is the first, and often the most frustrating, step in the project. The topic must be chemistry-focused. Chemistry-focused means discussing chemistry, not simply mentioning or listing elements or compounds. Therefore, carefully select a topic that has significant amount of chemistry content. The topics listed in the syllabus are general ideas. If you are interested in pursuing one for a project, select a specific subtopic. The topic must be appropriate for a 10-page paper and a 10-minute presentation in a way that requires more than one source. For example, if all of the information you’d want to use about the topic is in the textbook, then it is probably either too general or too specific. The instructor can assist you with broadening or narrowing a topic, if needed. The topic must be readily understood by all students in the course during the presentation.   Make sure sources are reliable and that the topic requires at least three sources. Again, if you’re not sure, ask.   Your first lead probably won’t be a primary source. When…

understanding the decimating effect of factory farming on our natural resources As I was scrolling through Netflix one night recently, looking for the next binge-worthy series to watch, this unassuming documentary caught my eye. The description merely stated ‘understanding the decimating effect of factory farming on our natural resources — and why haven’t human beings seen the effect.’ As a student studying climate change and a keen advocate of sustainability, I was naturally intrigued. But I was not prepared for the hard-hitting truths that this documentary shed light on. The effect of human activities on natural resources has been significant concern over the years. Human beings have concentrated on promoting convenience. They have, however, forgotten to enhance their well-being. The use of factory farming methods has transformed the agricultural industry. The use of such methods involves chemicals and machinery that have a significant adverse effect on the environment. The distraction of the ecosystem through environmental pollution is a threat to human life. The movie mentioned above demonstrates the impact of factory farming methods on the environment. I was already aware…

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