Environmental Management Every person wishes to live in a safe and secure environment for one to enjoy a quality life. Unfortunately, this has become impossible since as industries strive to make more profit, they engage in some activities that pollute the environment. One such industry is the petroleum or the oil industry. The product of the oil industry, i.e., petroleum, is a significant pollutant as carbon is emitted during its combustion. The by-products of oil combustion include carbon monoxide and nitrates, which also pollute the environment resulting in a rise in global temperatures. In order to protect the environment, the industry should engage in activities that improve its environmental performance. This can be achieved in the following ways; The recycling of matters is one of the most effective ways of improving the industry’s environmental performance. The industry should come with innovative recycling techniques that will help reduce natural resources used during the production of gas and oil. For instance, to reduce the amount of freshwater used during everyday operation, the industry should encourage the use of biological methods, for example,…

NYU Abu Dhabi             New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi is the pioneer of comprehensive science and liberal arts portal campus to be run by an American based university in the Middle East. Intentions for its establishment date back to the last months of 2007. New York university’s role was to plan the whole process of establishment, and the funding was to be done by UAE bodies. The institution was launched in 2008 in boroughs of Abu Dhabi, although its focus at that time was to carry out public events like workshops and performances. In 2010, NYU Abu Dhabi enrolled the first class made of 150 students as it had incorporated several disciplines in its curricula like science, liberal arts, and engineering. In 2014, the university shifted from the campus of Abu Dhabi to Saadiyat Island. Numerous factors favored the establishment and growth of the NYU Abu Dhabi. Foremost, Porcelli and Maharishi (2019) indicate that funding to NYU Abu Dhabi was carried out by different parties in Abu Dhabi. The regional government provided grants for peer-reviewed research and the entire…

  Specific Heat Capacity Measurement and Calibration 1.0 Introduction Calorimetry is the technique used to measure the amount of heat exchange between two different substances at different temperatures (Ribeiro, 1984). A calorimeter comprises an insulated container, a mass of water, the thermometer, a lid, and the system to be investigated. The use of the Styrofoam cup allows an assumption that there is no heat exchange through the calorimeter walls. This particular experiment is focused on the determination of the heat capacity of the adiabatic calorimeter to measure heat changes at constant pressure. The experiment involves the use of a calorimeter with water and a metal sample to find the specific heat capacity of the metal sample. According to Chang (1984), the specific heat capacity refers to the amount of heat energy required by an object to absorb a unit increase in temperature for a given unit of the mass. Theoretical background The calorimeter contains a suitable liquid which creates a good thermal contact with the process being investigated. If the process generates heat energy, then the energy exchanged to the…

Protected Values- Critical Review In their article “Protected Values,” Jonathan Baron and Mark Spranca define protected values as those values that do not make tradeoffs or compromise with other values, precisely economic values. Baron and Spranca propose that protected values arise from deontological rules concerning action. The two also suggest that protected values not only display tradeoff resistance, but they also tend to show moral obligation, agent relativity, and quantity insensitivity. People who hold protected values tend to get angry at the thought of compromising and tend to deny the need for tradeoffs through fantasy or wishful thinking. Protected values are often impossible to satisfy and they may cause difficulties for the government or other institutions that try to meet and satisfy the values of a significant number of people. Although protected rights cause trouble for government efforts to implement specific programs, some practices and values should be inviolable and should not be compromised by tradeoffs with other values Summary Baron and Spranca define protected values as those values that resist tradeoffs with others, especially economic values. People who hold…

Computer Science Being a passionate engineer, Computer Science grew to be my specific area of interest. When I started participating in projects in my college in the field of Electronics and Communication, which is my field of graduation, there were some aspects that required the knowledge of Computer Science. This was when I was introduced to the basics of computer science. During later stages of my BE, I was completely inclined towards computer science and did most of my projects and seminars in context with the same. The usefulness of Computer Science in technology in the real world and the fact that I could implement what I studied into various projects I did (be it Image processing, IoT), which made life simpler, drew me closer to the subject. When I started working, I understood the true potential of computer science. Concepts and technologies like Data Science, Artificial intelligence, image processing, and technologies combined with analytics not only solved complex business problems but also drew me closer and closer to its capabilities. With the whole world moving towards a digital era,…

PROJECT MANANGEMENT A business case is a justification of why an organization should pursue a course action.  A business case is used to communicate to the management the need for undertaking the project and the estimatedbudget. The local authority wanted to come up with an Oracle-based system to optimize their delivery platforms. The system was aimed at standardizing processes and streamlining financial flows. Therefore, the objective was to come up with a system to meet the objectives of the local authority. However, the project team, given the task of coming up with the project, did not perform a good job. This is after the project manager received negative feedback from stakeholders. The stakeholders were not happy with the management approach undertaken by the project team.Stakeholders believed that the project team had not successfully delivered the project. The project manager was surprised at the feedback provided by the project stakeholders when the project was being handled. The challenge facing the project manager is that this was not the first time stakeholders had provided negative feedback. The previous two projects had been…

Artemio Cruz Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes’s novel The Death of Artemio Cruz (1962) ranks among the most significant works of the Latin American literary boom. The book paints a picture of twentieth-century Mexico filtered through the perspective of the life of Artemio Cruz. Artemio Cruz is the author’s hero-villain. He was a rebellious young lieutenant during the revolt against Diaz.  Artemio Cruz, a wealthy, dishonest landowner in post-revolutionary Mexico. Cruz remembers noteworthy occurrences of his life while on his deathbed. Cruz joined the Mexican Revolution, determined to fight against the owners of the land, and the rights of the peasants who provided labor to the farms. Cruz, a soldier in the Mexican Revolution, was devoted to redistributing the property to allow peasants to live a better life. Cruz associated himself with the winning group of General Alvaro Obregon, and on the initial year of the uprising, he met Regina. Regina was later brutally murdered, and Cruz became a self-centered opportunist who never opened his heart to anyone. He was captured after two years. While awaiting capital punishment, Cruz discussed the meaning of life…

Global Environment Facility Projects in Kenyan International Waters.  Project Overview The paper addresses Global Environment Facility projects in Kenyan Trans border waters. Kenya shares several water resources with its neighbouring countries, both underground and surface.  Lake Victoria water basin is a freshwater resource shared between Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Similarly, the country shares various underground aquifers with other countries within the Nile basin. The numerous water resources face environmental challenges, among them being conflicts between bouldering communities, pollution, and overutilization of the resources. The ability to efficiently manage shared resources to meet the needs of involved parties requires regional and international cooperation (Ministry Of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Environmental Governance 48). Global Environment Facility has implemented various projects to address challenges that face numerous water resources in Kenya and the region at large. Lake Victoria, the Environmental management project, is one of the projects that GEF has funded in Kenya. The project sought to address the significant threats facing the lake’s ecosystem, such as fishing, Eutrophication, algae levels, and invasive exotic species like water hyacinth (GEF). The project’s main…

Barriers to the Implementation of Spatial Plans in Sustainable Tourism: A Qualitative Study from the Local Community Perspective Introduction Tourism and spatial planning are two different concepts, yet interrelated. Tourism often occurs in a specific location or area, which makes it have a spatial character. Although spatial planning is a tool for organizing tourism activities, the way it affects sustainable tourism remains underresearched. With adverse environmental impacts on tourism destinations resulting from tourism activities, it is imperative to find ways in which the destinations can be shielded to ensure sustainable development (Risteski, Kocevski, & Arnaudov, 2012). Beyond the physical environment, tourism activities affect cultural identity and the economy. Local communities are at the center of sustainable development. A gap exists between planning efforts of sustainable tourism and the implementation. Many of the spatial plans never become a reality due to multiple factors, including lack of effective implementation instruments and information to support planning (Brokaj, 2014). The authorities must ensure that they involve the residents in the planning efforts to develop sustainable tourism products and destinations. While sustainable tourism is inherently…

Endangered Gorillas’ Defining the Problem Gorillas are considered to be part of the primates’ family. Years of extensive scientific research has also proved that their DNA is 98% identical to the humans DNA. Correspondingly, they have some unique characters when one compares them to the other primates. Other primates are prone to dwell on trees, but that is not the case with gorillas. They thrive in terrestrial regions and tropical rainforests. Perhaps, that is why most of the Gorilla population thrives in the African continent. Most of the population is concentrated in the West African region, Congo. However, some of them can also be found in Rwanda and Uganda. Research Review Human beings are considered to be the main threat to the Gorilla species. First, human beings are exploiting natural resources such as forests. Forests are often cleared for either agriculture or timber. However, when too much logging takes place, the natural habitat of gorillas’ is also destroyed. Studies show that up to 20% of gorillas dwell in protected areas, whereas the more significant percentage is facing continuous threats from…

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