Adventure Leisure and Ecotourism: country Sweden  Activities site attractions in Sweden According to recent researches, this country is among the top eco-tourism destination country. Tourists are motivated to visit Sweden for tourism activities but also participate in environmental conservation. Ecotourism has been playing a pivotal role in contributing to Sweden tourism industry and economic growth. Skiing and bathing, among other ecotourism activities, are named among the top GDP generators in Sweden. Everyone would feel motivated to visit this country from it has many tourist attractions destinations incorporated with positive protection of the ecology. National parks Sweden is a unique country. It has fascinating rolling hills and virgin mountainous terrain. In the efforts of preserving the habitats for wildlife, it comes up with the first park called Sarek in 1909. Famous by then, the government of Sweden has allocated over 731, 589hectares of the land to the preservation of wildlife. It looks like a big park by itself. Visitors from all over the world visit to tour and preserve wildlife and nature (Wall-Reinius,et al ,2019). The history of Sweden and its environment…

 IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON BUSINESS The biggest challenge in our globe over the decades has been climatic change. Climatic change has been recognized worldwide as a threat to both the present and future life. Irrespective of the expectation of people that climatic change will affect people in the future, the effect has also been felt in our present day. Climatic change is simply the changes that are experienced in the environmental temperatures. The rise in the number of floods and droughts experienced, experiencing heat weaves, and the sea level rising high and high. The effects caused by climatic changes are; poor sanitation, lack of adequate and clean drinking water, adverse air pollution both indoors and outdoors, and Irresistible diseases. Climate change has been felt in many countries, including Mexico, affecting the mode of doing business both directly and indirectly. Examples of business facing the climate change challenge are Tourism industry When the Country of Mexico is mentioned, people think about Sierra Madres, while others think about the Rio Grande. Sierra Madres and the Rio Grande are sites that have…

Water Privatisation in Canada Introduction The global population in Canada continues to increase, leading to high demand for water. Canada is an untapped market for profits. Freshwater should be treated as a resource that is provided by the government at relatively free or low prices. It will lead to a reduction of health hazards from industrial pollution and factory farm inputs. The Canada top cities contribute to half of the country’s output but only collect 6% of the tax dollars; hence they are open to private sector claims that lead to manipulation (Bates, 2017). In terms of water consumption, Canada is the second-largest in the world. Despite that, water is a vital resource; its prices have been kept relatively low while its waste is high. It encourages proper wastewater management because water prices are low with direct and indirect subsidies. Water prices can be reduced by water privatization, which involves the transition from country owned and operated water system to a system where water is treated as a tradable commodity, which is subject to private property rights. Canada has adopted…

A Persuasive Speech To Convince The Audience To Recycle Purpose Precisely, the primary rationale for this persuasive speech is to convince the audience which in this context is the students on the benefits of recycling various commodities such as plastics, paper, and also metal merchandise. Besides, the speech will deliver on the various predicaments that are more likely to be experienced regarding the refusal of recycling the commodities. Lee depicts that a report released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in 2013 stated that Americans produced approximately 254 million tons of waste (2019). In essence, that is comparable to roughly 1.7 million blue whales. Essentially, regarding the 254 million, around 87 million tons of the waste was reprocessed. Apparently, it would have been quite detrimental if none of the waste products was recycled. Sequentially, as time went by, the waste would endure to pile up, eventually prompting to additional landfills exploding up near their households. Sadly, landfills have an enormous ecological implication. Putting into consideration that Americans dispose of 2.5 million plastic containers each hour, and merely each…

Conservation of natural resources Abstract In this paper, there will be discussion of environmental protection project based on governmental arrangements for the conservation of the environment. This paper will deal with the strategies which government of Australia has taken to make sure the nature is conserved and protected   so as to ensure that the fauna and flora are protected for future use. The organization management is composted of the stake holders. In this paper there will be analysis of the stakeholders and how there are related according to their positions and duties which they undertake for the progress of the project. In the paper there is analysis of the potential capability in the project. The steps the project does for its success are tackled out in the paper. Introduction The governance of protected areas is very critical. It is an issues that requires a defined balance between conservation results and community development. The maintenance of this balance, there are outcomes that are associated with management concessions. These outcomes are based on culture, social, economic and environmental grounds (Weeks $ Jupiter,…

 reducing the use of hazardous materials and chemicals, having a negative impact on the environment Purpose The team would be tasked to reduce the use of hazardous materials and chemicals, having a negative impact on the environment. Strategies to minimize resource use   The team will adopt strategies such as preventive measures to avoid cleaning up the mess caused by hazardous materials and chemicals (Liroff, 2019). Also, the team spearheads at minimizing energy use, thus embark on the utilization of renewable forms of energy. Besides, safer solvents would be used to avert the impact caused by tragedies. As such, chemicals would utilize explicit designs that minimize their toxicity to the environment and health. Strategies to reduce toxic materials Prevention serves as the best strategy to reduce the number of toxic materials and unsafe chemicals into the environment. Also, source reduction is highly viable since it eliminates waste before being created and released into the environment (Liroff, 2019). As such, toxic levels are greatly reduced hence developing a healthy environment. Lastly, recycling helps reduce toxic materials by converting wastes into materials…

The porter’s diamond This week I learned about crucial marketing concepts through global marketing as a concept and strategy that organizations use to expand internationally smoothly. With the increased use of emerging technologies, business organizations are finding it easy to go global since they can get customers through the use of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as marketing tools (Shoham, 2018). Additionally, global marketing can be done to achieve offensive or defensive goals. The offensive goals primarily help the organization maximize total sales and revenue, catalyze growth and profits, improving its market position, among others. On the other hand, defensive goals are primarily meant to help the organization deal with competition in the industry, gaining technological innovations in other countries, taking advantage of any differences in operational costs, strategies to deal with foreign companies in the market, among others. The porter’s diamond is a tool used to explain some industries in a country are more competitive internationally than others (Peter & Donnelly, 2018). The framework comprises the following four key factors. First is factor conditions, which help in knowing…

Imperialism Imperialism is all about the exercise of domination in cultural relations (Tomlinson 2012, p.1). As a consequence, the practices, values and meanings of a dominant foreign culture are imposed upon native communities. In a broad sense, cultural imperialism involves forced adoption of the customs and cultural habits by the Europeans, which spanned from the nineteenth to twentieth centuries (Tomlinson 2012, p.1). Imperialism can also be looked at as a dominant relationship between collectivities, specifically between nations. The movie Lawrence of Arabia explores the concept of imperialism as the protagonist sets out to liberate the Turks from domination by France and England (Myers 2015). Although imperialism is a cluster of various human undertakings, it’s a concern for Africans and Asians (Alatas 2000, p.23). Imperialism was not as good as it seemed because it allowed the dispossession of native resources, brutality, loss of native culture and racism. Imperialism is harmful because it culminates into the dispossession of the natural resources of the natives. Typically, when a nation makes imperial acts on another nation, the move usually results in profitability. Thus, the…

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