personal records inventory A personal vital records inventory system identifies and keeps safe records that contain crucial information. This information should be safeguarded just in case of an emergency or disaster. This crucial process of keeping a personal vital records inventory is essential for us to recall every content that could have been kept in a cupboard, shelf or drawer thus the need to identify some important records to include in the inventory. These records are based on immediate contact for support of either critical activities or resumption of normal operations as soon as the disaster has passed (Hoover, 2019). One of the records is personal details that will help identify the owner or specific individual This includes addresses, telephone numbers and locations. Next record is the next-of-kin information so that incase of an emergency, the families involved can be notified. Moreover, interests and rights records are vital to the personal vital inventory. This record includes contracts and agreements, insurance records, grants, leases, budget records and system documentation such as social security. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, records…
Sustainability Factors A sustainable design is a thoughtful design that has two primary purposes; to maximize the value of the built environment and to diminish or remove the adverse effects to the natural surroundings. A sustainable infrastructure design incorporates workable standards that will offer benefits to the environment and the society at large. Therefore, an engineer or planner needs to put this into significant consideration. Some of the factors considered when coming up with the water project include the use of natural resources that were naturally available. In this case, water is the resource in question. Water is usually available underground, and the project came up with pumps to deliver the water to the surface for the locals to utilize. The pumps used for the project were mechanical pumps which do not produce any smoke or other emissions. Therefore, the project was environmentally friendly to enhance its sustainability. Also, the main aim of the project was to allow the locals to participate in the provision of water for their needs. The community members would pump the water, and therefore, water…
Literary Critique “Where Is the Love?” by the Black Eyed Peas is a useful literary piece as it explains the concept of social order in society. Primarily, the song emphasizes the experiences of people in everyday situations. For example, it reveals how discriminative people are towards each other. Notably, social order is a critical concept in sociology as it explores how people interact in the community. Primarily, neither is the modern or ancient societies nurture societal equity. In either case, people with power: political, social, and economic marginalize those living in resource-scarce areas leading to stigmatization. For example, in the U.S., minorities: immigrants, disabled, women, children, and the sick experience considerable instances of discrimination from the Whites. The inability of the government to enact relevant measures that promote humanity result in the suffering and pain of the minority groups. The song, “Where Is the Love?” is valuable for this analysis as it provides various concepts related to social order. Living in today’s society, it can be unpredictable what could happen. One day it is a great day, the next a…
Contingency – understanding the term in organizational perspective Definition Contingency refers to a possible event – an emergency incident that has no certainty of occurrence but can occur and can cause a problem or necessitate further arrangements. It may be an independent event or an event that happens to occur in adjunction to another event or a result of it. In the business realm, contingency planning refers to having a plan to handle such emergencies that cannot be predicted (Bloom & Menefee, 1994). Article summary An article on the development of a contingency plan for handling product recovery in a closed-loop supply chain was considered to understand the term to a better extent. In the study, the researchers state contingency planning to be the initial stage in the development of a formal set of plans for production and controlling the activities of product reuse for the ones obtained through the supply chain return flow. The study adopts the aspects that can influence the production planning of the closed-loop supply chain for product recovery through a contingency approach. During the research,…
Human Resources Initiatives Human Resources (HR) play a critical role in the development of a company’s strategy and handling the employee-centered activities of an organization. The corporation’s human resource department is responsible for creation and implementation as well as overseeing policies between employees and the management team of the company. This research on several human resource concepts was a success through interviewing with Apple Corporation’s human resource manager, Dr. Edward. The HR manager in this particular company strategically partners with the Co-Founders and other agency leaders to ensure human resources programs and practices support the business’s objectives and goals. Dr. Edward identifies strategies, executives’ tactics, and builds programs that support employee on-boarding, development and retention. The main objectives of the research were to: Find out the concept of the company to ensure the selection process of human resources successively propels the company’s culture. To find out the right approaches used by the Apple corporation to recruit high-quality To determine how the company ensures it remains competitive in global emerging markets through global human resource management. To find out how the…
Global Warming Denial Global warming and Climate change have been a center of global discussion since the pre-industrialization. It is estimated that human activities have warmed the world by 1.5ºC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2019). The impact of this change has been felt across many parts of the world. It has shaken the ecosystem, both aquatic and terrestrial, prompting the question if indeed, the ecosystem can provide goods and services to humans (Bulleri, 2018). policies have been discussed in these fora and put into action to try and mitigate this global problem. In the quest to come up with solutions to minimize, prevent, and eradicate global warming and climate change, lies the challenge of the phenomenon of global warming denial. The phenomenon of global warming denial has taken center stage as one of the severe difficulties in combating the effects of global warming and climate change. Given that global warming and climate change should be a conversation of all nations, governments, international agencies, and every individual on the globe, different narratives have emerged over time (Riley et al., 2015).…
Consensual Crimes Consensual crimes involve two or more persons who have consented to engage in any activity that is regarded as unlawful. Since both parties have shown willing consent, determining the victim and the person who has caused the harm cannot be proven, terming it as a victimless crime. Consensual crimes continue to elicit heated debate due to their nature and the fact that they are a controversial topic of morals. Example of these crimes includes prostitution, gambling, drug abuse, homosexuality and pornography. In my case, legalizing consensual crimes might be faced with several challenges, therefore not advised. First, the argument of legalizing consensual crimes is on the space of individual’s freedom (Albanese, 2014). Adults or people who have attained the age of consent are free to choose; therefore, they enjoy their democratic right to engage in such acts, as seen in the cases of prostitution and gambling. Criminalizing these act violate citizens’ freedom without offering protection from corresponding harm. Secondly, legalizing the consensual crimes would lead to the criminal justice system spending most of its funds persecuting the offenders…
The human resources umbrella The human resources umbrella that resonates with me is – developing an ethical culture among the employees of the organization. The issue is- sexual harassment, which I have witnessed in my organization about a few years ago. One of the male employees from the marketing department was repeatedly sexually harassing a female employee of the sales department. The female employee submitted a report to the human resource department regarding the issue urging to take a quick step against it. The issue was handled correctly by the human resource umbrella of the company. A joint internal investigation force was developed, including the senior employees of the human resource department and legal structure department. All the employees from both the department properly cooperated in the entire investigation process. Employees wanted to maintain an ethical structure of the organization without compromising with any unethical task. The following actions were taken against the issue after an investigation Alibi and different opinions were taken from the employees both the department The alleged person was called for direct interaction to authenticate the…
How to prepare for that Just in case Event What you need to carry all the time in your vehicle for breakdowns/emergencies Modern vehicles have become so reliable that in most cases we don’t envisage the thought of ‘Just in case there’s an emergency?’ or ‘what if I my car breaks down in the middle of no where?’ You would agree with me that you have had a flat tire while driving, or you have had a breakdown in the middle of the road. To avoid such situations, you should carry an emergency kit in your vehicle with you at all times. Although most vehicles come with a spare tire, car jack, inflator kit, essential tools and the likes, however, there are a lot more to add to your emergency tool kit to make sure that you are prepared as best as you can for ‘just in case’ in case situations. What you need to carry with you at all time Just in Case your Vehicle breakdown Ten things to pack in an emergency kit First Aid Kit You or…
how you could probably be ruining your weekend mental detox Eight hours of dedicated work under pressure of deadlines deserve a happy weekend when we can refresh ourselves. We work and slog our brains throughout the week to get the weekend to ourselves. These weekends are supposed to be stress-free and relaxing. It is also supposed to give a break to our ever running minds. But instead of pausing our continuously working brains, we end up overloading it with all kinds of thoughts. This is how you could probably be ruining your weekend mental detox. What not to do: Thinking about upcoming deadlines at work: When we leave the office premise, we should also leave back the stress and head home without thinking about work. When we get used to Too much of social media influence Office pending work Canceling out on plans with friends What to do: Exercise and feel yourself Most of our daytime we are in enclosed offices of our homes or offices. At least one day a…