Columbian Exchange Essay Step 2 Introduction Columbian Exchange started when Columbus first arrived in the Americas in 1492. As Earle (2012) notes that “Before the Columbian Exchange, there were no oranges in Florida, no bananas in Ecuador, no paprika in Hungary, no tomatoes in Italy, no coffee in Colombia, no pineapples in Hawaii, no rubber trees in Africa, no cattle in Texas, no donkeys in Mexico, no chilli peppers in Thailand and India, no cigarettes in France, and no chocolate in Switzerland.”, Columbian Exchange is an exchange of many different elements like food, animals, people, disease, plants and culture between the eastern and western hemispheres. In this essay, it will focus on one of the diseases during the Columbian Exchange called syphilis, specifically in Europe. It came from an island of the New World called Hispaniola and spread to Europe in 1490s (Nunn & Qian, 2010). There were many diseases that expanded from Europe to the Americas, for example, chicken pox, smallpox and malaria, when the Europeans arrived the Americas, the people in the Americas did not have any immunity…


1 paragraph

1 paragraph APA Protests are used as political resources by powerless groups. I agree with this concept by the fact that political conflict arises when the available resources in terms of power or social status are unevenly distributed among political groups. In this way, Lipsky, in his research, agrees with Baseball as he argues that the protests create powerless groups that are ready to organize and bat their political opponents by use of mass action that involves public members. Our main argument is that the protests occur as a result of power struggles between political groups and in which the powerless groups organize protests that aim to increase their bargaining power from their opponents who are mostly the ruling party. For instance, according to Micheal Lipsky, he points out that the main reason why Negro groups organize protests in the cities is due to a lack of political resources. The vital political resources addressed in this case include political power and social status. This argument applies to the baseball material for the week because of the following reasons. This argument…

Computer configuration Installing Hardware The first thing that you have to do before installing hardware is to make sure that you take precautions to be in a position to give health and safety rules. One needs to discharge himself or herself via touching the case of the computer tower to make sure that he or she is free from static that means the equipment will not be in a position to be harmed. The second thing is to make sure that anything likely to be taken away because one should not want clothes to intervene with the whole work.   One needs to install the floppy disk and hard drive after discharging from static. Before you turn on the server, you need first to connect the peripherals to make sure the server is you sable when you operate the system on it. On the operating system, plug the equipment that is needed into the server for you to begin installing the O. after you have followed the several steps ad you have finally fixed the OS. You can configure the…

              Cloud computing benefits are more than vulnerabilities Student’s name: Professor: Course: Date:             The use of cloud computing has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years, with many organizations moving their resources to the cloud. Cloud computing comes with several advantages that are attracting several organizations, primarily due to its efficiency and more innovative cost benefits (Gvero, 2014). Today many organizations are moving from company-owned hardware to a service model that is charged peruse, which is a characteristic of cloud computing. Although cloud computing comes with several security issues and vulnerability, in my own opinion, the benefits are more worth than vulnerabilities. Comparing the benefits and vulnerabilities associated with cloud computing, I believe that the benefits of cloud computing outdo the vulnerabilities. Cloud computing has been identified very important for both small business as well as for medium-sized companies and thus leveling the filled and thus allowing even for smaller firms to be able to get latest and up to date technology which could be very… – The Best Toothpaste Tab Now Available in Singapore Singapore, 20th April 2020, Bizsu Pte. Ltd, a company that deals with imports and distribution of high-quality products in Singapore, has announced it is adding CHEWW.CO, an eco-friendly toothpaste tab, to its line of products. CHEWW.CO toothpaste tabs are made by removing water, which makes about 70% of the conventional toothpaste. Also, other harmful chemicals such as sodium fluoride and PVM/MA Copolymer are removed before packaging the tabs in uncoated paper sachets and recyclable glass jars. Purpose CHEWW.CO Tabs Conventional Toothpaste Cleansing Sodium Chloride Sodium Bicarbonate Mentha Spicarta Oil (Spearmint) Sodium Fluoride Tricloson Hydrated Silicon PVM/MA Copolymer Hydrated mouth Sorbital Glycerin Sorbital Flavoring D-Mannital Menthol Sodium Sacchanin Titanium Dioxide Sodium Hydroxide Cream Foam Coco-glucose Sodium Lauryl/Sulfate “With more than 1.5 billion pieces of non-recyclable plastic toothpaste tubes, which contain harmful chemicals, disposed into the ecosystem every year, CHEWW.CO has provided everyone with an innovative way of addressing the problem,” said Brice Degeyter, the General Manager of Bizsu Pte. Ltd. “Furthermore, the toothpaste tabs are healthier because they do not have…

Understanding Power based on State of Nature             In his paper, The Second Treatise of Civil Government John Locke claims that for one to be able to understand how political power works him/she has to put into consideration the state that all men inclusive naturally placed in. According to Locke, the state of nature is a state that is characterized by the absence of government and not the absence of mutual responsibility, and political power is the right of being able to make law and enforcing it for the service of the public common good. He argues that state of nature teaches people the need of equality and independence whereby no man is termed or terms himself to be better than another man or no man who has more than what another man has. A peaceful state doesn’t have to be characterized by brutality and competition kind of state where one man is not worried about hurting another man. Self-preserved kind of state can be made better by each man agreeing to pass on a civil government that will enforce…

SWOT Analysis of Workwear Concepts Strengths Strong digital presence: The company has a strong digital presence that has enabled it to be able to increase market reach at the same time, reduce the cost of running the business when it comes to marketing communication costs since digital communication is cheaper. The wide variety of products: Instead of limiting itself to a given product segment, the company has a wider range of products that can be used by both males and females. This makes it possible for it to have a huge percentage of potential customers. Effective website: In digital marketing, the graphical user interface of the website places a key role in influencing the possibility of sales being made. An efficient website will determine whether the website could be able to leads could be converted to sales; hence the role of the website in this company’s strategy cannot be underestimated. Weaknesses: Lack of proper back-end support system. There is a need for a support system in the back end through the use of search engine optimization, which will ensure that…

Relationship between Forest-landscape Structure, Spruce Bark Beetle Outbreak and Subsequent Likelihood of Burning The research aimed to establish the relationship between the outbreak of bark beetles and the subsequent likelihood of wildfire outbreak in the Alaskan boreal forest. The researcher presented a sufficient background for the study question. There are several incidences of fire outbreak and cases where the fire has been suppressed coupled with a claim that bark beetle breakout increases the chances and extent of wildfire. The researcher, therefore, wanted to evaluate how variation in the forest landscape structure shapes natural disturbance patterns and mediation of interactions between multiple disturbances. A massive outbreak of spruce bark beetle (Dendroctonus refipennis) occurred in the 1990s in the Boreal spruce forest on the Kenai Penisula. The landscape of forest affects the disturbance patterns and interactions between disturbances. The outbreak of spruce bark beetle has become more prevalent in recent decades. Understanding the role of forest landscape structure is essential as it will enable planners to change disturbance regimes as well as the nature and magnitude of their interactions. This will help…

American Citizenship             The definition of citizenship is based on the ‘right’ to enjoy the rights of a particular land. The rights enjoyed by citizens include the right to vote and participate in public decision making. In America, citizenship is attained through two main processes; birthright citizenship where an individual obtains citizenship for being born within the territorial limits of the United States or born abroad by American parents, and citizenship by naturalization where an eligible immigrant attains the legal requirements of being accepted as a citizen. The definition of an American citizen has changed with the change in presidential reigns, and with forty-five presidents having ruled the US, the change is significant. Misinterpretation of religion has changed the definition of citizenship. Immediately after the 9/11 terror attack, the perception of many Americans towards Islam were changed, and Islam was associated with terrorism. [1] Americans faced a lot of challenges due to the questioning by different authorities concerning the authenticity of their citizenship upon admitting to being Muslims. Also, Muslims suffered from comments made by several leaders concerning Islam. Most…

 way slaves were undermined and states that they were ‘ranked together’ with animals Slavery lasted its period due to the economic status of the slaves plus landowners, oppression and lack of substantial education for the African Americans who had no option but to work on the fields for financial gain. The power associated with education is one of the major themes in Fredrick Douglas work and consider it to be the path freedom and end of slavery. The author accounts on how white children were able to spell and recall their ages, dates of birth and other details to manifest how slaves lacked education. Many slaves were mistreated especially women and children who were oppressed and exposed to inhumane conditions. Slaves were not entitled to rights and could not defend themselves, and the masters would abuse women and rape them without any dire consequences. Women slaves snatched their children since their masters owned them. Slaves were subject to punishment a condition that scared them and hindered them from standing for their fundamental rights. Most of the slaves were illiterate and…

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