AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Why is Geography a Science? Make sure to include a discussion of types of maps, map scale, types of map projections, and tools used for mapping such as GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing. 2) Why is Every Place unique? Make sure to include a discussion of topynyms, site, situation, time zones, and the differences with examples of formal, functional and vernacular regions. 3) Why are Different Places Similar? Make sure to include globalization and its impact, transnational corporations, types of distribution properties and examples, hearths, types of diffusion and examples of each type, difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources, environmental determinism, possibilism, sustainable and unsustainable examples. [unique_solution]Why is Geography a Science? Make sure to include a discussion of types of maps, map scale, types of map projections, and tools used for mapping such as GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing. 2) Why is Every Place unique? Make sure to include a discussion of topynyms, site, situation, time zones, and the differences with examples of formal, functional and vernacular regions. 3) Why are Different Places Similar? Make sure to…

Biodiversity Comparison The term biodiversity refers to the various living organism’s living on the different regions of the earth. There are multiple types of bio diversities displayed by living organisms, although they may belong to the same species. Significance differences arise due to different ecological adaptations and also climate variance of the different habitats. The selected group of organisms in this case study is the red-winged bird, which is common in the North American continent and parts of Central America (Donald et al, 2019).. The bird belongs to the Icteridae family and species phoeniceus. The above gives its taxonomic name as Agelaius phoeniceus, thus defining its taxonomy. The bird can be easily seen in the New York state, whereas in other parts of the globe, it is rare to see the bird. The comparison region for this case study is Scotland, whose location is on the Northern coast of Europe. The country also has a wide variety of birds that have substantial variations from those found in the North American continent. The main reason as to why I chose the taxonomy of…

Are you aware of the various sorts of Criminal Defense Cases? The first act of people charged with a felony in Baton Rouge is to employ a criminal defense attorney. A public defender most probably won’t offer the same amount of attention and capability of a private law firm. A reputable law firm in Baton Rouge has the means to start an aggressive defense for the person in question. What do most criminal defense cases hinge on? If the lawyer can verify to the jury that there’s reasonable doubt based on the proof he presents. Who else could require a criminal defense attorney? Those suspected of a criminal act but not arrested or charged for that crime. An attorney would commence an investigation to find the reason that law enforcement officials names a person a suspect. When no evidence is present to support this suspicion, he will demand the clearance of the name of the suspect. Criminal charges that require a baton rouge criminal lawyer can fall under different categories. Sorts of Criminal Defense Cases Motor Vehicle Offenses – This…

Coca-Cola’s Water Neutrality Stages of the Issue Management Life Cycle Process Model             In particular, the issue management life cycle process model is an important platform, which provides organizations a framework for resolving various issues in their operations. To this end, various stages of the process are visible in Coca-Cola’s water neutrality initiative. The company embarked on this program following numerous complaints and accusations that its operations led to water shortages in the communities where it operated (Lawrence & Weber, 2016). The first stage of the issue management cycle, which is seen in the initiative, entails the identification of the causes of the problem. The giant beverage manufacturer conducted a comprehensive study, which surveyed its global operations to evaluate its water management practices and effects. The other stage of the issue management life cycle, which is present in Coca-Cola’s program, involved the identification of ways to resolve the problem. The company sought the advice of other stakeholders such as the World Wildlife Fund, the humanitarian organization CARE, the Nature Conservancy, and a myriad of academic scholars (Lawrence & Weber, 2016).…

Determining a Study’s Methodology – PSL7030 This paper will analyze two studies, one by Al-Rousan et al. (2014) and the other by Christensen and Castañeda (2014). The paper will first establish the type of methodology each study used, specifying whether qualitative or quantitative. The report will then describe the purpose of the authors in conducting each of the studies. The study by Christensen and Castañeda (2014), whose purpose is to examine disaster preparedness as well as decision-making by caregivers of people diagnosed with ADRD dwelling within the community, used a qualitative methodology. According to McLeod (2008) purports that qualitative methods are applied when a researcher wants to understand a specified behavior from the perspective of the participants. This is indeed the nature of the study by Christensen and Castañeda (2014). As such, the researchers want to understand behavior (disaster preparedness and decision-making) from the perspective of caregivers of community-dwelling persons, who have been diagnosed with ADRD. Additionally, Aron, Aron, and Coups (2009) supposes that one of the most pertinent methods of collecting data in qualitative studies is usually interviews. Indeed,…

DIGITAL SIGNATURE Introduction Digital signatures involve the validation and the authentication in the application of information, software and other digital messages. The practice has been adopted by the present era to ensure the sender’s identity, the news and the receiver of the data. With technology advancement today, the identification of the senders of information has become a challenge to many organizations. Therefore, digital signatures provide the surety of originality and identity of the electronic content. Besides, the incorporation of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) has enhanced the performance of the digital signatures in the global markets. Consequently, the establishment of digital signatures in public relations has improved the safety of some information and online documents.  This paper provides a detailed and technical explanation of digital signatures and their implementation and distribution of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Literature Review According to Poona & Yama (2018, pg. 45), digital signature forms a mathematics method utilized in the validation of authenticity and integrity of any information, software and digital forms. The digital equivalent of the present security is intended to resolve the challenge…

The Relationships and Linkages between Demographic Challenge and Rentier State A rentier state idea is a group of ideas that are used to describe how various countries with significant wealth and natural resources tend to have similar political and economic trajectories. The rentier states rely primarily on taxation and more especially on taxing the oil income, which is the obligation of every taxpayer. The states further spend the revenues that are got from the sale of oil on the repression and placation of the population. Therefore, the result is that the rentier states leave little or no room for the opposition of democracy. As a way of augmenting our understanding of this subject, this study will assess the relationship and linkages between demographic challenge and rentier states. The study will culminate with an assessment of the concepts of the ‘other’ and how aspects of colonialism help us to understand orientalism. Virtually all the countries in the Middle East or the Gulf are oil-producing and therefore are classified as rentier states. The political, economic and environmental challenges between the countries seem…

What is the secret behind Area 51? For many years, this has been an essential debate about what Area 51 is and what are the secrets behind it? Many questions come to mind about why the place is dangerous and whether aliens are living there. The mystery of the site raises a lot of questions, Whether the government is hiding foreigners here or is it just a military base and if so, why is it kept a secret? The authority promptly answered the questions, but it was not clear why the place was so secret, what was there and what were the reasons behind it. Answering all these questions, let us know the details about it. About Area 51  President Eisenhower ordered to find a secret and high-altitude place where aircraft and weapons can secretly develop and examine. They said that place will have to out of sight of civilians and should not easily access like a remote area. Area should have to sufficiently far away so nobody could even reach there. In actual, they required a spy area. So,…

Lessons from Katrina             From time to time, the United States has experienced hard-hitting natural disasters that have had an adverse social and economic impact.  Ranging from wildfires to earthquakes and hurricanes, each of the catastrophes has differed in the magnitude of effects and, thus, provided different lessons for disaster management and prevention agencies. The U.S government mandates the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to ensure the safety of its citizens that may be endangered by incidences such as terrorism, cyber-attacks, and natural disasters. If an earthquake occurred, there are various lessons in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery from Hurricane Katrina that can be used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to ensure the safety of U.S citizens. FEMA, one of the agencies that work under the Department of Homeland Security, would play a primary role in responding to an earthquake disaster on U.S soil. An earthquake disaster occurs when the earth shakes due to seismic waves moving below the surface of the earth. The magnitude of earthquakes varies depending on the location of settlements, population size, building and…

WHEN HEAVEN AND EARTH CHANGED PLACES When heaven and Earth changed places was Le Ly Hayslip’s first memoir in the year 1990, a follow-up to this book was published a few years later. The literature in this chronicle highlights famous landmarks in Vietnamese Yankee published works regarding the peasant woman and her experiences during the fighting and struggle. Just like any place and locality experiencing military action, many people’s life’s changed drastically. According to Viet Thanh Nguyen, an American novelist view on the narrative “the Vietnam war conformed to the delight of the United States of America” about holding forth on conflict state of affairs. This book helped many readers around the world come to terms with the atrocities exposed to the Vietnamese society through the daily battles as well as understand the need for after the war rebuilding and pacification. In the story, when heaven and Earth changed places, the writer categorizes the four stages experienced in the war by the society. The first being a child soldier, a chambermaid, a bottom degree crook or malefactor as well as…

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