Explain the nature and advantages of experimentation in health psychology and epidemiological research, with specific examples that demonstrate your understanding Research alludes to a systematic investigation that aims at contributing to generalizable knowledge. It includes biomedical research, epidemiological studies, the healthcare services research, as well as other factors that impact health. One of the most common methods of health psychology and epidemiological research is clinical trials (Gostin, Levit & Nass, 2009). In the process, patient volunteers to participate in a study to test the efficiency of the new medical mediations being unveiled. The analysis of data, as well as samples collected to aid in diagnostics, treatment, and billing, are used for the research. The latter is used to determine disease occurrences, surveillance of drug safety as well as other genetic studies. The advantage of the experimentation is that it can provide essential information regarding the trend of the disease, the risk factors, the results of the medical interventions applied, the patterns of the health care as well as the costs associated with it. Ignoring for the moment any ethical or…

RAPANOS V. UNITED STATES In the Rapanos v. U.S. incident, mainstream on the Supreme Court detained the central government might not standardize all “waters of the U.S.” in the Clean Water Act centered on a simple hydrological link to a traditional maneuverable stream. But the court fragmented 4-1-4 as to the jurisdictional assessment for the protected waters. Nevertheless, the four-member Scalia multiplicity or plurality would allow the national rule of only those damp lands substantially bordering and vague from natural streams, seas, and rivers linked to a traditional maneuverable channel.  Justice Kennedy coincided in the ruling but offered a dissimilar assessment that would let the centralized bylaw of any wetland with an essential connection to the traditional maneuverable sea, even in the deficiency of a straight hydrological link (Hopper, 2017). In my view, I back Justice Kennedy’s decision as it climaxes the requisite of maximum fortification of water or aquatic resources regardless of their navigability. The following statements buoy my opinion: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) established law to…

What conditions underlay the concept of Manifest Destiny, and what were its implications up to 1854?             The concept of Manifest Destiny had conditions that served people in a variety of ways. The Manifest Destiny reflected both the idealistic vision of social perfection through the church and the pride that characterized American Nationalism in the nineteenth century. Either of the showcased the reform energy of that time. However, the conditions on their own created different reasons to acquire new land. All the conditions together depicted the American ideology to dominate and in both poles. To begin with, the religious influence made some people believe that The Manifest Destiny was based on the fact that America consisted of divine providence.   It meant that the country was destined by God to have more significant borders, which was not limited to any region. Therefore, traveling and expansion was from The Manifest Destiny’s spirit. The spirit was a belief that stated, ‘it was God’s will that Americans would spread around the continent to control and populate the country they would find fit.’ Therefore, most…

Logic and Reason as Source of Human Sinful Nature Philosophers have argued that the perception of rational conduct is principally based on the comprehension of being human. Therefore, as humans, most of our interactions are based on logic and fact-based decisions. In that sense, the paper will explore several instances where More’s perception of human’s sinful nature being due to logic and reason in Gulliver’s travel part four. “If you allow people to be badly brought up and their habits to be corrupted little by little from childhood and if you then punish them for crimes to which their early training has disposed them, what else is this, I ask, but first making them thieves and then punishing them for it?” The central symbolism of logic and reason in Gulliver is Houyhnhnms (super coherent horses). Gulliver’s betrayal by his crew made him arrive in Houyhnhnms land that was inhabited by a race of intelligent horses that was ruled theoretically by reason and rationality. Gulliver not only does he admire the intelligent but also idolizes them. He is faced with the…

method of evaluating the impact of landfill leachate on underground water quality Introduction Landfills have been discovered to be the greatest dangers to the quality of water in underground water resources, not just in India but also in other parts of the world(Fatta et al.,1999). Over 90 percent of the Municipal Solid Wastes created in India are carelessly dumped in bare land. The amount of waste that is put in landfills or any other open place is subject to either underflow of groundwater or infiltration facilitated by precipitation or different ways that cause infiltration of water(Chatterjee,2010). During the rainy season, dumped solid and liquid wastes receive rainwater, and the decomposed by-products flow to the water sources.  The liquid which is made up of many inorganic and organic compound known as leachate. This compound gathers at the bottommost of the landfill. Then it infiltrates via soil and finally reaches the groundwater hence affecting the quality of the water taken for domestic and commercial purposes(Mor et al., 2006). Areas close to landfills have a high likelihood of having contaminated groundwater since the…

The detailed periscope in Matthew 19: 3-12 Marriage was meant to be a divine institution, but in today’s contemporary society, unions have become worldly. By worldly, I mean that people are defining marriages to suit their needs. People are getting married everywhere without really understanding what they are getting into, and when it gets tough, they divorce because of nonbiblical reasons. Today Jesus’ teachings though radical, are considered to be inconvenient. In my precis, I covered the issue of marriage and divorce, as revealed in the Gospel of Matthew and Mark, in attempts to uncover the true definition of marriage and divorce. The detailed periscope in Matthew 19: 3-12 will be used in this explanation to discover biblical descriptions for marriage and divorce, stipulated grounds for divorce, and God’s original plan for humanity. Outline of Matthew 19: 3-12 (Introduction) The Pharisees also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him (19: 3a) The first question from the Pharisees: “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for justany reason?” (19:3b) Jesus’ response:And He answered and said to them, (19: 4a)…

THE MEMOIR AND FILM WHEN HEAVEN AND EARTH CHANGED PLACES This publication was Hayslip’s Le Ly first memoir in the year 1990, a follow-up to this book was published a few years later. The literature in this chronicle highlights important landmarks in Vietnamese Yankee published works regarding the peasant woman and her experiences during the fighting and struggle. Just like any place and locality experiencing military action, many people’s life’s changed drastically. According to Viet Thanh Nguyen, an American novelist view on the narrative “the Vietnam war conformed to the delight of the United States of America” about holding forth on conflict state of affairs. This book helped many readers around the world come to terms with the atrocities exposed to the Vietnamese society through the daily battles as well as understand the need for after the war rebuilding and pacification. In this story about her life, the writer categorizes the four stages experienced in the war by the society. The first being a child soldier, a chambermaid, a bottom degree crook or malefactor as well as an absorbed Vietnamese…

Nature and Man The human race, since the beginning of time, has always had some oneness and connection with nature. This oneness is attributable to the fact that they hold the incredible power of transforming the environment either for better or for worse in the daily activities through interaction with it. A focus on the American landscape and its’ inhabitants shows that a conservational way of thinking was adopted with time, after various aspects of technology developed and contributed to industrialization, deforestation, and urbanization of nature and a vast amount of land. Despite measures put in place to aid in conserving and protecting natural resources, it proved challenging to keep up these measures with an increased paradigm shift to the urbanized way of living and a heavily market-driven economy in the mid-19th century. A new school of thought towards nature was thus adopted by Americans that championed the need to have a harmonious relationship with nature, to improve one’s spirituality, and connect the rest of the world in a transcendental manner. The natural world was important to Americans as it…

Psychology,Study One (Journal of Social Psychology) Introduction The research focuses on identifying gender norms and conformation. The researcher is focused on understanding the gender differences in the social setting but accurately compares the conformity of men and women to public norms. The researcher’s interest is to understand how gender influences the conformity of unwritten societal norms. The researcher conducted experiments to test the hypothesis that male conforms best to social norms than female, and also many people will conform that those who will ignore. Method 1 The research involved 170 participants in the study that consisted of 113 females and 57 males. The factorial design used that involved the male and female bathroom sign. The bathroom signs were placed on the campus popular café double glass door and data collected by checking those that conform to the signs in the doors. The experiment also captured the ethnicity indicating that a large population is of Caucasian origin though it was not part of the researcher’s objective. Results 1 According to the hypothesis that many will conform to the social norms was…

Hazards and Maps In the world crude and natural gas market, Canada has been ranked as the 5th largest producer of natural gas and the 6th largest producer of crude oil. Further, a study shows that Canada has more than 168 billion barrels, whereby, over 95 percent can be recovered using the improved technology (Giesy et al., 2010). Using today’s technology to extract crude oil from sand oils makes Canada have the third largest country with vast oil reserves that are yet to be obtained. The demand for crude oil, natural gas, and oil products is rising rapidly. Countries such as the United States and the Asia Pacific region have increased their demand for crude oil and natural gas from Canada. Therefore, Canada has to put in all efforts to ensure it satisfies the needs and rising desires of her customers. Export of crude oil and natural gas products er]ans the country foreign exchange, which is used to boost other sectors of the economy. The increase in export earnings over the last few years has promoted rapid economic and infrastructural…

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