Evolution Theory Assignment One Part One Charles Darwin was influenced by various individuals in his age to develop the theory of evolution by natural selection. Georges Cuvier is among the people who are recognized to be in the age of Darwin and contributed much in influencing the evolution theory. Cuvier provided evidence that most creatures, such as dinosaurs, were extinct at that time. He proposed that after a series of disasters, new animals of the same species appear (Evolution Library, 2020). The work of extinctions by Cuvier was used in the natural selection theory. Jean-Baptist Lamarck also influenced the work of Darwin. He argued that simple forms existed consistently from the dead matter, and as time passed, the creatures developed in complexity. Although the idea was not embraced by Darwin initially, he embraced the concept in the theory of natural selection later. Charles Lyell influenced Darwin by providing the concept of geological transformations that was affecting the earth through the evidence of marine encrustation and temple columns. Thomas Malthus provided a theory of the struggle for existence which describes how…
Falls Prevention According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2016), at least one in every four senior persons falls each year and only about half of these persons inform their doctors about the predicaments. As compared to other demographics, the elderly have a higher likelihood of falling. This paper explores the impacts of falls on the elderly and how this problem can be addressed using evidence-based practice guidelines. Impacts of fall on the Elderly Falls have serious ramifications on the elderly. According to Phelan, Aerts, Dowler, Eckstrom, and Casey (2016), falls expose people aged 65 years old and older to the risk of injury, decreased mobility, nursing home placement, loss of independence, hospitalization, and early death. For instance, falls may result in older persons being admitted to emergency rooms. On this note, three million older persons are admitted to emergency departments every year after suffering fall-related injuries (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). At the same time, falls can result in older persons becoming inactive. Inactivity may increase the likelihood of older persons falling in the future…
Introduction to the Science of Climate Change Section A: Critical Reflections Critical Reflection 1: Chapter 3: Natural resources by Lemmen, D. S., Johnston, M., Ste-Marie, C., & Pearce, T. (2014) (In F. J. Warren & D. S. Lemmen (Eds.), Canada in a changing climate: Sector perspectives on impacts and adaptation, pp. 210-213). Climate change continues to pose a huge risk to natural resource exploitation in the 21st century. Analyzing the chapter on ‘natural resources’ by Lemmen, Johnston, Ste-Marie, and Pearce (2014), one can identify the antecedents of natural resource exploitation and the risks that the world is facing today. Sector perspectives indicate that energy is at the biggest risk due to shifts in natural resource endowments across the world. The economic significance of natural resources weighs heavily against the sustainability domain, and nations are trying to create a model that will guarantee the safety of communities relying on those resources. The climate sensitivity of natural resources is an issues of particular concern, considering that climate change has hit the world so hard in the past two decades. The productivity of…
Grenfell Tower The Grenfell Tower Incident highlighted shortcomings in the construction industry. The fire occurred in 2017 and is considered one of the worst catastrophes in London. Grenfell Tower was a 24-storey building that housed individuals from diverse economic and social backgrounds. The residents included immigrants and families that had relocated from other parts of London (Davies 2017). Unfortunately, Grenfell Tower’s undoing happened because of a fire. The fire, which started from the kitchen of Room 16, spread quickly and claimed at least 72 lives (“Volume one” 2019). An inquiry into the disaster also found building regulations were not followed, nor were safety concerns issues by the tenants. The materials used also contributed to the inferno. The review uses varied literature sources to explain the incident. Henceforth, the review is guided by the theoretical framework on how systems of control by firms and regulatory systems work together or fail to do so, as an effective management system. Evidently, the fire would have been prevented if the right measures were applied. The Main Organizations Responsible for Refurbishment Many companies were involved…
Fire Disasters Investigations Fire-related disasters are quite common in many communities. In most cases, when we are faced with such situations, we tend to need answers on the leading causes of the fire. This is because fire incidents sometimes happen without our understanding of what is the leading cause. Fire investigation is a dilemma we are faced with in such situations. Many people have different opinions on the time length used to do an investigation. From my community experiencer, I feel that enough time is spent on fire investigation cases. As a person with little experience in matters of disaster investigation, I have come to understand various factors that are considered when undertaking a fire investigation case. Fire investigation usually begins after the fire has settled and, in many cases, long after the debris has been cleared in the fire scene. Also, the investigation begins when a fire scene is quite. Investigation takes time to look at evidence or clues such as char patterns, melt direction, as well as heat shadows (Righter, 2017). The burning patterns tend to provide evidence…
Gail Industries Security and Infrastructure Gail Industries’ security infrastructure policies and practices review evaluated its existing policies and practices for compliance with current industry standards. The review included policies and infrastructure used to protect physical and intellectual assets, analysis of security policies and practices, and its alignment with the best industry standards. A review of the Gail Industries also recommends on mitigations for shortcomings concerning the Gail Industry Small Ville case study. A summary of existing policies and procedures include physical security for data center, physical security to facilities, policies for change management, policies for logical security, and policies for password creation. The procedures involved in the physical protection of the data center restrict its access to authorized personnel. Documentation and implementation of physical access procedures monitor and control the granting and revocation of onsite access to the data center. Accessing the data center involves two-factor authentication and requires retina eye scanning and badge access card to allow access to the data center. For individuals requesting badge access privileges, they need to document a request on a standardized employee management…
Give Your Trees a Treat Regularly by Seeking Professional Tree Services in Utah If you live in Utah, you already know that trees are essential in your yard since they add value to your property and your community’s health. Healthy trees are an excellent investment with significant returns in both ecological and community benefits. However, poorly maintained trees can be a liability, which can cause a hazard. Incorrect tree work can pose a risk to the tree and endanger the individual conducting the work. Therefore, seek tree services from a certified and experienced professional in Utah for a safe and efficient job. When searching for a tree service provider, ensure they are ISA Certified Arborists experts. ISA only approves trained persons to provide tree services to the public. It is also essential to know the staff’s experience to ensure they can meet all your needs beyond your expectations. Tree services, include: Tree trimming Regular tree trimming is an essential process in tree care since it saves trees from diseases by cutting infected branches. In addition, broken branches can gather water,…
Gisborne New Zealand Earthquake The New Zealand Gisborne Earthquake occurred on 2016-09-01 16:37:57 (UTC), located at 37.359°S 179.146°E with a depth of 19.0 Km. “The Hikurangi subduction zone is potentially the largest source of earthquake and tsunami hazard in New Zealand, but there is still much to learn about it. We know that the Hikurangi subduction zone can produce large earthquakes and tsunamis and that these events have occurred in the past. However, we don’t know how often these earthquakes tend to happen, nor do we know how large they can be. Understanding what hazard this poses for East Coast communities is a key outcome of this research project. It is also the best place to study slow slip events (also referred to as “slow earthquakes” as they happen slowly for weeks to months, rather than suddenly in one massive earthquake). The world’s shallowest slow slip events occur just offshore Gisborne, and offer a globally unique opportunity to understand why slow slip events happen.” (Science). Google Map Tectonic Settings “The September 1, 2016, M 7.1 earthquake northeast of Gisborne, New Zealand…
Hamlet’s success at revenge The Tragedy of Hamlet is a revenge play written by William Shakespeare. Following the sudden death of King Denmark by the hands of his brother Claudius. A ghost of the slain King appears before his son, Hamlet, telling him to seek revenge on his behalf. The Prince agrees to avenge his father, and he successfully kills King Claudius. However, the Prince appears to take a long time to achieve revenge. His approach of feigning madness and attempted suicide elicits questions on his role in executing the vengeance. Despite the success of the Prince, is he responsible for the numerous unnecessary deaths of the innocents, and does he succeed in avenging the death of King Denmark? Deaths are a constant presence in the play and all centers within the life and role of the Prince. The case of Polonius dies by the hands of Prince Hamlet after he found out that he was spying on him. Polonius was a loyal servant to King Claudius, and thus he tries to help the King by spying on Hamlet. Hamlet…
Hofstede analysis Egypt is a country located in the southwest of Asia and northeast of Africa. Its eastern border lies the Red sea and Israel, while its northern border is the Mediterranean Sea. On the north is Sudan, and on the west lies Libya. It is known for its natural beauty and architecture, which attracts many tourists. Tourism plays a big part in Egypt’s economy, with visitors flocking into the country to see ancient monuments. Egypt’s civilization dates back to approximately 3200BC. Two-thirds of the global historical monuments are located in Egypt. The current population of Egypt is 101,581,696, with 90% of the population practicing the Islam religion. Egyptians are usually aggregated with the Arabs due to their Islamic traditions and language, but this is not precise. There are still nomadic tribal Egyptians who live in isolated places throughout the country (Nafie, 2018). Egypt is majorly dry since it is a desert country, and since the River Nile crosses the country, most of the cultivated land is located near the banks of the river. The most available resources are oil…