Globalization and Nationalism As an idea, globalism seems to be the opposite of nationalism. Yet both seem to co-exist in the same world and sometimes in the same minds. How is this possible? While nationalism is us versus them situation, globalization favors others more than the individual country. While nationalism advocate for a sense of belonging, globalization does not (Falkenberg, 2019). For the countries that are readily corrupted to bend to the will of foreign investment; thus, the sense of nationalism needs to be against their own government to support globalization. Globalization and nationalism can properly co-exist if there are policies and rights to maintain the basic infrastructure in the area. The interdependence of capital has made it impossible for nations to take part in globalization. Most of us would agree that rapid population growth and unrestrained exploitation of the planet’s resources are leading us all to global disaster. Yet we also feel that the number of children we have and the kinds of cars we drive is not anyone’s business but our own. How is it possible to address…
How Many Times in the Past Decade Has the Favored Team Won the NBA Championship? This season the Bucks seem to be entering into the all-star break as clear on-odds favourites. This is no surprise as they have shown the most excellent form in both divisions. The L.A Lakers are likely to face-off with the Bucks if all things hold up. It’s been a very slow season at the top 4 with little movement. Things are likely to stay that way for an indefinite period since the Covid-19 pandemic has forced organizers to suspend the league. It’s essential to look into the past as we await the resumption of this league. Which begs the question: How many times has the 0n-odds favourites team gone on to win the championship? 2008-2009 Season The Boston Celtics were on odds favourites to win the tournament. They weren’t even Contenders in the previous year. A few notable purchases helped them shore up their defence and offence to reach the final playoffs and take the title. 2009-2010 Season The Lakers were unstoppable in the following…
How to conduct a fire hydrant flow test A fire hydrant flow test shows the rate of flow and pressure in a particular location. Every water company ha these fire hydrants underground their water distribution system. Fire hydrant testing is done from time to time to ensure that they can provide water at an acceptable rate. They are used for providing the public with healthy water as well as firefighting operations. The law requires that fire hydrant testing should be done at least once per year. A flow test should be conducted every five years. A professional should do this test. This will ensure that all the data recordings from these fire hydrants will be correct. The public will have clean water as well as enough water to fight fire without any hassles. These fire hydrants are supposed to have a standard pressure of 20psi so that they can provide effective firefighting and prevention of any contaminations in the public water supplies. Fire hydrant testing gives a static pressure and the flow from the hydrant. The readings should be correct…
Economic Theory The Cournot Theory of Duopoly The Cournot theory of duopoly is utilized to explain a case where two firms that offer the consumers the same products compete on the amount of commodities they produce simultaneously but in an independent manner (Bornier, 1992). In an oligopoly, there few firms that are operating, and they face a low level of competition. Even so, each of the few firms that are in this market will always be trying to “eat” from the others’ market share so that it can emerge as the market leader and make more significant profits. One of the strategies used by such companies is altering the number of goods that are sold. That borrows from the law of demand and supply, which asserts that when the supply of a particular commodity is on the rise, it will drive down the prices, and the opposite is true. So, for the two companies that are competing in a duopoly, they must make consideration of the output of the competitor so that they can maximize their level of profit. In…
Water Privatisation in Canada Introduction The global population in Canada continues to increase, leading to high demand for water. Canada is an untapped market for profits. Freshwater should be treated as a resource that is provided by the government at relatively free or low prices. It will lead to a reduction of health hazards from industrial pollution and factory farm inputs. The Canada top cities contribute to half of the country’s output but only collect 6% of the tax dollars; hence they are open to private sector claims that lead to manipulation (Bates, 2017). In terms of water consumption, Canada is the second-largest in the world. Despite that, water is a vital resource; its prices have been kept relatively low while its waste is high. It encourages proper wastewater management because water prices are low with direct and indirect subsidies. Water prices can be reduced by water privatization, which involves the transition from country owned and operated water system to a system where water is treated as a tradable commodity, which is subject to private property rights. Canada has adopted…
A Persuasive Speech To Convince The Audience To Recycle Purpose Precisely, the primary rationale for this persuasive speech is to convince the audience which in this context is the students on the benefits of recycling various commodities such as plastics, paper, and also metal merchandise. Besides, the speech will deliver on the various predicaments that are more likely to be experienced regarding the refusal of recycling the commodities. Lee depicts that a report released by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in 2013 stated that Americans produced approximately 254 million tons of waste (2019). In essence, that is comparable to roughly 1.7 million blue whales. Essentially, regarding the 254 million, around 87 million tons of the waste was reprocessed. Apparently, it would have been quite detrimental if none of the waste products was recycled. Sequentially, as time went by, the waste would endure to pile up, eventually prompting to additional landfills exploding up near their households. Sadly, landfills have an enormous ecological implication. Putting into consideration that Americans dispose of 2.5 million plastic containers each hour, and merely each…
The Use of Emergency Powers No, there should not be stricter guidelines on the events that the president of the US can declare to be disasters. The current guidelines are enough to ensure that the president does overstep his or her mandate. For example, there is the Stafford Act, which has well laid out guidelines on the manner that the federal government will offer support to the state and local government. The act goes further and defines what constitutes a disaster and what is not. So, while it gives the president a significant amount of power, such authority will be restricted to the response of disaster-related activities (Goitein, 2020). Thus, the potential for abuse of power by the president is very low. As for the National Emergency Act (NEA), some people assert that it should have stricter guidelines given it does not provide a clear definition of what constitutes a disaster. Even so, the involvement of many agencies and the existence of barriers will make the process of responding to emergencies less effective. Notably, it is vital to give the…
Easter essay Easter is the most significant and oldest occasion or festival of the Christian Church, which celebrates the rebirth of Jesus Christ and is held from March 21 to April 25 after the first full moon after the northern mechanism equinox. Most Christians mention the week before Easter as the “Holy Week,” which comprises the day of the Easter Triduum, which remembers Maundy Thursday, Maundy and the Last Supper, as well as Good Friday, Christian, and the demise of Jesus. It would be best if you read this article to know about the history and traditions of Easter, when and how to celebrate Easter. The Bible mentions that if Jesus hadn’t levitated, Christian preaching and belief would have been “futile” or even “empty.” In other words, Christians’ trust in the divinity of Jesus lies at the moment of their resurrection. Without that portion of the Easter story, Jesus expires, and that’s it. Meaning of Easter represents the complete validation of all Jesus discoursed & taught at the time of Easter’s three-year ministry. History of Easter Easter, the major festival…
The Water Cycle The world we live in is a complex one; from the sun that pretty much makes the earth habitable to the water that supports life itself as we know it, understanding how all these essential processes work is vital. The paper will discuss the water cycle and how the process impacts the earth entirely. One such important process is the water cycle; the water cycle is driven by the sun; the process starts with the sun heating the water in the seas and oceans, after which the water vaporizes into the air. Upon the rising of the water vapour, the cooling process starts. This causes the water vapour to condense and results in the formation of water droplets; this explains the clouds, which are the masses of the formed water droplets. Eventually, these water droplets, now called clouds in this state are too heavy to remain floating in the air, they come down in a process called precipitation. The diagram below further explains the water cycle. Fig 1.1: The water cycle The water cycle is a vital…
How Shawn Henry Is Helping HomeOwners Make The Most Of Solar Power In Florida Florida has always been called “The Sunshine State.” The city is today one of the country’s leading states for home solar power. According to research, the prices of electricity in Florida are averagely 0.11per kW, and the high sunshine amounts 10% more than average as compared to the other states. Therefore, solar power in Florida is 5% more cost-effective than the rest of the nation and highly recommended in Florida. A few of the benefits of installing solar panels in your home include high solar production, a one-for-one net metering policy for all public utilities, the 26% solar tax credit- making Florida a prime location for installing commercial and residential solar systems. Shawn Henry is a solar expert living in Florida. Having left Canada his native land, the entrepreneur is on a mission to help homeowners achieve energy efficiency within their homes. With over decades of experience, he helps create green homes without changing the owner’s budget. And today, he is the president, founder and CEO…