Resources: Nursing Infographics on Protecting PHI Top of Form Bottom of Form Content These infographics serve as examples of how to succinctly summarize information. In your staff update assessment, you will not have all the images and graphics that infographics might contain; instead, focus your analysis on what makes the messaging effective. Apply these principles to writing your interprofessional staff update. Atlantic Training. (2012). HIPAA infographic: Protecting patient privacy, how important is it? Retrieved from HITC Staff. (2017). Infographic: The rise of medical data sharing and privacy concerns. Retrieved from University of Illinois at Chicago. (n.d.). Protecting patient information in the age of breaches. Retrieved from Resources: The Nurse’s Role in Patient Privacy[unique_solution] Top of Form Bottom of Form ContentPrint ANA Center for Ethics and Human Rights. (2015). American Nurses Association position statement on privacy and confidentiality [PDF]. Available from This ANA position statement examines the role of nurses in protecting privacy and confidentiality and provides recommendations to maintain compliance. McCartney, P. R. (2016). The electronic health record and nursing practice. The American Journal of Maternal/Child…

Service Host: Local System (Network Restricted) Is Using Too Much Of Your CPU Resources Some time ago Microsoft started changing the Windows functionality from depending on internal Windows services (which ran from .exe files) to using .dll files. You can’t launch a .dll file directly from Windows the same way you can launch an executable (.exe) file. Instead, a shell that is loaded from a executable file is used to host these .dll services. And that is how the Service Host process (svchost.exe) was invented.   Image1   Service Host: Local System is a collection of system processes which operates automatically through system. It includes processes like Windows Auto Update and many others which takes up huge memory, disk, RAM etc. You may have noticed that almost all your available network is taken by these processes. This problem is frequent in Windows 8 and 10 operating systems. So, Service Host(svchost.exe) is a generic service hosting container, any number of required system services can be running in it. Running services are arranged into groups that are all somehow related, and then…

Project Logic Model- Resources Assets The focus is on the new program logic model that involves developing the new ABC MedTech platform. The people responsible for the development of the program activities include cardiologists and the aging population. The primary consumers of the ultrasound equipment are mainly cardiologists who need to invest in such equipment. The aging population, in this case, requires the new technology to ensure that they receive the best quality care possible. This, however, depends on the collaboration between the patients and the relevant healthcare providers. The technology required for this program includes modern ultrasound equipment. This will be provided by Millennia Tech and Econ Tech companies that are subsidiaries as well as partners of the ABC MedTech company. Such recent technologies will rely on speed and accuracy that will help relevant organizations achieve a competitive edge. In this case, patients will be expected to pay a higher price to achieve this cardiology services. Inputs Accountability will be scheduled for the risk management team that will be responsible for effectively managing the required resources. In this case,…

3 Tips for Making Your Move into Your New Home  Go As Smoothly As Possible We all have to deal with moving into a new house at a certain point in our lives. There is more that goes into preparing for your move other than packing. You might be moving to a new neighborhood, a new state, or even a country. Whatever the distance, you will need to plan and anticipate things that could go wrong carefully. Without a proper plan, you will end up overwhelmed and miss essential aspects. However, the requirements differ depending on the distance, so make sure you research the tips and resources to facilitate your move. Pack Smart A carefully crafted packing system promotes a smooth transition from your old house to the new one; you will know the exact location of specific items. Throwing things randomly into boxes to finish the process quickly will create unnecessary confusion, especially when unpacking. Pack according to rooms and label the cartons based on its contents. Make sure you begin packing early to avoid rushing when the moving…

Budget Variance Reports For this three-part activity, you will work in groups assigned by the mentor. Each group will be collaborating within a private group forum in Moodle. Upon completing all three parts of the exercise, please combine Parts 1, 2, and 3 into one submission. Each group member should submit the final deliverable using the assignment submission link in Moodle. A grading rubric for this activity can be found in the Evaluation Rubrics folder in Moodle.   The budget scenario used in Financial Exercise 2 is for Happy Valley Nursing Home, a 66 bed skilled nursing facility in Pennsylvania. Happy Valley provides short-term skilled nursing care and long-term care for adults with disabilities and older adults. The facility has one nursing unit, 4S, with a census of 56 patients in the month of June 2019.   The facility must follow the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Division of Long Term Care Regulations for all aspects of its operations and the provision of care. These regulations also define the staffing (nursing services) requirements for all long-term care facilities in Pennsylvania.[unique_solution]  …

Health care Human resources management The main aim of the human resource manager is to develop a plan that seeks to expand acute hospital facilities to meet the needs of the growing community. Generally, various steps should be taken to improve the effectiveness of human resources management in the hospital. Part 1 Diverse trends in health care have adversely affected the healthcare sector in many hospitals across the world. In the acute hospital in my area, two major trends seem to have adverse effects on service delivery and the creation of a global workplace. To begin with, the healthcare care of employees is one major problem affecting the hospital. In my own opinion, the facility needs to build a particular room in which the workers of the hospital can be advised on how to prevent themselves from ailments. Either, there is a need to provide them with a working environment in which they are free from contacting various diseases. At times, workers should also be vaccinated against various conditions when the need arises (Nunn et al., 2018). For instance, more…

Daku Resources Limited Analysis of the pre-released information about the Daku Resource Company shows that the Major project Dam requires examination. Marrang Dam Analysis The Dam holds a significant amount of gold that the company can profit from by excavating. If the firm can develop the high-grade underground mine, then the cash-flows will increase. Investment in the Dam will result in additional expenses such as buying of treatment facility at Beltana at the cost of $2.8 million. Beltana is to be refurbished at an extra cost of $1.3 million. From the financial forecast, the Dam project is worth undertaking for the next years. The project has realized a profit before income of $1,037,972 in the year 2018 and $8,432,668 in the year 2017. The difference between the capital expenditures versus repairs and maintenance is given by $426, 275. Based on the information, the firm made a net profit of   $611,697 and $ 6,878,090 in 2018 and 2017, respectively.  This shows a positive response from the project in terms of cash flows. Evaluation Cash Flow, Profitability Calculation and Analysis From the…

Human Resources Initiatives Human Resources (HR) play a critical role in the development of a company’s strategy and handling the employee-centered activities of an organization. The corporation’s human resource department is responsible for creation and implementation as well as overseeing policies between employees and the management team of the company. This research on several human resource concepts was a success through interviewing with Apple Corporation’s human resource manager, Dr. Edward. The HR manager in this particular company strategically partners with the Co-Founders and other agency leaders to ensure human resources programs and practices support the business’s objectives and goals. Dr. Edward identifies strategies, executives’ tactics, and builds programs that support employee on-boarding, development and retention. The main objectives of the research were to: Find out the concept of the company to ensure the selection process of human resources successively propels the company’s culture. To find out the right approaches used by the Apple corporation to recruit high-quality To determine how the company ensures it remains competitive in global emerging markets through global human resource management. To find out how the…

The human resources umbrella The human resources umbrella that resonates with me is – developing an ethical culture among the employees of the organization. The issue is- sexual harassment, which I have witnessed in my organization about a few years ago. One of the male employees from the marketing department was repeatedly sexually harassing a female employee of the sales department. The female employee submitted a report to the human resource department regarding the issue urging to take a quick step against it. The issue was handled correctly by the human resource umbrella of the company. A joint internal investigation force was developed, including the senior employees of the human resource department and legal structure department. All the employees from both the department properly cooperated in the entire investigation process. Employees wanted to maintain an ethical structure of the organization without compromising with any unethical task. The following actions were taken against the issue after an investigation Alibi and different opinions were taken from the employees both the department The alleged person was called for direct interaction to authenticate the…

CST2560 COURSEWORK 5 Submission instructions:  Electronic copy uploaded via Turnitin to the CST2560 UniHub website. Please use the submission form available on the CST2560 website. The Assignment In this assignment you are expected to produce an IPP (Individual Project Proposal) based upon the template below. Your submission should not be more than 2500 words + References/ Bibliography. The project should be appropriate for a 3rd year Computer Networks or Computer Systems Engineering student. You are encouraged to use screenshots/ charts/ graphs if these are relevant. You will need to produce a Work Breakdown Structure/ Gantt chart.   CST2560 IPP Template Title   Key words   Introduction and context description   Evidence of requirements   Problem definition   Aims   Objectives   Methods chosen for project implementation   Brief product description   Deliverables   Outcome/product evaluation/testing approach   Resources   References   Bibliography   Project Plan including Work Breakdown Structure & Gantt chart     This is a Gantt chart showing the progress I intend to make on my project over the next few months. On the x-axis is each objective…

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