Rhetorical analysis “football is here to stay” Greg Easterbrook’s article, “football is here to stay,” talks about the NFL and how it is becoming safer day after day. The author poses several arguments in support of the National Football League growing in popularity despite the many cases of concussions and injuries among players, which are a possible threat to the popularity of the sport. Greg builds his argument based on the declining statistics of players involved in concussions to support his claim on the growth of the status of the competition. He also addresses the challenge gambling is bringing into the game. This paper aims to look into the arguments which he brings forward in support of the game based on reforms he suggests and their possible outcome in improving the general safety of players. Quite a number of the arguments raised and supported by the author by statistics are quite agreeable. With the sport becoming safer to play, its future looks good as it will continue growing in popularity. It is essential to note that Greg Easterbrook is a…

What is a Tandem Kayak?-Here’s Everything you Need to Know Do you love long excursions on the water but sometimes get bored doing it alone? Would you like to enjoy these expeditions with a friend or even your partner? If your answer is yes, then you can never go wrong with a tandem kayak. A tandem kayak can accommodate two people who will paddle it simultaneously, thus making it fun and enjoyable.  Some of them even have some extra space for your kid or a pet. The kayaks range from 18-24 feet in length, and you get to choose what suits you depending on the purpose for which you are buying. Advantages of Tandem Kayaks Tandem kayaks have several advantages in comparison with their solo counterparts. You will not have to bear lonely and sometimes boring escapades since you will paddle with your loved ones and get the most out of your voyages. The following are some of these benefits: Additional stability The stability of a vessel is paramount for all kayakers, especially if you do not have enough experience.…

  EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT. One of the companies that have incorporated employee empowerment is ‘Four Seasons’. It was awarded the ‘Great Place of Work Legend’ by Fortune in 2017. Its employees are much empowered as they have been describing it as the employer-of-choice for over 20 years. Four Seasons Executive Vice President attributes their success to their employees. Four Seasons empowers their employees by giving them the necessary tools and trust needed for success. They care for their employees the same way they care for their guests. This gives the employees a sense of belonging and encourages them to carry the values of the company forward, develop a deep connection with their guests and therefore create memorable experiences for the company. Four Seasons apply Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to empower its employees. In this strategy, the universal needs of the employees form the base for the system before then proceeding to more acquired emotions. In Maslow’s hierarchy, the process for human motivation moves through a series of steps from psychological needs, safety, then belonging and love, then social needs, and then…

GREEN HERRINGBONE WHITE SHEEP KIDS FLAT CAP Check out our stunning and lovely Green Herringbone White Sheep Kids Flat Cap that will keep our child warm and comfortable throughout the chilly winter weather. The adorable kids’ flat cap is the absolute way of ensuring that your kid is stylish, trendy and cozy, whether for that outdoor or indoor occasion during the winter season. The flat cap provides a sense of sophistication and class, mainly from its sleek and lovely design and style. The most conspicuous feature of the cap is the majestic sheep imagery perfectly designed at the front of the beautiful piece. Just below the sheep image on the front of the hat are the words “Ireland”, entirely embroidered into the piece. The gorgeous kids flat hat is a product of 100% cotton that is soft, cozy and luxurious on touch and provides extreme comfort from the cold. The design of the cap features unique traditional Irish craft that provides warmth from the biting cold, keeping your child comfortable throughout. 100% cotton product- the kids’ flat cap is a…

Hamlet’s success at revenge The Tragedy of Hamlet is a revenge play written by William Shakespeare. Following the sudden death of King Denmark by the hands of his brother Claudius. A ghost of the slain King appears before his son, Hamlet, telling him to seek revenge on his behalf. The Prince agrees to avenge his father, and he successfully kills King Claudius. However, the Prince appears to take a long time to achieve revenge. His approach of feigning madness and attempted suicide elicits questions on his role in executing the vengeance. Despite the success of the Prince, is he responsible for the numerous unnecessary deaths of the innocents, and does he succeed in avenging the death of King Denmark? Deaths are a constant presence in the play and all centers within the life and role of the Prince. The case of Polonius dies by the hands of Prince Hamlet after he found out that he was spying on him. Polonius was a loyal servant to King Claudius, and thus he tries to help the King by spying on Hamlet. Hamlet…

How Many Times in the Past Decade Has the Favored Team Won the NBA Championship? This season the Bucks seem to be entering into the all-star break as clear on-odds favourites. This is no surprise as they have shown the most excellent form in both divisions. The L.A Lakers are likely to face-off with the Bucks if all things hold up. It’s been a very slow season at the top 4 with little movement. Things are likely to stay that way for an indefinite period since the Covid-19 pandemic has forced organizers to suspend the league. It’s essential to look into the past as we await the resumption of this league. Which begs the question: How many times has the 0n-odds favourites team gone on to win the championship? 2008-2009 Season The Boston Celtics were on odds favourites to win the tournament. They weren’t even Contenders in the previous year. A few notable purchases helped them shore up their defence and offence to reach the final playoffs and take the title. 2009-2010 Season The Lakers were unstoppable in the following…

Economic Theory The Cournot Theory of Duopoly The Cournot theory of duopoly is utilized to explain a case where two firms that offer the consumers the same products compete on the amount of commodities they produce simultaneously but in an independent manner (Bornier, 1992). In an oligopoly, there few firms that are operating, and they face a low level of competition.  Even so, each of the few firms that are in this market will always be trying to “eat” from the others’ market share so that it can emerge as the market leader and make more significant profits. One of the strategies used by such companies is altering the number of goods that are sold. That borrows from the law of demand and supply, which asserts that when the supply of a particular commodity is on the rise, it will drive down the prices, and the opposite is true. So, for the two companies that are competing in a duopoly, they must make consideration of the output of the competitor so that they can maximize their level of profit. In…

 DNA replication `The process of DNA and RNA transcription involves various steps, including the replication of DNA, transcription of DNA to RNA and the translation of RNA to proteins. These processes take place in the body and are responsible not only during the development of an individual but also when they are mature. The process is complex and takes place every minute hence making any error in the process to have a significant impact on the result. Errors in this process can occur during the DNA replication step as well as the translation of RNA to proteins. During DNA replication, one of the errors that can happen is the insertion or deletion of letters that make up the genetic code. Such an error may cause the resulting protein to be short or long. This error can have a dramatic effect on the structure of protein formed, and the deletion or insertion of a single letter can lead to frameshift mutation hence affecting the resulting trait. Transcription is the stage where the DNA is transcribed to mRNA that contains the information…

Microbiology Introduction Influenza is a viral illness that affects the respiratory system. Similarly, the occurrence of the disease is a result of different types of viruses. The sickness is infectious and is spread among humans as well as other species. The transmission of the virus is a result of the exchange of infected droplets between different organisms. The disease is spread through coughing, sneezing, as well as communicating while close to an infected person. Further, the virus has the capability of surviving on non-living organisms. As such, the disease can also be spread through coming into contact with the illness carrying objects and transferring through contact with the eye or nose. Further, the disease can be spread to other individuals after a period of up to 1 week. Additionally, after infection, the recovery process takes several days. However, for individuals with underlying medical conditions, the infection may result in death. The primary indicators of the virus include fever, coughing, running nose as well as throat complications. Further, the disease is prevalent among infants, pregnant women, as well as the aged.…

The Untold Stories About Dr. Charlotte Brown The Internet is full of questions of “who is Dr. Charlotte Brown?” Several stories are posted every day and week about her, but they are not yet exhausted. Dr. Charlotte is one of the most popular brands. She was born in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, in the year 1972. She managed to create a personal brand. People knew her as the best personality at work, through participation in the talk show “The Doctors” during the eighth season of “The Bachelor.” Dr. Charlotte Brown is working as an assistant professor of Clinical Paediatrics. She is an expert, experienced, and certified pediatrician in Nashville, Tennessee, associated with the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Charlotte Career Background Dr. Charlotte is a pediatrician specialist. Then, What is a pediatrician specialist? He/She is a specialist doctor that treats children, adolescents, and infants. They are trained to meet and take care of the unique needs of children throughout their developmental stages until they grow fully and mature enough to think or make a decision for themselves. Charlotte has been into…

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