Ethics in Public Administration Introduction Ethics can be seen as a benchmark for differentiating good from poor conduct. In the definition of ethics, there might always occur a conflict since what seems ethical to an individual may seem unethical to another. In public administration, for example, the code of ethics may be based on three fields; legality, public interest or more general public opinion. In real world, ethics covers several areas including accountability, organizational issues, budgeting, human capital, performance and even political perspective since it encompasses a rating of human morality. Ethics and Accountability In an individual’s day to day activities, accountability comes in due to responsibilities. Public administrators, for example, are assigned to responsibilities that have to be undertaken. The undertaking of duties is regulated by the expectations of account-giving concerning the achievements or failures. Ethics comes in to determine the grounds on which someone may be blamed, answerable or liable for their activities. There is always a sense of personal responsibility when accountability is viewed as an issue of an individual rather than a general concern. Liability forms…
Ethics in Genetics Ethics can merely be defined as a branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles of a particular activity. Genetics, on the other hand, is a branch of biology that deals with the study of genes in human beings. There is a broad relationship between both ethics and genetics which cannot be underseen and hence a necessity to carry out adequate research to find ethical reflections about various genetic practices. Genetics disorders result in insurance and employment discrimination to the affected families and hence the need of applying ethics in genetic-related disorders. Nursing practices are consequently affected by these two interdisciplinary topics. A case study of Dan and Erin is used to establish a reflection of ethics to genetic disorders. The case study narrates that Dan and Erin are about to have a newborn baby, and therefore they decide to acquire a life insurance policy with high levels of coverage. The process of obtaining the life insurance policy requires that some genetic tests have to be carried on the two partners. The results of the testing revealed…
Personal Ethics and Public Duties Dilemma Introduction Ethics are a set of moral principles that guide how a person lives, behaves and make decisions. Professional ethics on the other hand are a strict code of conduct laid down at the work place. Non-compliance to professional code of conduct may result to severe consequences including getting laid off. At times, professional duties at a work place conflicts with personal ethics. This places one at a dilemma because it is hard to stray from personal ethics but at the same time one needs to adhere to professional ethics. This essay will look at how personal ethics and professional responsibilities can be reconciled with the aid of Christian worldview and organization psychology. Reconciling personal ethics with professional responsibilities In a public office, there are a set of guidelines that are provided from high authorities such as the constitution. In line with Dennis (2018), administrators carry out orders of their superiors and the policies of the agency or the government they serve and they do not exercise moral judgement; they are not expected to…
Ethics and Measles Working as a doctor or as a health care provider is highly rewarding and at the same time very challenging. Most medical procedures have both merits and demerits, and therefore, both the health care provider and the patient have their own input (Numminen, 2015). Ethics in the health care sector is critical because ethics creates a healthy relationship between the health care provider and the patient. Ethics in health care allows the patients to exercise their right in controlling any type of medication over their bodies. In addition, ethics principles dictate that the health care providers should do all what they can to help patients under all circumstances. Health care providers should apply ethics to solve ethical dilemma that is currently existing about the effects of measles vaccination to the children. The case study under discussion involves Piper Bank who is a health care provider in a medical clinic serving local low-income people in the society. Piper Bank is the clinic director, and she loves her job of providing health care services to the patients. In the…
Ethics in Policing Ethics involves making the right decisions and doing the right things, that is, analyzing and reflecting on the problems of human conduct (Miller, 2013). Ethics helps the police to develop a grasp of their professional standards, improve their critical thinking, understand their personal responsibility, and measure the consequences of their decisions (Miller & Blackler, 2017). Police institutions always believe that the general public or other non-police institutions do not understand the problems existing within their work and that the expectation of policing are often misplaced and unrealistic. Most police officers engage in behaviors that are unethical and these behaviors are often derived from the norms of their organizational culture (Miller & Blackler, 2017). This statement typical means that morality of police officers may be utterly opposed to the standard social morality. Some of the common unethical behaviors include corruption, excessive use of force, and racism among others (Wood, Roithmayr & Papachristos, 2019). The paradox of the “Dirty Harry Dilemma” implies that the world of policing gives police officers the capacity to justify their unethical behaviors while…
Modernism, Christianity, and Business Ethics: A Worldview Perspective article analysis Use the Business Source Complete database Locate the article: “Modernism, Christianity, and Business Ethics: A Worldview Perspective” by Kim, Fisher, and McCalman Write a 500-600 word critical review of the above article The first portion of your review should consist of a summary of the authors’ argument and the way he/she supports that argument. In other words, what is the author’s main point, or thesis? What are the means by which the author supports this thesis? Look at the author’s points of evidence, organization, and overall method for presenting this information. The second portion of the review should consist of your analysis and evaluation of his argument (*Do not begin to analyze and evaluate until you have first summarized his argument and noted his methodology*). Did the author effectively communicate his/her thesis? Why or why not?[unique_solution] It is essential that you apply each facet of what you have learned so far in this course: proper grammar, avoiding plagiarism, clarity and concision, and proper formatting and…
Police Ethics Outline Kevin Royce Introduction Law Enforcement demand high levels of ethical standards Adherence to ethical standards has a high influence on policing perfection The police department is being affected by lack of ethics among police officers Thesis Statement: Eradication of police corruption and adoption of higher ethical standards in law enforcement require the cooperation of policing organizations, community, and the police officers. Background Lack of proper implementation of ethical standards in law enforcement has been a historical problem. The poor policing culture is one of the major obstacles to achieving social changes. Law enforcement agencies must be at the forefront of embracing ethics Different strategies have been put in place to deal with police ethics III. Major Point 1: Reform techniques to deal with the individual officers have never been effective. there has been inadequate internal processes, training, and external integrity organs to deal with the issue. law enforcement agencies have not utilized the right organizational and transformational theories to promote ethics in policing Major Point 2: Understanding the nature of police ethics. The police must not…
Ethics of Psychology: The Little Albert Classical Conditioning Experiment In the early part of the 20th century, Psychologists John Watson and Rosalie Rayner carried out a study on classical conditioning through an experiment on conditioning a rat phobia to a nine-month-old, Little Albert (Steen, 2011). The participants involved in the research were minor and animals, including a rat, a rabbit, a monkey and a dog. In addition, there was a video recording of the experiment, which was meant to observe behavior. I consider the study unethical based on the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (American Psychology Association, 2017). The code clearly stipulates two standards that are not sufficiently adhered to during the experiment. These are Standard 8.09 on Human care and use of animals in research and Standard 8.03 Informed Consent for Recording Voices and Images in Research. In the experiment, the participant is crying and is exhibiting fear. No efforts have been made to protect the participant from infection and direct contact with the animals. Similarly, animals used for treatment are mishandled. The monkey is suspended…
ethics in modern day America Essay 1 Instructions and Guide Instructions: Choose one of the readings assigned from Unit 1-Unit 4 to respond to for this essay. Consider the ethical themes in the selected reading and consider the possibility of applying such ethics in modern day America. Your response will explore and discuss this application from a personal perspective (through your own ethical lens). Prompt options are below. Purpose/Objectives: The purpose of this assignment is to engage you in the literature assigned on both an intellectual and analytic level as well as a personal and ethical level. You will respond to the selected literature in an exploratory manner in order to provide insight into the historical ethical positions reflected in the reading as they connect to, contrast with, or apply to current or modern contexts or modes of thought that are personally shared. Upon completing this assignment, the student will be able to: Articulate detailed examples of his/her own ethical values and the source of those values Recognize consequences of his/her own ethical decision-making Demonstrate an ability to make connections…
Euthanasia and the Ethics Behind It The issues surrounding medical futility and end of life are more often than not challenging and confounded with misunderstanding on the difference between withdrawing and withholding particular treatments while still providing health care, which can easily prompt conflict and confusion. When combined with the dynamics of cultural differences and social complexities, sorting out the issue of medical futility or even the more general Euthanasia can prove a daunting task. This paper summarizes a BBC article (“Germany overturns ban on assisted suicide,” 2020) where the German Federal Constitutional Court overturned the ban of professionally assisted suicide, highlights the moral and ethical issues surrounded, and how they relate to the ethical principle. The article posits that the court backed complaints by a group of terminally ill patients and medical specialists who challenged the law criminalizing commercial promotion of Euthanasia that prompted terminally ill patients to move to the Netherlands and Switzerland to end their life. According to the article, the law was aimed at stopping individuals or groups of people from creating a form of…