Ethics and Young Leaders Introduction The advent of technology and the incorporation of technological advancement in the running of today’s major corporations and other public entities have thrust young leaders into positions of leadership. Their influence is critical in significant decision making and implementation of policies and investment options of major corporations in the world today that touch every sector of the economy, such as telecommunication, transport, and others. As compared to the older employees and business leaders who, according to societal factors, are considered conservatives on matters of ethics, young public leaders due to the dynamic nature of the current business environment and inexperience may compromise on business ethics. According to the Ethics Resource Center, which is a nonprofit organization study on Generational Differences in Workplace Ethics, young people are more likely to break ethical rules in workplaces as compared to older generations. This may be due to the integration of personal life into the workplace environment, which may compromise ethical standards, for example, the inability to differentiate between family and workplace issues and how best to overcome…

Ontological Argument             Ontological argument is one among the most considered arguments for the existence of an all perfect God. And although there are various versions of this argument, all aims at indicating an existence of a supernatural being (1). On this general line of argument therefore, it is made clear that such a being exists; and the being is basically the God of traditional western theism. This paper gives a summary of two of the versions of ontological argument: Anselm argument and Guanilo argument. St.Anselm who was an Archbishop in Cantebury around 1033-1109 BC, is the founder of this argument, which he described in proslogium as follows Even when a fool hears of an existence of a being besides which there is nothing greater than it can be perceived, he or she is able to comprehend what he receives and whatever he or she realizes lies in his indulgent (1). Assuredly, that being which nothing can be conceived greater than it cannot exist on the basis of understanding alone. Because if truly it is in his understanding alone: it…

killing and letting die Death is an inevitable phenomenon through which every human being must pass through. The most critical question to philosophers and legal personnel have been who holds power to take it. Over the years, it is believed that no human being has control over life. I do firmly believe in the school of thought that no human being should decide on the life of another. Molarity would significantly degrade if the power to live or die were put in the hands of any human being (Kass, 1991). The intrinsic societal values have maintained dignity among all human and violating them should not be allowed. Whenever killing and letting die terms are mentioned, most people view killing to be illegal but letting die to be a natural phenomenon. James Rachel, in his article `Active and Passive Euthanasia` views Euthanasia on the moral perspective rather than a legal perspective. In his argument, passive Euthanasia is permissible, but active Euthanasia cannot be permitted. The biggest challenge is distinguishing active and Passive Euthanasia. Active Euthanasia could be termed as murder while…

 Why do Buddhists in South East Asia rely on tattoos and amulets during a time of War? CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.0. Brief Overview of the Buddhist Ancient Practices 98% of Thailand, as one of the nations in South East Asia, is Buddhists. According to (Hansen 2007), Buddhists have a very long and aesthetic history in the belief of the supernatural and magic. Moreover, since the 3rd Century “BCE,” Buddhism is one of the religious practices that has always been prominent in Southeastern parts of Asia. The prevalence of Buddhism in Southeast Asia is mainly attributed to the frantic attempts of King “Asoko” and all of his subsequent descendants who made it their sole responsibility to promote the rapid spread of Buddhism as a practice in the region. Buddhists in Southeast Asia strongly believe in the “Sak Yant” tattoos and amulets as the strongest form of good luck and protection against forces resulting from the four (4) elements: fire, air, water, and earth (Hansen, 2007). Additionally, the Buddhist also use the “Sak Yant” tattoos and amulets as forms of individual or…

Nursing Informatics   Discuss the concepts of Interoperability and Health Information Exchange (HIE) and how you would approach the other groups. Interoperability is a term used in healthcare to describe the extent to which the systems and the devices are designed to exchange data, interpreted and share them as well. For any two interoperable systems, they must be able to exchange data and consequently present the data in a manner that it can be understood by the user in a healthcare environment (Matney, et al, 2011). The concept of interoperability in healthcare systems enables the data exchange schema to permit the sharing of data across the laboratory, clinician, pharmacy, and patients regardless of the application vendor. In a healthcare Interoperability, there are three levels of health information. These are the foundation, structural and semantics. In the foundational level, the Interoperability permits data exchange from one IT system to be received by another party but does not require the ability to receive and interpret the data. At the structural level, this concept becomes the immediate level which defines the format of…

Nicomachean Ethics The Nichomachean ethics entails Aristotle’s most prolific work on ethics, consisting of ten books. The Nicomachean Ethics involve ten books that existed in separate scrolls, which are believed to come from his lecture notes. The report addresses some of the core topics in the book that relate to how best men ought to live.  The report covers happiness, the virtue of character and pleasure. Every human beings retracts from pain and bad experiences, while they focus on pleasure. Different method allow a person attain pleasure. Some people attain pleasure in food, running or seeking the attention of friends. Book 1: happiness Aristotle starts the ethics study with the notion that there is an apparent goodness that is not only self-sufficient but also complete and refers to it as happiness. Human actions have an end because their actions get performed on purpose and a given goal. An act might get performed for a limited, which when once attained leads to another goal, and so on[1]. Human beings dwell on lesser goods like pleasure, wealth and fame for the sake…

  Philosophy of Discrimination, Access, and Diversification Philosophy examines the presuppositions and principles of any field of study like education. It aims at looking into the core problems that a societal necessity faces and try to find solutions. In review, philosophy has five branches including metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, politics, and logic. Metaphysics is concerned with the physical world and reality’s nature while logic examines reasoning. Ethics seeks to question morals and individual values (Lynch, 2018). In addition, epistemology reflects on how individuals learn the things that they comprehend. The branch proposes four sub-groups which are essential and include experience, reason, intuition, and divine teaching. These are important in defining how teaching comes about in the class. Higher education stakeholders utilize philosophy to advocate for various needs in society. For instance, in discrimination, philosophy establishes that the state should never act as a parent. The state should not be somewhere on and distribute resources among the people. Higher education stakeholders should have relational equality (Moreau, 2016). Philosophers here claim that every individual should receive equal resources or access to education regardless…

Myth of Social Capital in Community Development The articles by James Deffilipis-Myth of Social Capital in Community Development rationally lays the facts about the concept of social capital. The social capital is one of the philosophical approaches adopted by the scholar’s aims to boost a meaningful coexistence between various social groups. Social capital influences the way people react to challenges and environmental pressures; moreover, the theory lays an understanding of how the youth, for example, solve social issues as they relate to each other. Shared norms, values, and trust among family members, for example, would imply good progress in acquiring economic resources. However, according to Robert Putnam -one of the authors of the articles argues that cooperation between parents may not make their children get an adequate education. Determined families facing constant wriggles due to external human pressures resulting in some push and pull may still excel. The impact that social capital bought about by active participation of human capital produces public goods for a common good of the social setup. It is in this basis that the paper unpacks…

The Concept of Intelligence One could say that all humans have a certain tendency to think about themselves as of someone special. Moreover, because of some of the most basic instincts, it is in human nature to seek to prove their own superiority. In order to do so, there have to exist specific judging criteria, and that is why the issue of determining what intelligence means has always been very relevant and germane. Numerous philosophers and scientists living during all eras have tried to define the concept of intelligence, and every one of them brought something new to this definition. Overall, considering all the present information, it is possible to conclude that the concept of intelligence should not be defined as a sole ability to comprehend information and learn new skills. On the contrary, it is highly essential to understand that intelligence can manifest itself differently in varying spheres of life. As a result, it makes more sense to talk about the broad spectrum of divergent types of intelligence that cannot be adequately measured rather than about one skill or…

 PALLIATIVE SEDATION In the field of medicine, palliative sedation is generally the end-of-life care. All treatment options are advanced in order to save life and improve the quality of health of patients. However, there are certain terminal stages where patients might have to endure a lot of pain when the signs and symptoms of the infection they are suffering has proven to the futile, when it comes to offering treatment. Palliative sedation can also be associated with other medical terms such as continuous deep sedation, sedation for intractable distress of dying patient, or terminal sedation. It is a general medical practice of relieving pain distress in patients who are terminally ill in their last hours or days of their life. Medical practitioners can perform this procedure by means of subcutaneous infusion of a sedative drug, continuous intravenous, or by using a specialized charter that is specifically designed to provide comfort through a system of discrete administration through the rectal route. Palliative/terminal sedation, with palliative care being a new and developing specialty, has been the subject of much ethical scrutiny.  However,…

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