Plato’s Republic essay Introduction Plato’s Republic is a masterpiece by Plato that tries to define justice and whether a just person is happier than the unjust person. To achieve this goal, Plato draws a parallel comparison between justice, human virtues, a just city, politics, and philosophy. In Plato’s Republic, justice is defined by individual virtue, the order of society, and individual rights. Throughout arguments, Socrates tries to show how having a good soul will automatically lead to a just city/society. The relationship between the city and a just soul is a way of defending Plato’s philosophy of ethics. Socrates argues that a just soul achieves happiness since justice fosters friendship and a sense of common purpose. Socrates begins by trying to defend justice from an ideal perspective, but as the plot progresses, it becomes evident that all he was trying to defend was human rationality and not justice as per se. In this paper, I argue that Plato’s Republic is a defense of Socrates and philosophy and an ineffective definition of justice. The Republic is a true defense of Socrates…

PERSONAL CHILDCARE PHILOSOPHY Learning involves mastering of skills such as walking, talking, sitting and skipping among others.Children learn these new skills that can otherwise be termed developmental milestones during predictable times periods of their lives (Faulkner & Gerstenblatt, et .all, 2016).They learn these through giving them lots of attention and help them practise the simple things like walking, interacting with the children through talking, playing, eating among others, limiting their television time to no more than one to two hours a day. The family is a social construct that keeps society running smoothly.The families provide protection,  care, status assignment and emotional support to not only the children by the community in general.It moreover, creates a well-integrated society member by instilling their social culture into the children.The family play a significant role in childcare settings. For instance, through the interaction of the children, they help to extend teaching outside the school setting.The cognitive development of children happens during their preschool years, the parents and families need to be part of this development instead of entirely depending on the teachers (Faulkner &…

The Philosophy of Ethics The Consequentialism Debate: Compare and Contrast deontology and utilitarianism. Briefly discuss the differences between Bentham and Mill’s versions of utilitarianism. Discuss the political and ethical implications of utilitarianism. Deontology may be defined as an ethical theory that emphasizes on rules as determinants of right or wrong. It is based on the belief that morality is measured by someone’s compliance with societal modes of doing things (Körner & Volk, 2014). One is seen to be moral if they perform their roles as expected by their communities. Immanuel Kant is believed to be the most influential person in the development of the theory. He believed that what is moral is determined by some moral laws which he thought were universal. They include laws such as “do not cheat,” “do not steal” and “do not lie.” It is relatively easy for society to apply deontology because one only needs to do what the community expects them to do (Körner & Volk, 2014; Sacco et al., 2017). The idea is compatible with human’s natural intuition to identify events as ethical…

Anaximander of Miletus                  Anaximander of Miletus is said to be one of the three original philosophers before Socrates, or pre-socratic. He was a contemporary younger and a citizen from Thales. His work of philosophies influenced everybody in the nation of Thales, who read most of his books and wise saying. He, among Thales and Anaximenes, who the first rational men of philosophies in those errors. These intelligent men bring a clear understanding of the universe by answering all the questions concerning the world. They did that by subject their existence and brought forth the movement of mythos to logos. Thales was the first philosopher to question the universe and asked what made it work. He coined the term “arché,” which means an organized principle or fundamental principle. Thales, for the first time, indicated that area of intellectual endeavor. Anaximander emerged as the first philosopher to merch it out, including a few modifications and additions. On the origin of species, Anaximander states that in the beginning, men were born from creatures of different sorts. Mainly because all the other animals…

Stephen Hawking’s reasoning, “Philosophy Is Dead.”  Stephen Hawking is one of the renown physicists and the author of “A Brief History of Time,” who, when delivering his speech in the Google Zeitgeist Conference that was held in Hertfordshire, declared that philosophy was dead. Notably, the allegations that the nature of the universe cannot be determined in the absence of hard data like the one that was being retrieved from the Large Hadron Collider and space research. Hawking claimed that philosophy is dead and that it is a traditional view of nature and that the new world should be controlled by science, which philosophers don’t want to recognize and emphasis. Additionally, he claimed that scientist is the leaders in the inventories as well as discoveries in search of more knowledge and that the theories from the philosophers only lead to a different direction thus irrelevant to knowledge adventure. Markedly, Hawking proposed that science has been in the science has been in use and progress since the 17th century when Einstein was coming up and unifying the theories and that of the…

Environmental Ethics Introduction Christianity is a group of believers who have great faith in God. They represent a group of people who believe in life after death and therefore expect everyone to act in just ways with the hope of having an eternal life after death. Performing in just ways entails practicing justice at all times. This means doing what you would also expect others to do to you. This is also referred to as the Golden Rule. Others, in this case, represent the family and other neighboring individuals within the society. Believers trust in doing what is dictated by the Ten Commandments. Acting contrary to such commandments is regarded as sinning. Before an individual starts the Christianity journey, one has to be redeemed off their previous sins and declare that they are born again and would, therefore, walk in the light. Regarding the environmental ethics, people are expected to walk in the Christianity life while taking care of the environment and those other animals or species that also depends on the environment (inter allies between the plants and animals…

Presentation paper The education-related quote is based on Confucianism is “When you see a worthy person, endeavour to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self.” The quote emphasizes on one’s role in education through a cultivated self. A person is therefore required to learn by interacting with the environment by identifying his own good based on the well-being of the others. Personal Quote on Education “The main goal of education is to improve life in the world and to ensure that you make a positive impact on the community” this personal quote, also mirrors my belief in education as the way of understanding the universe to better peoples’ lives. As such, through education, everyone should ensure that they establish ways of improving the community and the entire globe. My personal Codes of Ethics I have always believed in making difficult ethical decisions to ensure justice. I always feel that people should do things by adhering to the rules and acting in an equitable manner to each other. My ethical beliefs also hold that decisions…

Philosophy:attempt to explain the occurrence of some natural phenomena in the universe Various philosophers emerged at different times in an attempt to explain the occurrence of some natural phenomena in the universe..They might disagree on, or two things based on their belives and experiences, but they are generally right according to their perceptions. Some of these philosophers include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Locke. Initially, there was the presocratic era, which involved three philosophers.These philosophers included the monie, who claimed that there is only one single reality in every situation we encounter. The other group of philosophers claimed tha the universe, in general, is in two natures i.e., the integral part, which involves too many mathematical concepts and the other part which I materialistic. This group of philosophers was known as the Pythagoreans.Finally, we had a group of philosophers know as Heraclitus, who, according to them, the world has no permanence. Socrates came into place after these Presocratics.Socrates argued that he was not aware of anything; however, he was in a position to identify the wrongdoing within the society. Socrates argued…

Hope betrays life itself According to Albert Camus, hope is a form of escapement from the personal responsibility of achieving the unachievable. This means that hope refrains one from the realization of realities of limitation and one’s capability to achieve those realities. Therefore according to Camus, for one to refrain from this mockery of hope, he/she must adhere to the absurdity of life and embrace life’s meaninglessness instead that strive to achieve anything beyond one capability.  In The Myth of Sisyphus, one must endure hardship throughout their life to achieve any milestone of success rather than float on the wonderland of hope where absurdities are limited. The Camus critique presents a strong analogy by identifying varying experiences that affect human existence in this world through different challenges in the strive for success. In such a context, this paper will interpret what Camus meant when he wrote that hope betrays life itself and critically evaluate the Camus arguments by taking a position on his case. From the interpretation of The Myth of Sisyphus, people are always forced to seek the systematic…

Religious realm, ethical and aesthetic realm In the Danish golden age, Kierkegaard was a philosophical and productive writer of intellectual and artistic activity. His work crosses the limits of philosophy, theology, psychology, literary censure, devotional works, and creative writing. Social evaluation and renewal of the Christian faith with Christendom are brought about by mixing these discourses. He is usually regarded as the father of existentialism by avid efforts to examine and invigorate Christian faith. This paper will discuss the Religious Realm and the paradox of Faith and give a response to the theory. Religious realm, ethical and aesthetic realm Kierkegaard explains the Religious realm by focusing on the three major ills, which are the major problems to the human psyche and they include boredom, anxiety, and despair. Physical and mental involvement enables people not to become bored. Although a great play, passion, an inspiring conversation is essential in the relief of boredom, the respite doesn’t last for long. Ennui is not just a nuisance, and therefore a psychologically healthy human need to discover various techniques to avoid ennui. Anxiety is…

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