Greek Mathematical Proof Mathematical is a subject with a great history.  The major historical contributors to mathematics history are the Greeks. They were the first people to try and provide mathematical proof. It was based on mathematical reasoning. The first person behind this important historical achievements is the Thales of Mellitus (634-548 B.C.).  He was behind the earliest discoveries in the mathematical fields. Thales of Mellitus was the first person to provide mathematical proof through the concept of deductive reasoning.  The Greeks applied deductive reasoning during this era to every aspect of their thoughts.  The deductive reasoning aspect of mathematics functions based on assumptions that their certain factors that known or assumed to be true. And Hence deductive reasoning Is used to discover the new facts.  According to Thales of Mellitus, through deductive reasoning, known premises are known, and there is an assumption from which a new fact is derived.  The knowledge Thales used to give mathematical proofs was the foundation laid out by the Egyptians and the Babylonians (Bramlett, & Drake, pg. 21, 2013). One of the earliest proof…

Information Technology Law Introduction The digital economy has promoted the growth of many organizations and countries. Many global businesses have benefited consumers and citizens. The digital economy delivers unique prospects for improvement, social networks, and operative problem resolution. However, consumers of digital amenities reveal many individual facts and gen. Rapid progress in the arena of technology joined with the inclination of globalization has shaped intense deviations through which people trust their private data to exploration apparatuses, websites, and media platforms.  The massive capacity and variation of facts created by consumers might not be controlled professionally by conservative procedures of data retrieval and examination (Burri & Schär, 2016, pg. 78). This causes numerous challenges regarding the formation of a supportable method of defending the confidentiality of folks in the universal internet atmosphere. Likewise, current data safety laws are depicted to be powerless since they lack actual permissions for members who disturb data safety guidelines. Consequently, the condition forced the European Union to suggest a directive termed as the General Data Protection Regulation to enhance the privileges to internet privacy by citizens…

Forensic Psychology The justice system involves a total understanding of legal responsibilities and principles about testimonies and witnesses in a specific area. The criminology system, therefore, involves these systems of justice and forensic psychology that involves the study of fundamental principles such as jurisdictional concerns, witnesses, insanity, and criminological competence to prosecution and trial. In some countries, for example, the united states, the justice system defines madness as a component in one state to enhance interactions between attorneys, legal professional, and  judges. Significantly, forensic psychology involves the ability to provide real testimonies in the court of law to formulate psychological conclusions and findings. The witness and the application of legal languages in the courtroom includes essential information to enhance complete understanding to the legal personalities, credibility in the provision of witnesses and knowledge of criminology and philosophical standards and rules (Rogers, 2016). Psychology must have a clear understanding of the  criminology systems, exclusionary practices, and the hearsay evidence to maintain the credibility of forensic psychology in the court of law. Generally, the justice system allows forensic psychologists to carry out…

Designing an Enterprise Architecture Using TOGAF Framework Abstract Healthcare institutions are among the most diverse public sectors that face difficulties in structuring and coordinating their IT resources. Systems in the hospital information system typically function separately and heterogeneously in delivering clinical data. The lack of coordination and compliance with the business goal contributes to an improvement in the inability to enforce IT (Seebregts et al., 2017). The organizational design is regarded as a remedy to these issues, but no systematic advice to apply it to the hospital is accessible at the moment. Existing theoretical strategies have not tackled two main criteria of hospital information systems designs which are the capability to accommodate several divisions, and the full vision of the whole topology, from the Organization to infrastructure design (Hakim et al. (2019). The paper aims at identifying the best way to construct business architecture for hospital data by specifying the requirements of the design, evaluating current systems to satisfy the needs, and designing an effective enterprise using TOGAF framework. The case study supports work at King Fahd University Hospital, the…

Cultural Differences and Creativity Cultural differences are defined as behaviors, beliefs, languages, and practices. The patterns of cultures are determined by the differences in ethnicity, race, and country of origin. When a worker from different backgrounds brings different cultures into organizational management, the various practices can either improve the operations of the business or result in a culture clash.  For instance, multinational companies from the United States and the western world have different management models with their Asian counterparts.  Scholars have come up with various theories to illustrate the difference and creativity among the workers from both Western and Asian countries.  Recently, China introduced a policy that advocated for creativity and innovation. The new slogan aimed at countering the paradox that the Chinese are not as creative as Americans.  However, before the new policy, some inventions in China date back in Ancient times.  Although Chinese were the initial users of paper, printing, and gun powder, they lag behind Americans in modern discoveries due to the differences in the cultural values. Hofstede’s cultural value framework According to the Hofstede cultural dimension,…

Setting and Style             Nineteen Eighty-Four, which is published as 1984, is a dystopian novel first published in the year 1949 by George Orwell its setting being in the Airstrip one in the former Great Britain and a province known as Oceania. Oceania is described by perpetual wars, pervasive government scrutiny and rampant events of public manipulation. This setting is of much importance considering the outspoken themes of this novel, censorship and brainwashing, which are out of public manipulation taking place in this province at the time. The 1984 story begins on a cold, bright day in April 1984. It’s At 1 p.m. when Winston Smith, a small, frail man drags himself home for lunch at his apartment on the 7th floor of the Victory Mansions. This is a third person; yet, I never failed to be encompassed in Winston’s feelings. Historically the events of this story are taking place in the communist and socialist regimes of World War II (Regis, 2013). Character analysis Winston smith can be clearly termed as the only protagonist in this novel. He is naturally…

Utilitarian and deontological approaches Introduction Evidently, medical ethics is one of the most sensible branch of moral philosophy and which determines the quality and the manner in which medical services are delivered.  There are two central philosophical approach that are used in medical related decision making and which include utilitarian and deontological approaches. Notably, ethics is a crucial branch in medicine and it help in dealing with moral dilemma that arise due to conflicts and the accrued consequences.  The fundamental principles that guide medical ethics include autonomy, beneficence, justice and nor-maleficence.  In this regard, ethical approach in medicine and healthcare is an approach towards the institutionalization of the stated approaches to ensure the correct and most appropriate decisions are made.  In utilitarian ethics, outcomes of a certain decision is the major focus of the approach and it justify the means. On the other hand, deontological ethics focuses on the obligation of the medical practitioner thus the outcome might not justify the means.  The major objective of this essay is to explore utilitarian and deontological approaches in medical ethics by reviewing…

Phenomenological experiences The primary objective of the conceptual study is to look into the actuality of the experiences and emotions of people and to provide an in-depth definition of the occurrence. Phenomenological experiments usually incorporate participants ‘ experiences, perceptions, and feelings concerning a concept. Phenomenology has developed into a conceptual paradigm mechanism that seeks truth in the opinions of people about their actual phenomenon encounters. The philosophy contains a wide range of metaphysical, philosophical, and hermeneutic ideologies during the transcendental time. While transcendental ideology has often been related to being ready to go beyond reality. If stepping beyond ourselves to see the universe from the above, metaphysical philosophy represents the need to concentrate on our personal experiences. By contrast, hermeneutic phenomenology demonstrates a definition as compared to characterization alone. Most phenomenological studies take advantage of the metaphysical phenomenological structure established by Edmund Husserl, who laid the foundation for phenomenology. The goals of conceptual research are to achieve the essence of the perception of the phenomenon experienced by the participants, thus describing and identifying the hypothesis. The approach which can produce…

Nursing Theory – Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms The proponents of the theory of unpleasant symptoms, Lenz and Hugh, sought to explain symptoms of a disease as the experienced abnormality in the body’s functioning. Therefore, this paper aims to give a brief history of the theory and its areas of concern and the historical evolution of this theory. It will also explain the concepts of the theory and their consistency throughout the years. Lastly, the paper will look at how valid the argument is in the modern world.   Theory and Theorists     The earliest version of this theory was developed in 1995 by Milligan, Lenz, Pugh, and Gift. The theory sought to come up with interventions to reduce or eradicate the unpleasant symptoms in patients. It was, consequently, developed for a broad range of diseases whenever the symptoms required the consideration of the nurses. All the students in University of Maryland School of Nursing had done research on unpleasant symptoms as a course requirement. And because of the extensive research on the various symptoms such as fatigue by Milligan…

Science and Religion  Introduction: We have had some very serious conversations about Science and Religion recently. The point of this written assignment is to solidify our understanding of some of the detailed concepts we explored while also concentrating on our large-scale perspectives to bring them into a more clearly focused form. Paragraph #1: Consider the following statement: ″Science gives us undeniable facts.″ Begin your paragraph by explain in what sense this sentence is true. Then, explain Popper′s concept of falsifiability and how this concept gives us a more accurate understanding of the knowledge that is yielded by the scientific method. (In order to answer this, you will have to explain the difference between provisional conclusions and Absolute Truth.) (Use Wolff, Chapter 4.) (45 points) Paragraph #2: Explain the difference between scientific knowledge and religious truths, using as your examples evolution (science) and God′s Goodness (i.e., omnibenevolence, which is a religious truth in some religions). With respect to the knowledge of science, be sure to explain the role of data, doubt, and faith? With respect to the truths of religion, be…

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