Nursing Informatics   Discuss the concepts of Interoperability and Health Information Exchange (HIE) and how you would approach the other groups. Interoperability is a term used in healthcare to describe the extent to which the systems and the devices are designed to exchange data, interpreted and share them as well. For any two interoperable systems, they must be able to exchange data and consequently present the data in a manner that it can be understood by the user in a healthcare environment (Matney, et al, 2011). The concept of interoperability in healthcare systems enables the data exchange schema to permit the sharing of data across the laboratory, clinician, pharmacy, and patients regardless of the application vendor. In a healthcare Interoperability, there are three levels of health information. These are the foundation, structural and semantics. In the foundational level, the Interoperability permits data exchange from one IT system to be received by another party but does not require the ability to receive and interpret the data. At the structural level, this concept becomes the immediate level which defines the format of…

 Why do Buddhists in South East Asia rely on tattoos and amulets during a time of War? CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.0. Brief Overview of the Buddhist Ancient Practices 98% of Thailand, as one of the nations in South East Asia, is Buddhists. According to (Hansen 2007), Buddhists have a very long and aesthetic history in the belief of the supernatural and magic. Moreover, since the 3rd Century “BCE,” Buddhism is one of the religious practices that has always been prominent in Southeastern parts of Asia. The prevalence of Buddhism in Southeast Asia is mainly attributed to the frantic attempts of King “Asoko” and all of his subsequent descendants who made it their sole responsibility to promote the rapid spread of Buddhism as a practice in the region. Buddhists in Southeast Asia strongly believe in the “Sak Yant” tattoos and amulets as the strongest form of good luck and protection against forces resulting from the four (4) elements: fire, air, water, and earth (Hansen, 2007). Additionally, the Buddhist also use the “Sak Yant” tattoos and amulets as forms of individual or…

Myth of Social Capital in Community Development The articles by James Deffilipis-Myth of Social Capital in Community Development rationally lays the facts about the concept of social capital. The social capital is one of the philosophical approaches adopted by the scholar’s aims to boost a meaningful coexistence between various social groups. Social capital influences the way people react to challenges and environmental pressures; moreover, the theory lays an understanding of how the youth, for example, solve social issues as they relate to each other. Shared norms, values, and trust among family members, for example, would imply good progress in acquiring economic resources. However, according to Robert Putnam -one of the authors of the articles argues that cooperation between parents may not make their children get an adequate education. Determined families facing constant wriggles due to external human pressures resulting in some push and pull may still excel. The impact that social capital bought about by active participation of human capital produces public goods for a common good of the social setup. It is in this basis that the paper unpacks…

Free Will             The idea of free will appears certain to most people. The fact that individuals can choose to do what makes them comfortable has been taken as free will. Generally, the lack of free will leads people into thinking that freedom has been taken from them. Free will allows people to act to their full potential, thus becoming more productive. Harry Frankfurt has been the main supporter of free will in his compatibility model and believes that people should be allowed to showcase their full potential. A person is said to be under a free will if the actions they have chosen to do is not the only available option. An individual is said to have acted under a free will if the choice they have made is not the only option they could have made. Individuals who have free will tend to be more productive because consequences do not limit them. Also, the concept of free will is based on the argument that an individual makes decisions that are entirely theirs. Besides, individuals operating under free will…

Multiverse Hypothesis The subject of the multiverse is covered and explained as a scientific hypothesis rather than a philosophical notion. It hypothesizes that the universe comprises everything that exists, which may include time, energy, space, and the physical constraints and laws that describe them. The three videos provide a comprehensive view in support of the multiverse hypothesis. 4 Multiverses You Might Be Living In, 2020) highlights four real models of what the universe might look like. The inflationary multiverse that suggests that multiple big bangs are happening all the time. Quilted multiverse in this model, there is one universe that is not just big but truly infinite with numerous planets. The Quantum multiverse hypothesis uses quantum concepts to explain the existence of multiple universes. It forwards that particles do not have to decide where to be; therefore there are different possibilities of multiple universes. Finally, there is the brain multiverse hypothesis that involves parallel universes with three alternate dimensions such as front to back, side to side, and down to up. In the brain multiverse hypothesis, there are more dimensions,…

Research in Health and Social Care Research is crucial in health and social care as it generates knowledge that is useful in improving patients’ outcomes and service delivery. Its effectiveness depends on the methodology, approach, and model that the researcher employs. Appropriate research processes and procedures assist scholars in achieving positive outcomes and contributing to knowledge. This paper examines elements that are paramount in health and social care research, particularly methods and ethics. Notably, health care research is shifting the focus to empirical research. This research, which is associated with experimentation and observation, is linked to the knowledge that is applicable to health and social scenarios since the evidence it produces is tested (Apuke, 2017). This paper explains empirical research knowledge, its relevance to health and social care, as well as its role in shaping and enhancing the body of knowledge. Researchers may employ qualitative or quantitative methods in empirical research. Each of these methodologies is suitable for specific topics or focus. In effect, this piece examines the purpose of each of the two research methods, as well as how…

A RESEARCH AND PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF RELIGION In the below essay on Religion, we are mainly going to conduct deep research on the existence of God as the superior being of the whole universe. The major topics we are going to cover is the nature of God that is how God looks like the entire supernatural being of God and how Religion is related to God. Another major important topic that we are also going to embrace is the attributes of God that is such as is the omnipresent and whether He exists everywhere as significant people believe. Moreover, another important topic is the relation between Religion and scientific inquiry. This is how mainly Religion relates Religion to science and how do people embrace faith in comparison to science and how do they accept the whole part of Religion following the science. Another topic is the concept of transcendence and its sources of how they relate and embrace each other to Religion. Lastly understands Religion and number of contemporary cultural concerns it relates to. We are going to…

What is Piety? What is loyalty? It is the central philosophical question examined by Plato in his dialogue Euthyphro. Euthyphro is one of Plato’s dialogues, which takes place between Euthyphro and Socrates outside a religious court. Socrates asks Euthyphro to define what he considers pious or impious. Euthyphro says, “Well now, I claim that the pious is what I am doing now, prosecuting someone guilty of wrongdoing, either of murder or temple robbery or anything else of the sort, whether it happens to be one’s father or mother or whoever else.” (p.10). He goes ahead to define impious as failure to prosecute wrongdoings. In short, as questioned by Socrates, Euthyphro says that what is pious is dear to the gods is what they dislike is impious. Socrates asks Euthyphro’s piousness genuinely, and eventually, he walks away without adequately defining what it is. I would not consider Euthyphro’s definition of piety as exact or acceptable. I would define loyalty as the core values of the same religion, such as forgiveness and humility, and kindness; generally, it is what I would consider…

Costing in the National Health Service – from reporting to managing Introduction According to the report, The National Health Services (NHS) was faced with challenges of transforming its services to patient-centered organization. The main goal behind this was to cut its cost of operation by £20 billion within a span of two years as from 2011 to 2014. In this regard, Healthcare Service management to offer effective and efficient is one of the challenging phenomenon. As a result of challenges that have been faced, NHS has been implementing and developing solutions such as adopting Patient –Level Information and Costing Systems (PLICS). Conversely, Monitor has been initiating its preferred solution of adopting Service Line Reporting (SLR) which has been supported by patient level data. According to CIMA recently contacted survey, it has revealed that more than 70% of NHS trusts have responded positively by adopting PLICS and SLR strategy in their daily operations. Besides, other sources such as consultation from management accountants, senior organizational managers and external venders like software suppliers has indicated that, efforts are being made to implement PLICS…

Undergraduate Uni Application Personal Statement My interest in science dates back in high school where I excelled in maths, physics, biology and chemistry. After my higher level, I am pursuing courses in advanced higher maths, higher business management, higher economics and national five computing science since they were not available in high school.  Maths concepts and logic underlie functionality of practically every process in our lives.  Throughout my childhood travels, all living things have fascinated me since I have had the chance to encounter various natural wonders in different parts of the world. Nature has inspired my imagination, and the application diversity of maths has intrigued me; hence, I want to study them in-depth.  The precision of maths and biology-related subject suits my nature. I like understanding complex information in detail and the pleasurable challenges of solving problems. I have enjoyed studying maths at a higher level, most notably S2 application of maths, algebra and logic. I have been trying to prepare for pure maths and sciences problems to refine my skills to ensure that I am ready for my…

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