The story of freedom According to Jean-Paul Sartre’s Quote Citing the political thought, the notion in regards to freedom in reference to Jean-Paull Sarte quote, that ‘freedom is what you do, with what’s been done to you.’ The freedom allowing one to execute their wishes falls under the concept of liberty, and according to the political philosophy, the main dominating issue is the question of coercion and disobedience (Jarrett-Kerr, 2010).  For the knowledge I have regarding American Politics, our general views regarding the country have been privately confided. The power is very subtle and highly pervasive, hence curtailing most of us not to speak above our breath or anything related to its condemnation. Out of experience, I have come to realize that America is no longer the place it used to be.  A man has no freedom to identify their calling and comfortably pursue it because of the associated inabilities to do it.  The reason is I have realized that there exist organizations that are likely to utilize different means against it hence preventing the build-up of the business (Ndubuisi,…

Childhood Vaccination Memo INTERNAL MEMO CHILDHOOD VACCINATION FROM            : TO                  : DATE             : Nature of the Problem The problem at hand is on childhood immunization. Immunization is one of the ways through which children and adults are protected from any infectious disease. The significance of vaccination is based on the fact that once people get immunized, they will not suffer the threat of facing the disease they are vaccinated against in their lifetime. As a result, therefore, the quality of life of the children is protected. More to this is that the effect of some of these diseases is reduced to almost none because some of the infectious diseases that can easily be spread from one patient to another end up being prevented. In other words, the immunization of one person may end up saving a thousand others from the effects of the same disease. In the economic aspect, vaccination is one of the most effective ways of ensuring that the cost of healthcare is effectively managed. With immunization, the number of health ailments among the population is limited, and…

formal part definitions of management For businesses and organizations to run smoothly and effectively, they require management to be on the steering wheel. There are three formal part definitions of management. Firstly, management is defined as a function of managing or conducting supervision within an organization or company operations. In this definition of management, managers oversee the resources of an organization both human and material, to ensure there is a good use. Secondly, Management is formally defined as the role of using various strategies to accomplish a certain goal in a company. The strategies a manager use are geared towards to solve problems in the organization.  Lastly, Management is formally defined as collective bodies that focus on managing and directing an organization. The definition that I choose as the most important definition of management is the use of various strategies to accomplish certain goals of the organization. The use of various strategies to solve business problems is important because it helps determine the future path of a business. Further, strategies are important because they help in finding out the opportunities…

Asian Reflection in Religion Question 1 Shugendo Now is a documentary directed by Jean-Marc Abela and Patrick Mcguire. The film can is a demonstration of the mystical practice of Asian mountain asceticism or abstinence. Shugendo, according to the documentary, is a physical and spiritual practice: a way of power acquisition characterized by the performing of rituals by practitioners. These rituals include shamanism, Daoism, and tantric Buddhism. During the process, the businessmen from contemporary Japan embark on a quest in search of what can be described as experiential truths of the religious doctrines while climbing the sacred mountains. The documentary uses a more poetic approach than a descriptive approach in its attempts to demonstrate an integration of spiritual teachings with the day to day life (Abela & Mcguire, 2010). Throughout the documentary, therefore, the businessmen or “urban pilgrims” endure the tiring and demanding climb up the mountain. The main motivation behind this demanding quest can be traced back to Japanese cultural traditions. The Japanese traditions draw upon a wide range of practices and cultural beliefs, emphasizing things such as sacred sites…

Liberal Arts Assignments Questions from the Media Journal Entry 1 Question 1 Judith Butler is the author of the piece. She is a gender theorist who has made significant contributions to ethics, political philosophy, and third-wave feminist. She is a professor at George Washington University. Question 2 The author’s thesis argument is on how behavior develops gender. She argues that gender is naturalized into the social fabric through the repetition of acts that create identity. Thus, gender is a behavior produced and reproduce all time. Question 3 The author is arguing against grounds that define gender. According to her, gender norms vary widely throughout historical periods. Hence, there should be no ground for saying that a person is doing their gender wrong.   Question 4 Butler makes her claim by describing how reified conceptions of gender can be understood to constitute differently. She does so by drawing from phenomenology, anthropological, philosophical, and theatrical discourses. As a result, she can show that gender identity is a performative achievement. Question 5 The key passages in the article are on the Phenomenological Views.…

Debate essay  The debate can be defined as a process that allows for the discussion and argument on a given topic highlighting different ideas from different players. According to Karyl et al., a debate presents equal chances for the proponents and opponents to the question to argue out their facts and ideas and present and come up with a defense strategy to highlight their viewpoints. Debates are used in various platforms such as academic institutions, public meetings, and government proceedings, such as legislative assemblies. According to Shelly and Brouch, the debate should be focused on appealing to the emotions of the audience as well as presenting the logic consistently along with the accuracy in facts. The various groups taking part in the debate aim at highlighting strong points impacting on the superiority of the argument. The agenda of the debate determines the venue for debate. Most legislative platforms apply the indoor meeting. According to Karyl et al., debating chambers are set aside by various institutions to facilitate the proceedings of the chambers. The history of debate, the format adopted for…

Contemporary Racial Representation Throughout American history, racism has been a central force. A majority of preachers, as well as abolitionists, justified slavery using racial arguments. The pervasiveness of racism implied that nobody was insusceptible to its seductive authority, black people as well. Presidents such as Barack Obama decried the erosion of African American families during his presidential reign. However, it is notable that the above-mentioned erosion was partly as a result of poor economic opportunity, in addition, to appeal to self-reliance among blacks where African Americans require to face their complicity in their condition. Amid a sequence of police shootings of blacks during the second term of Barack Obama, movements such as Black Lives Matter started as a rallying cry and latter movement. The movement helped to push forward racism as a matte in need of progressive discourse. As time went by, the 2017 polls revealed record-high backing for special treatment among Democrats to assist African Americans along with the idea of racial discrimination being the significant hindrance towards racial parity. In contemporary American political dialogue, racism signifies hatred, and…

Rainbow Curve by Michael Boylan  In the passage, Bo was trying to penetrate one of the best baseball teams in Chicago. Bo visited matches in the city where he begged Sam Dowel, the coach of Chicago Cubs, to give him a chance to try and pitch at the time when the teams were having a short break. Bo was able to pitch within a short period, and the managers who were present grew some interest in recruiting Bo in their baseball clubs including Rainbow Billy Champ. After the matches, the clerk of the club was requested to interrogate Bo Mellan who ended up cutting his birth certificate. The most pivotal part of the passage that relates to the theme of discrimination in the book is pages 18-22. The theme of discrimination provides the basis of conflict in the book between Bo and Buddy Bael. In the excerpt, Bael ridiculed Bo by as he was a small boy at this time. Instead of envisaging on the other qualities of a baseball player like the depth of pitching, Bael was only blinded…

Environmental Ethics Introduction Christianity is a group of believers who have great faith in God. They represent a group of people who believe in life after death and therefore expect everyone to act in just ways with the hope of having an eternal life after death. Performing in just ways entails practicing justice at all times. This means doing what you would also expect others to do to you. This is also referred to as the Golden Rule. Others, in this case, represent the family and other neighboring individuals within the society. Believers trust in doing what is dictated by the Ten Commandments. Acting contrary to such commandments is regarded as sinning. Before an individual starts the Christianity journey, one has to be redeemed off their previous sins and declare that they are born again and would, therefore, walk in the light. Regarding the environmental ethics, people are expected to walk in the Christianity life while taking care of the environment and those other animals or species that also depends on the environment (inter allies between the plants and animals…

Reflective paper: Advocacy through Legislative /Policy Influence I have always regarded counselors and psychologists in high regard because of their involvement in solving people’s mental health and social problems. With the increased diversity of the population, there is a need for professional mental health services that are tailored to the various needs of the community. A case in mind is the oppression of people of color and gay groups whose interventions require a paradigm shift in the perception of the social environment through proactive actions and awareness on multiculturalism and the changing social dynamics. Counselors are trained to become knowledgeable and skilled in handling people from different cultural backgrounds. The training is essential for them to recognize individual attitudes, values, beliefs, and habits towards other cultures, races, and ethnicities concerning issues of social injustices like discrimination and oppression. Knowledge empowers one to have a global perspective of orientations, histories, and cultural values of marginalized groups. Skills entail the ability to draw from existing cultural experience to craft mental interventions that address the current problem. In my opinion, multicultural competence influences…

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