Integrating the Field of Developmental Psychology: Adolescence (13-18 Years) Article Review Introduction Developmental psychology provides a comprehensive framework for the conceptualization of the developmental course during adolescence. Developmental psychology also provides the framework for understanding the various stages of continuity, and the emergence of the cognitive prowess, and subsequent stages during the adolescence transition. Adolescence is dynamic, and evolves from a theoretical construct, which informs psychosocial, physiological, and cultural aspects. Conventionally the period of this critical, and dynamic development is understood to creep in from the onset of puberty to the establishment of social independence. The most commonly used chronological definition of adolescence may encompass those of ages between 10 and 18 but may extend up to 25 years. This variation in the inclusion criteria can create confusion in the overall construction of research based on adolescents, and the subsequent program planning. During the adolescent development, there exist normal and abnormal developments across the genders. Hormonal changes in the body heavily characterize the period. Nevertheless, there are specific changes to boys, and girls during the onset of the secondary characteristics.…

Confucianism in East Asian countries East Asia is regarded mainly as a center of cultural exchange and political and economic experiences and changes throughout history. A better understanding of the political and cultural integration in East Asia is developed in China, Korea, and Japan (De Bary). Many cultures, including that of Confucian, have immensely shaped the East Asian in many ways. Both paradigm shifts of the era of the traditional period to modern age have taken significant influence from the adaptation of the cultures into most of the aspects of the political and socio-economic life of the countries among East Asia. Confucianism has shaped East Asian countries differently, with each country’s relations to the ideology differing along with tradition and modern history. Confucianism is in the modern and the tradition times viewed as the value system, which fundamentally explains the culture of the political and social norm of the society. Due to modernization, some Confucius and Mencius view of culture have changed by integrating modernization in social life. The fundamental principle of using Confucian culture in describing relationships among the…

Muslims and Divorce Marriage is an essential institution in the Islamic faith, but the Quran provides specific guidelines for divorce incase the union fails. The Quranic laws propose that marriage should be based on love and mutual respect between man and wife. In the pre-Islamic times, families in the Arab world exercised free will to repudiate and claim back their wives at will several times. The Islamic faith has, however initiated reforms to this institution by limiting the number of times a man can reclaim his wife after disagreements. Islam introduced changes to the family institution where a woman could initiate a divorce as a departure from the traditional patriarchal system. Parties to divorce must provide compelling reasons for the action, including proven infidelity. Before undertaking divorce, Muslims have several channels for conflict resolution. The process of divorce also allows for reconciliation, according to Islamic conventions. Regardless of reconciliation opportunities, cases of divorce continue to rise in modern times. Divorce in the Islamic faith is the last resort as Muslims consider marriage central to fulfilling religious obligations. The increasing cases…

Dharma in Buddhism What are the Essential parts of Dharma in Buddhism From the teachings of Buddha, Dharma was meant to create awareness in Buddhists on how they can overcome human suffering. To help overcome suffering, Buddhists follow the principles of the “Four Noble Truths” that lay the foundation about the origin of suffering and how to overcome it. The first principle of the “Four Noble Truths” is life involves suffering (duhkha) (Sirivaro & Liang, 2018). Buddha spoke of the three types of duhkha, that is, suffering originating from physical and mental pain, pain of failure to recognize that we are conditioned and interdependent and the pain originating from the realization that everything that exists is not permanent. The other principle is that we create our suffering by holding our desires firmly and having sentimental attachments to things that we do not necessarily possess (Sirivaro & Liang, 2018). As human beings, we are likely to get attracted and even hold attachments towards what we do not have. For this reason, we put ourselves in the way of suffering. This is…

Social Science Introduction       Primary deviance of the culture uses a disciplinary approach for training the students on the research, understand, and analyze crime and deviance in the cultural context. When focusing on the learning, which is experimental, through the fieldwork ethnographic, the core inclement on the social studies includes cross-cultural analysis training in the cultural and political inequality to achieve social justice. Qualitative researches learned to include observation, interviewing, mapping, reach archival, and qualitative literacy. The developed skills which by the students through the primary prepare for their careers include social justice and criminal, enforcement of the law, justice to the community, intervention, activism civic, and reach on the social science. The essay will mainly focus on understanding the concept of social science, deviance, culture, and crime. The paper would also identify and describe issues of the economy, including law, justice, crime causes, and effects of the fraud, administration, and sustainability. Methodology Link to Epistemology on Crime The anthology informs the scholars on the categories which are fundamental to reality within every domain. Epistemology is the field of philosophy that…

Book Review: Max Weber and International Relations Introduction Max Weber is not a central figure in International Relations (I.R.) theories; yet, his perspectives on various subjects serve as the basis for a significant portion of the theoretical constructs in I.R. The rationale for this assertion is that the philosopher evaluates relevant issues in I.R. like the relationship of the state and violence, as well as the political and power manifestations within a state. Consequently, in the edited book, Max Weber and international relations, edited by Richard Ned Lebow provides a critical evaluation of Weber’s perspectives and their relationship to I.R. The book, a collection of essays, examines issues such as the state as a progressive instrument, Kantian views, and the urge for dominance in a state, from Weber’s viewpoint. Accordingly, an assessment of the authors’ analyses of Weber’s perspectives provides a fundamental rundown of key concepts in I.R. Central Thesis             The underlying message in the book is that a tension exists between Weber’s approach to liberalism and nationalism (Lebow, 2017, p. 10). The latter serves as an illustration of…

Marxism and World Politics Introduction Marxism refers to the social and political theory that asserts that the social change results from the economic class struggles. In this regard, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels came up with the Marxist theory in the course of the 19th century (Van den Berg, 2018). The theory is known to have formed the philosophical foundation for the uptake of communism by a number of nations during early 20th century. One aspect that the theory dealt with regards the views on the rich and poor nations, as well as the democratic and non-democratic states as predictors of the world politics. As such, this paper has been written in agreement with the Marxists belief the difference between poor and rich nations is increasingly pertinent to the comprehension of the world politics compared to the difference between the democratic and non-democratic stated tends to hold some truth. Discussion According to Marxism, economics remain to be amongst the dominant aspects that leads to changes in the world politics. As such, this observation remains to be a vital difference between…

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