Prescription drug abuse, misuse and overdose Thesis statement The paper will seek to highlight the major causes of drug abuse, misuse and            overdose and the effects of these malpractices. In addition the paper will          present possible ways to avoiding them. Introduction Drug abuse is the use of drugs for the purposes not made for. It may also mean      use of drug in excess. Drug abuse is the use of drugs in methods that are not     recommended by the manufacturer (Kassel J. D 2010). Overdose or under dose amounts to drug   abuse. Use of drugs in excess amount than recommended by a medical practitioner. Plays a role in many major social problems, such as drugged driving, violence, stress, and child abuse. Drug abuse can lead to homelessness, crime, and missed work or problems with keeping a job. It harms unborn babies and destroys families (Kassel J. D 2010). There are different types of treatment for drug abuse. But the best is to prevent drug abuse in the first place.   There are three possible causes of drug abuse…

Do you feel substance abuse is an issue among students here at CSUN? Posts must be at least 400 words and properly referenced I current source as appropriate. All posts should include APA or AMA citations and be supported with references. (I′ve upload a sample I have been provided with to follow by) Scenario: Option 2: Nearly half of college students engage in regular substance use and misuse (primarily alcohol and binge drinking) (SAMHSA, 2017). If you were a university college administrator – what policies would you implement in protection of the students and prevention of alcohol abuse on campus? Do you feel substance abuse is an issue among students here at CSUN? Why or why not? Ensure your position is supported with references in addition to your opinion. Also you need to post your word document or Text file under assignments to receive a grade.[unique_solution][unique_solution] Posts must be at least 400 words and properly referenced I current source as appropriate. All posts should include APA or AMA citations and be supported with references. (I′ve upload a sample I have…

The tale was told as a fictional story instead of a play The assertion that the drama in a play reveals the attitude, opinion, and culture resonates to a huge extent in Susan Glaspell’s play “trifles.” In this play, the drama revolves around the dead body of Mrs. Wright’s husband, which is upstairs hanging from a rope. The men in the play are so preoccupied with finding clues that they ignore the plight of Mrs. Wright. As for the women, they put pieces together and realize that Mrs. Wright was being abused by the husband, and hence she killed him. In this situation, the prevailing culture is that of male domination. As for the attitude, it seems that men are indifferent to abuse directed towards women. Inversely, women are very concerned and will take care of each other, just like Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters did. I relate to the conflict and ideas in this play, given that the abuse that Mrs. Wright went through still happens in the present moment. As well, what is being done to help the…

Caring for Vulnerable Populations Caring for Vulnerable Populations Case Choice The case study chosen for this assignment is the Week 3 Case Study. The case covers an incident of parental child abuse during a routine visit by a community health nurse from the local health department to a case managing assignment on a 15-year old pregnant woman under Medicaid. In this case, physical abuse is evident as Marissa’s mother not only yells at her siblings but also hits them, as a form of discipline. According to Wekerle (2019), physical child abuse is the intentional attempt by a parent or caregiver to cause harm to a child, and its unpredictability, intensity, and duration may have serious health outcomes for the victims (Wekerle, 2019). Risk Factors The risk factors that may impact the health outcomes of a child abuse victim in the Week 3 Case Study are divided into child, family, and social risk factors. Childhood trauma is a common risk factor for child abuse, which may lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder in victims. Moreover, social isolation and lack…

Effects of Alcohol and Substance abuse in Adolescents This focus group study aims to identify the causes of substance and alcohol abuse and the prevalence in both genders at their adolescence stages. A survey on sociodemographic characteristics, smoking cigarettes and substance abuse, and the effects on their performance, their involvement in various activities, and their general behavior is involved. The article stipulates the commonness of the behaviors, such as substance abuse, that are in boys and girls in their adolescence stage, and the effects on the activities they are involved in, i.e., academic performances. According to this, neurological behavior would contribute to adolescents developing addictive behaviors. The methodology and analysis of data included sets forth the developments and any problematic behaviors that occur in a teenager at the puberty stage. Both substance and non-substance related abuse addictive behaviors are more likely to happen in the adolescent stage, and these age groups than in any other (Hammond CJ. et al., 2014). Anonymity involved in this study, assures the respondents of privacy in their responses, and this guarantees the researcher of honest…

Interventions for Child abuse Child abuse is physical, psychological, or sexual maltreatment of children, and this includes neglecting the children by their parents or caregiver. Child abuse can be any action by parents or caregivers that results in harming children; this can either be in school, home, organization, and in the community where adults interact with children. Child abuse includes neglect of children, domestic violence, and sexual, domestic abuse. There are two methods of intervention use of therapy and the non-therapy process. The parents can be trained on how they should treat their children to avoid child abuse. Parents are taught to conduct their children so that they can regulate their emotions as well as how to overcome behavioral challenges. The problem comes where it’s not known if it is the same parent who abused the child. The parent may be taught how they target on externalizing the child’s behavior as well as strengthen their prosocial behavior. Parents who offended the child also take part in the treatment and improves the skill of a parent when treating the child. This…

what is your initial reaction to how groups work for substance abusers? After reading TIP 41 chapter 1, what is your initial reaction to how groups work for substance abusers? What challenges do you see with utilizing groups? Remember to include both material from the reading (using APA citations) and your thoughts/opinions. Discussion posts are to demonstrate your understanding on the reading materials, any videos, etc. These posts are 1-2 pages in length, double spaced, using 12 point, Times New Roman Font. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a reduction of points. You are encouraged to use specific pieces of information (and make sure to cite according to APA style) to support your thoughts/reactions. Provide your references in your posts (this is not part of the 1-2 page length requirement). This is an integrated post, thus a mix of material from your readings and your own thoughts/ reactions. After reading TIP 41 chapter 1, what is your initial reaction to how groups work for substance abusers? What challenges do you see with utilizing groups? Remember to include both…

Parental Drug Abuse Introduction Over the years, the family has played an essential role in the development of an individual. Knowing the various styles of bringing up a child is necessary, especially when the child is at the puberty stage. For this reason, parenting style associated with substance use is often considered as negligence. Such parents fail to provide basic needs for their kids, don’t lay any limits to their kids, and are careless. Parents abusing drugs also show unconditional love for their kids and often make little use of punishment; hence the child ends up spoiled. Consequently, people who abuse drugs find themselves isolated by family members. They often associate themselves with other people who abuse drugs or participate in some other forms of antisocial behaviors. Parental drug abuse is a critical problem affecting the well-being of both families and children. According to a national survey on drug use done in 2012 show that about 10 % of the children in the USA live with parents who abuse alcohol or drugs  (Bahr, Hoffmann,  & Yang, 2005). Parental abuse has…

Murder, Abuse, and Fraud Criminology refers to the scientific study of crime. This includes; its causes, better understanding of the realities of crime and control, and methods of prevention (Hagan, 2017). It plays a vital role in the criminal justice system. A criminologist learns and understands about the psychological and social factors that cause individuals to commit crimes and research approaches to rehabilitation. Murder, abuse, and fraud are issues involving criminology that will look at and understand why people engage them. Murder involves the intentional killing of another person, that is unlawful and committed with malice afterthought. Nowadays, society defines murder by statutes instead of common law and looks for crucial distinction such as first- or second-degree murder. Criminologists, therefore, have to study the murder, the suspect, relevant relationship to the criminal, and any potential causal agents in the crime. Criminology aids us by providing explanations of why a person commits murder and the involvement of law enforcement involving the crime (Hagan, 2017). By understanding murder, criminologists help society develop a better understanding of the crime, the perpetrator, and finally,…

Longitudinal Research: African American Runaways. The impact that childhood has on an individual can impact or influence their actions over their lives. Human development is based on the fact that to understand the individual and made sense of their life, and it is critical to understand their social, cultural, and biological context. This also implies that research to understand the fate of runaways and how the experiences in their childhood impact their lives later and how they raise their kids could take a long time. In the year longitudinal research project on some aging aspects, the best sample would be composed of African American runaways (Tucker, Edelen, Ellickson, & Klein, 2011). While this is a common issue, there is a need to understand how their experiences and children impact how their lives become later. The influence of their past lives might also affect how they realize their children. The African American population is s high risk for teen runaways based on factors such as poverty and drug abuse in most families; this makes the community a good sample source for the…

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