Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Introduction A lot of children and young people who are abused and neglected often incur neglect, exposure to domestic violence and emotional abuse, sexual and physical abuse. Dentists, school teachers, police officers, and psychologists, among other people, are mandated by the state to report all forms of child abuse and neglect (Zeanah & Humphreys, 2018). Whenever there is a reasonable ground to suspect that children are at risk of significant harm, then the law requires one to report such child violations. Reporting child abuse and neglect reflects several principles of professional conduct. Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect and Specific Principles of Professional Conduct Reporting child abuse and neglect reflects the principle that outlines the need for teachers to avoid denying or violating students’ legal rights intentionally (FLDOE, n.d). The intentional violation of students’ legal rights can cause emotional or psychological abuse. Just like children and young adolescents, students have their rights, and the rights should not be violated intentionally. Students should have access to their legal rights since the law of the land…

Causes and Effects of Drug Abuse and Health Care in Kenya Drug abuse serves as one of the major plagues in Kenya with easily recognizable and common manifestation in the health of the public. More than half of drug abusers within Kenya are children aged between 10 to 19, with more than 60% of them as urban residents as 21% reside in the rural regions of the country. Individuals who abuse drugs from age 14 and below have a high probability of developing drug issues in their future life. Drugs such as tobacco, Khat (mirror), alcohol, psychotropic, and alcohol are some of the commonly abused substances in the country. Government bodies such as NACADA have developed a series of interventions that entail comprehensive education. The intervention aims at empowering youths as well as the general public within an extended period to counter drug abuse.  A series of bodies have collaborated to fight against the misuse of drugs with critical factors such as the media, relevant professionals, government department, spiritual leaders, Non-Governmental Organizations, institutional leaders, and parental associations. While identifying the…

Emotional Child Abuse Introduction I am interested in researching the topic of emotional child abuse since it is relevant to my field as an elementary school teacher. It is crucial I familiarize myself with all the aspects of the topic like signs and symptoms of abuse and effectively handle such situations in the future through counseling and other intervention measures. Emotional child abuse occurs when a child experiences psychological or verbal abuse that is characterized by hostility, bullying, criticism, constant rejection, and exposure to violence. The effects of emotional child abuse are as intense as other abuses, such as physical abuse. The paper will cover the possible signs of abuse, its impact, and support systems or intervention and prevention approaches and social change efforts. It will also analyze the different theories associated with child abuse and how they are integrated to provide quality data needed to guide approaches. History? Background The topic of emotional child abuse is crucial, especially for teachers. Teachers play a vital role in the prevention of abuse. In most instances, they may be the only ones…

people who were abused as children are likely to abuse their own children Introduction Child abuse or maltreatment is a physical, psychological or sexual harassment or neglect of the child with regards to parental care. Child abuse may comprise of the failures of the parents or the caregiver to act when necessary resulting in a potential distortion of the child either mentally or physically. This type of harm to the children can occur in any setting like home, school, or even organizations and the communities the child interacts with. The types of child abuse range from physical abuse which constitutes the use of extra internal force against the child, the sexual abuse where an adult or adolescent abuse the child for sexual pleasure, the psychological abuse non-accidental or symbol acts but have adverse effects on the child mind and the entire development. There is also neglect which is the failure of the parents or the caregivers to provide the necessary requirements for the child. Child abuse has adverse effects on the child’s development. There are myths and misconceptions that people…

Child Abuse Myth Introduction Child abuse or maltreatment is a physical, psychological or sexual harassment or neglect of the child with regards to parental care. Child abuse may comprise of the failures of the parents or the caregiver to act when necessary resulting in a potential distortion of the child either mentally or physically. This type of harm to the children can occur in any setting like home, school, or even organizations and the communities the child interacts with. The types of child abuse range from physical abuse which constitutes the use of extra internal force against the child, the sexual abuse where an adult or adolescent abuse the child for sexual pleasure, the psychological abuse non-accidental or symbol acts but have adverse effects on the child mind and the entire development. There is also neglect which is the failure of the parents or the caregivers to provide the necessary requirements for the child (Berlin et al, 2011). Child abuse has adverse effects on the child’s development. There are myths and misconceptions that people who were abused as children are…

Substance Abuse in Canada Biologically, people are wired differently in that they differ in how they like or don’t like a particular substance or activity. Some drugs contain substances that cause a psychoactive effect on the brain of an individual. These drugs affect people`s` moods and perceptions by triggering the brain. These drugs act on the brain’s reward system, which governs critical human behavior such as eating. This causes addiction as the use of narcotics activates the brain. They have to use drugs to feel a sense of fulfillment Psychologically, people vary in terms of their ability to cope with unpleasant circumstances. Some may turn to drugs to help them cope with stress, boredom, and negative feelings. In the event where people have reduced stress management and coping skills, they are vulnerable to addiction. This is because drug abuse gets them benefits such as stress reduction, pleasure, or relief from boredom. Cultural beliefs may also contribute to addiction. When a person comes from a culture that glorifies drug abuse, he or she may end up being dependent on the drugs.…

Child Abuse Risks Development of Depression Introduction The issue at hand is looking at child abuse, which increases the risks of the kids developing depression in their later years. Children who have been abused in their early years growing up having issues to fight with, they lose trust, perform poorly in schools, and make choices that are usually viewed as wrong by other people, some find it difficult to choose what is right or wrong. Child abuse has been noted to have long-term effects that are negative on the development of the brain and physical conditions, together with increasing risks of psychiatric illnesses. The genes, environment, and personalities are other factors affecting people with depressive disorders. When children are exposed to life stresses like poverty, lack of food, and basic needs, it likely causes them to develop stress, which later might lead to depression.  Chronic depression among adults is likely a result of early childhood abuses and may cause an individual to commit suicide if treatment is not administered at the right time. These factors influence each other in different…

Vocational rehabilitation and substance abuse treatment Implications Vocational rehabilitation and substance abuse treatment staff is focused on the provision of holistic care, which encompasses alleviating the problem and helping the clients lead a meaningful life to improve their functioning. Accordingly, the counsellors are educated and ”trained to provide a wide range of vocational, educational, supportive, and follow-up services’’ (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2000). Organizations target talented individuals with diverse skill ranges to handle different organizational tasks. First, vocational and substance abuse counsellor with varying training and educational levels come with diverse perspectives and models on how to solve the clients’ needs. Secondly, it supports the organization’s specialization for rehabilitation and treatment care hence optimizing the outcomes in a culturally-diverse world. However, the challenge is that a lack of standardized levels of providers’ training and education would make it hard for the organization to also standardize its professional practices and requirements on employees. Some assessors with low training and educational levels may not meet the clients’ needs and organizational competency standardized, hence making it harder for them to fit into the…

2018 Global Study on Occupational Fraud and Abuse: Report to the Nations Fraud can be defined as a deliberate misrepresentation to gain an advantage over another party. Fraud comes in many different forms, including fraud in financial statements, the misappropriation of assets (theft) and subsequent cover-up, and disclosure fraud. In this blog I examine the results of a study recently published by the Association of Fraud Examiners (ACFE). 2018 Global Study on Occupational Fraud and Abuse: Report to the Nations The 2018 ACFE survey is a follow-up to three prior biennial surveys. The 2018 survey reports on 2,690 cases of occupational fraud in 125 different countries that were reported by Certified Fraud Examiners. The total cost of occupational fraud exceeded $7.1 billion. Corruption represents one of the most significant fraud risks for organizations (38%), causing a median loss of $250,000. This includes conflicts of interest, bribery, illegal gratuities, and economic extortion. Asset misappropriation was the most common type of occupational fraud. Asset misappropriation schemes include when an employee steals or misuses resources, such as charging personal expenses to the company…

Three individuals who enable Whip drug abuse Introduction Whip Whitaker (played by Denzel Washington) is identified as a commuter airline pilot. While he was on a flight from Orlando to Atlanta, something happens to the aircraft, and the plane starts to fly erratically. The plane crashes as a result of mechanical, but as the pilot, he saves almost everyone who is currently on board. Whip while he goes to the hospital, his friend from the airline union is quick to tell him he needs a lawyer just in case his toxic blood levels are measured as he will test positive for alcohol and cocaine. The union lawyer Hugh Lang tells Whip in the event he was convicted due to the high toxicity in his blood levels, then there is a possibility he would have to deal with life imprisonment. Thus, Hugh advises him to ensure in the next few days as the investigation is ongoing to ensure he maintains to be sober at all times. However, Whip is identified to be struggling to keep being sober as he is an…

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