Islam In America          The Islamic religion is fast growing in the current world. A lot of Muslims can now be found even in areas that were predominated by other faiths. In the United States of America, there is a steady growth in the number of Muslims. A lot of Muslims in this country are either black Americans or those from Asia. There is an increase in the migration of Arabs to the United States of America, and they go to study or look for job opportunities in most cases. Those that study is, in many cases, young. The hardships and problems faced by Muslims and Arabs living in the United States of Ameri were highlighted by Moustafa Bayoumi in his book ” how it feels to be a problem.” After the 9/11 attack, Muslims, especially from Asia, were alienated. It was supposed that the attack was carried out by a Muslim radical group called Al-Qaeda, and this made the government of America suspicious of the majority of the Muslims. Rasha had been fled and her family given a permanent…

solutions to the problem of substance abuse amongst the elderly in Charlotte, NC The burden of substance abuse among the elderly in Charlotte is fast rising and disturbing to the communities living within. There is an estimate of about seventeen percent of older adults abusing substances, and figures seem to be on an upward trend (Palamar, 135). Limited research data cause an upward trend, overlook by healthcare providers as well as insufficient knowledge. Therefore, the abuse of substance by older adults is often overlooked and even underdiagnosed. The consequences have been mirrored by the increasing numbers of elderly substance abusers. Substance abuse among the elderly in Charlotte NC has been attributed to by the following factors but not limited to loss of income or financial constraints, death of a family member or spouse or close friend, retirement, relocation or placement in a nursing home, family conflict, and mental of physical decline. The act has resulted in many of the elders being a danger to themselves and people living around them. Hitherto, the brief seeks to provide possible solutions to the…

Drug abuse essay Drug abuse ranks as one of the biggest challenges facing society today. Whereas the first drug use is voluntary to people, continued use of the substance can lead to addiction. Drug addiction is considered a chronic disease symptomized by a compulsive need to use drugs despite the full knowledge of its harmful consequences. In almost every case, people underestimate reasons others get addicted to drugs. These people mistakenly think that drug users lack moral principles or willpower and that these people can choose to stop at their will. For a person struggling with drug addiction, the first step to stopping is to recognize that you have a problem and decide to make a change. To achieve this goal, one will have to seek support from a friend, family, or a close confidant who will help them focus on the change. You have to make the initial decision and then invite other people to help you overcome the situation. Realizing that you need help and appreciating steps to getting this help is the most critical step towards stopping…

Was the presentation professionally presented with information on fraud and abuse? The presentation covered the essential information on fraud and abuse by defining both terms, giving examples that highlight what fraud and abuse are. Also, it covered the laws that are in play to help prevent fraud and abuse. A question posed on coronavirus was well answered as per the requirement. Did the presentation contain the speaker’s notes to tell you what the slide covered? The presentation, however, has no speaker notes that express more content of what the slide cover. Speaker notes are crucial since they give the reader more insight into what the slide is covering If you were a new employee, would you feel that this presentation prepared you for working in the health care field? The presentation has details that can help prepare to work in the healthcare field, but not sufficient enough to guarantee the quality of services rendered and management of law-related matters that deal with fraud and abuse. I would only recommend this presentation on learner level. What areas would you like to…

Abuse of Aging Caregivers Aims of the Concept The abuse of the elderly by caregivers has been largely discussed, but rarely is the abuse of caregivers by the elderly. Abuse of the caregivers by the people they care for is not spoken about because it is thought that they have express authority over them. However, it is not the case (Melchiorre et al., 2017). Caregivers have been identified for a long time to be victims of poor treatment by the elderly and also by their family members. More so, abuse directed against caregivers increases with their age (Isham, Hewison & Bradbury-Jones, 2019). Abuse of elderly caregivers, therefore, becomes an issue that is worth discussion. The aims of the concept are identifiable as follows; To establish whether the level of abuse of caregivers by the elderly and by the immediate family members of the caregivers is high to the extent that it needs redress. To determine whether abuse of caregivers affects their delivery of services to the elderly people (Hoffman, 2016). This dimensional need would establish whether older caregivers deliver to…

  The NASW ethical principle The NASW ethical principle applied in this case is dignity and the worth of the person. Child abuse has been a social challenge over the years, and a social worker should make use of this principle to care for individuals in a respective manner regardless of cultural and ethnic diversity as well as individual differences (Kornin, 2017). The first thing to do as a social worker is to read more about other people’s cultures and its element. While different cultures tolerate incest and close relationship with distant relatives, others do not. In the case of child abuse, some cultures may allow their kids to perform the tedious physical task, which in the typical case would be termed as child abuse, while others do not. Whereas the culture may allow the child to cry, and he/she stops himself while others do not. Therefore, before defining an incident as an abuse, the social workers should assess the culture of the particular group and ascertain if the group identify the issue as child abuse and work from that…

Wiliam and Aymer experiences Williams apartheid experience and Aymer immigrants’ experience arguments are grounded on similarities and differences. The ideologies presented by the two scholars have a manifestation of black and white superiority. Furthermore, the two arguments are focused on racism and inequalities experienced by individuals in other nations. However, despite the similarities presented,  there are differences emanating from the intensity of social and political discrimination Both experiences entailed social tension among people. The natives portrayed discrimination over the nonnative. Stereotypes were pertinent issues of concern among the two immigrant’s experiences. In the facet of political consideration, William and Aymer had showed social exclusivity as their views were considered of less importance in governance.  The whole context depicts the excessive exploitation of the nonnatives by the natives. The ideologies presented by the two personalities pertaining to their experiences show immigration perception as a menace that should be avoided in the contemporary world. A detailed explanation of the two personalities shows that there is great tension for immigrants in new environments. Aymer and William cursed the unethical discrimination presented in new…

Niladri Nilaya Yojana will free Puri from beggars The district administration at Puri has taken up the responsibility to free up the place of beggars, and so, it is planning to initiate the Niladri Nilaya scheme. In this, the Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities department will assist the district for the successful implementation of the scheme. In this regard, Collector Balwant Singh is of the opinion that counseling for the beggars will be started from the 3rd of March. As per the scheme rules, eight rehabilitation centers or Niladri Nilaya centers will operate in Puri. Under each of the centers, 50 beggars will be rehabilitated. In addition to this, the centers will offer shelter and food to the beggars along with offering them opportunities to earn from their living. Under the scheme, the state officials will try to get connected with the family members of the beggars. Also, the officials will counsel the beggars and special care will be taken for the mentally challenged, differently-abled and the like ones as stated by the collector. Balwant Singh has…

Social Inequality Issues on Elderly Abuse The case of social inequality on the elderly is an enduring feature in our today’s society, a problem that is quite a sensitive yet most ignored topic. The issue of being abused and neglected, isolation of the old, health crisis are some of the social dysfunctions they face. There has equally resulted in them dying sooner in their later life. A good later life is something that every being deserves, whether young or old. Therefore, I will be elaborating on some of these issues, basing them on a collaborative research Canadian journal on aging development solution set to help our mature adult. Firstly, elder abuse and neglect phenomenon remains to be an underrepresented issue in our lives. Every being, however, has a right to dignity and overly respect as an autonomous being. Yet, with time, the field of elder abuse and neglect has not succeeded in the protection of the elders, the reason being incomplete knowledge i.e., our glass remains half full. There is no idea about the size and nature of the problem,…

What is the punishment for elder abuse? According to the California Penal Code Section 368, the punishment and sentencing for elder abuse vary depending on whether you get charged with a felony or a misdemeanor. These cases get referred to as wobbler cases because the facts of your case determine how long you will get jailed and the amount of fine you will pay. For the prosecutor to make these determinations, they need to determine the age of the victim, the injuries, and how they got allegedly abused. If you get misdemeanor charges for the elder abuse conviction, you may face up to one year in jail and a fine of $6000. For felony charged, you may get anywhere between 2 and 4 years in the country jail for the felony. The CA Penal Code section 38 states that numerous circumstances increase the level of punishment you will face. The first is the level of bodily injuries the victim got. For instance, if they were in positions that would result in great bodily injuries, the victim is 70 years or…

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