Teacher’s Techniques to Enhance a Student’s Behavior Behavior refers to a manner in which one conducts oneself towards others. People of different personalities vary in terms of behavior (Browning, 2017). In this case, we are going to sign our discussions on the irrational behavior of a learner and how it can be modified. Such refers to unreasonable actions with no objective. The presence of irrational and defiant learners can be part of development in a teacher’s career. However, various measures can be taken to create a peaceful, happier, and conducive environment for the classroom coterie. The use of positive reinforcement motivates a defiant learner to come to moderation. This is because a learner can act out of frustration and feelings of dislike. In response to this constant defiance, the teacher should be able to understand the learner’s challenges. The creation of an emotional communication system with learners is also a vital technique that can be applied to curb most of these irrational behaviors within the learner’s community (Browning, 2017). This can only be effective through teachers understanding the learner’s moods…

Police administration: Structures, processes, and behavior Week #4 Discussion Question You are recently (February 14th, 2020) assigned as the Commanding Officer of the 75th Precinct located at 1000 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn. As a new leader of a busy and large command, you conducted an analysis of the current policing strategies, crime statistics, and needs of the community.   You determined that the last CO did not use a policing strategy that was effective, and therefore you want to incorporate a new style of policing. Using the textbook and the policing strategies discussed in class. Pick one that you would institute and explain why?   Response After taking a thorough reading of the textbook “Police administration: Structures, processes, and behavior” (Swanson, Territo, & Taylor, 2001) and examining the scenario above, I find the hot-spot policing strategy as the most appropriate. According to Swanson, Territo & Taylor (2001), hot-spot policing strategy is all about directing focus to areas where crimes are rampant, based on the principle that disorder and crime are not uniformly spread in a particular area, but only concentrated in some…

Organizational Behavior Organization behavior studies the effects of persons, groups, and structure on the actions of people within organizations. An organization is a purposeful system that consists of several subunits where activities and people are organized to attain particular predetermined goals through labor division and coordination of activities. Management is the functional process of achieving the organizational goals with the help of others. The main components of organizational behavior are the individuals, technology, structure, and the external components in which the organization exists. People that come together in an organization to achieve a common goal require some structure and technologies to assist them get the tasks done. The external elements will also influence their behaviors and actions. People are the thinking, feeling and living beings that established the organization and existed as individuals and groups (Juralewicz, 2004). Organizations are there to serve people and meet their objectives. Managers have to manage human resources by dealing with individual workers expected to conduct certain tasks and dyadic relationships. The manager should also lead groups that share a joint responsibility for attaining a…

How Can Peer Groups Influence the Behavior of Adolescents: Explanatory Model The research question that was being addressed was in the above article is the investigation of family and peer group influence on the behaviour of adolescents. The hypothesis from the research was that family and peer groups play significant roles in the promotion of adolescent health. The research design employed by the authors of the article was the descriptive case study model. On the other hand, the one primary statistic that stands out from the research study is the fact that communication between adolescents and their parents present substantial impacts on adolescent well-being and general health. According to the study, the most important conclusion is that positive or negative peer influence is informed by association with peers with protective or risky behaviours, respectively. Article 2 Peer Influences on Adolescent Risk Behavior In this article, the research question is the investigation of the impacts of peer influences on adolescent risk behaviours. The hypothesis from the study is that heightened risk-taking tendencies characterize the adolescence stage. Peer Influences on Adolescent Risk…

Ethical Behavior in Business The big short movie is a comedy film that is created in a reflection of the financial crisis in the history of the United States. The film is featured by the protagonist, Michael Burry, who realizes that the home loans that have been taken are on the verge of defaults and think of betting against the market. In the bet, he invests a total of $1 billion in credit cards, despite knowing that this money belongs to his investor. The step of betting attracts the attention of Jared Vennett, who is a banker, and Mark Baum, who is a financial specialist as well as other opportunists. Together they gain vast amounts of profits, and as opportunity calls, they take advantage of the falling American economy. The unethical behavior that can be pointed out in the film is the act of betting against the housing market and taking advantage of the falling market to make themselves rich. The character Michael Burry not only causes the opportunity but also lures other opportunists who reap where they did not…

A Study on How Advertisement Affects Consumers Behavior Advertising is a way of passing information to inspire addressees to make any verdict purchase about a product or service offered in an organization. According to RYAN 1996, it is a vibrant and crucial element for the economic growth of marketers and businesses. Besides, it is a form of exposure or promotion by some sponsors that reach through various traditional media such as television, radios, mails, and magazine, among others. Over the week, I researched how advertisement influences the behavior of the customers, consumer buying behavior, Familiarity, and social Imaging. Were my main aspects of consideration since they are a delightful part of the advertisement. I conducted my research in six days, that is, Monday and Tuesday I handled Familiarity followed by social Imaging on Wednesday and Thursday and then consumer buying behavior was the last topic done on Friday and Saturday. According to Alba and Hutchison (1987), Familiarity is defined as the number of product-related or service-related experiences that have been gathered by the consumer. Rendering to my research, I had…

Organizational Behavior and Change Reception in Wing It: Abstract The core matter of this case study gets based on the satisfaction of employees as well as the employees’ engagement in Wing It, a food franchise that focuses on only selling chicken wings as a fast food commodity. The case rests on a conflict of interest between the supervisory manager and the employees under him, as brought forward as a key concern by the general manager. The low and very negative approaches and apparent attitude displayed by the supervisory manager affects the employees by forming a negative point of view in them, thus translating to a shoddy work’s ethic. The performance of the employees has hit rock bottom in the recent past, bringing the franchise’s revenue outcome to meagre returns. The employees seem to underperform, well influenced by the discord between them and the supervisory manager. The case of utter dissatisfaction gets seen as employees lag on their work. The supervisory manager is corrupt and bullies most employees as he also shows less concern for their welfare. They are not satisfied…

Procedure and Behavior in Making a Murderer Episode 3, Making a Murderer Procedure: Brendan Dassey was a sixteen-year-old, developmentally delayed/intellectually disabled boy at the time of his confession. What protections, at minimum, should have been provided to him prior to his being interviewed? Brendan was entitled to be interrogated in the presence of his parents or guardian given he was a minor. In addition, he was intellectually disabled hence should have been examined by a qualified expert to determine if he had capacity to be interrogated upon which it could be done in presence of an adult (Rogal,2017). Behavior: Did Brendan Dassey believe he was going home during the period of time he was being interviewed? How do you know, and why is this significant, if at all? Brendan believed he was going home given the body language he displayed of being uncomfortable at the police station. The believe of going home may have influenced his statements. He may have wanted to finish up quickly so that he goes home hence summarizing his statements. Episode 4, Making a Murderer Procedure:…

Your Risk Behavior Surveillance -the United States, 2015 FP3 The article seeks to elaborate on the health risks that face humans hence, exposing them to the danger of mortality and morbidity among teens and adults. It further expounds on the public health interventions that can be employed towards containing the complexity. It categorizes risky behaviors in six groups; Alcohol and substance abuse, irresponsible sexual practices that propel pregnancy and transmission of sexually related infections, violent behaviors, unhealthy dietary conduct, being physically inactive, and smoking of tobacco. It further initiates in developing the methodology of the study that is based on sampling designs on the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey in schools. The article has developed findings that reveal the existence of higher tendencies of risky behavior among high school students contributing to the extreme deaths between the age range of 10-24 (MMWR, 2016). It also establishes that the promotion of healthy behaviors across the US varies according to race, sex, and grade. High school students are further developed to have a higher prevalence of risky behavior; hence, exposed to morbidity…

controlling a toddler’s behavior based on allocating screen time Sociology The topic of controlling a toddler’s behavior based on allocating screen time is quite fascinating. The reason for this is that, as the guardians or parents are in the process of applying this technique, they repeatedly find themselves allocating the toddlers an extended time in the screens. Hence, this makes it quite difficult to necessarily be in charge of their behaviors as they would wish to. Conspicuously, there are multiple and assorted aspects that I hope to learn and discover regarding this research topic. One element is the alternative technique of parenting rather than regulating the amount of screen time. Presently, there is a dire prerequisite for this research to be carried out competently. Besides, the study comes in a moment whereby the numerous researchers have come into terms with the fact that children whose parents dole out screen time as an incentive or rescind it as castigation, habitually squander a lot of time on mobile phones, tablets, laptops or in the facade of the television than kids whose parents…

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