Is your dog showing changes in behavior recently? Is your dog showing changes in behavior recently? Is it droopy and moody, or could it be showing signs of unknown disease? In case you are suspecting Addison’s disease, here is an insight into identifying the condition your dog could be suffering. Addison’s disease in dogs is difficult to diagnose due to the wide range of symptoms it depicts. It is often referred to as the great imitator. A Dog with Addison’s may experience bouts of gastroenteritis, dullness, low appetite, and poor response to stress. A notable trait also is the waxing and waning trait of the symptoms of Addison’s disease. The reduction in levels of aldosterone produced has a pronounced impact on the dog’s health. It results in a decrease in levels of potassium, chloride, and sodium in serum, which in turn leads to complications in the heart and general circulatory system. The other major steroid hormone whose production is affected by Addison’s is called Cortisol. The hormone plays a significant role in the dog’s health, such as regulating metabolism, the…

Diets influence on people’s behavior and health Feeding is a critical part of any child or infant. The diet of every child or infant differs from one child to the other. The majority of the parents or caregivers offer children a diet that is easily accessible and affordable to them and give little or no consideration to what they give to the children. The study will unravel how people’s diet affects their behavior. The study will particularly reveal that unhealthy foods harm the development of a child both mentally and physically. 40% of the world’s children and infants do not have access to a proper diet (WHO, 2018). Another 1% to 2% has malnutrition and do not have any access to any feeding program or diet (WHO, 2018). Another close to 10% are overfed and, therefore, overweight (WHO, 2018).   Even though most of the dietary issues are usually temporary, the social, emotional, and cognitive abilities of the children may be affected by the lack of a proper diet. The effects can be seen during adolescence, late childhood, and at times…

THE IMPACT OF ETHICAL CONTEXT ON EMPLOYEES IN-ROLE PERFORMANCE AND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR IN TELECOM SECTOR OF PAKISTAN: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT     ABSTRACT In recent years, employees’ attitudes and behaviors in their work settings have remained admiring topic in the field of organizational behavior. This study aims to investigate the impact of ethical culture and ethical climate on employee in-role performance and citizenship behavior, while considering perceived organizational support as mediating variable. Sample for this research is consisted of 800 employers and employees working in top four cellular companies of large cities of Punjab, Pakistan. Statistical Package for Social Science version spss 16 is used for data analysis. To check the mediating and direct relationship between key variables of the study, correlation and regression analysis is used. Results indicate that both ethical culture and ethical climate have positive relationship with employees’ outcomes i.e. in-role performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Perceived organizational support partially mediates the relationship between ethical context and employees’ outcomes.   Keywords:  Ethical culture, Ethical climate, Perceived organizational support, in-role performance, organizational citizenship behavior,…

Terms used to describe deviant behavior in children and teens   Juvenile delinquency is a term used to describe a situation in which a minor or a person aged between 10 to 18 years has committed a crime or broken the law. When a person below 18 years of age breaks the law, this is not called a crime as is the case with adults. Rather, criminal acts committed by minors are referred to as delinquent acts. Instead of undergoing trials, minors who break the law undergo adjudication then they receive a disposition which is followed by a sentence. Acts of juvenile delinquency are divided into two. First, actions which would be considered a crime if an adult did them in particular serious crimes such as homicide. Second, actions which would not be considered a crime if carried out by adults such as staying up past bedtime or failing to attend school (Regoli et al., 2016). Antisocial behavior is a term which covers a wide variety of socially unacceptable behavior that has the potential to cause harm to an individual,…

Ultimatum game behaviors Unfair offers in many animals elicited activity in the brain areas related to both emotion and cognition. Before we tackle that we also note that reciprocity and fairness, alongside empathy and compassion are the pillars of morality among animals. If we can be guided by the reaction of capuchin monkeys; where they did get offers from humans that were largely unfair, in this case one of them getting a raw deal, the victim protested and even rejected the offer. Where an animal was involved to another animal, there was more equity in that they chose equitably to share the offers or even helped each other get a reward even where one was not particularly interested. Lamelara of Indonesia were depicted to share equitably 58% of the time which can be attributed to the fact that they were culturally dependent. Hazda of Tanzania on the other hand had lowest offers being rejected most of the time. This phenomenon could be partly explained by cultural expectations and the fear of ostracism.   Question 2: Method that would allow better…

organizational behavior of an employer in financial services analyze the organizational behavior of an employer in financial services i.e. merrill lynch, Morgan stanley. Describe how the following areas influence the organizational behavior in a negative or positive manner: Type of culture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl) Modes of communication in the organization (i.e., written or verbal) Nature of authority (i.e., recognized social rank) Motivational techniques (e.g. intrinsic or extrinsic used to influence productivity and performance) Areas of EQ (emotional quotient) embraced by the organization Virtual elements (i.e., teleworking and virtual offices) Provide examples for each item listed above and discuss how each example applies to the organization identified. Your paper must be eight to ten pages in length and use a minimum of Three scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.[unique_solution] analyze the organizational behavior of an employer in financial services i.e. merrill lynch, Morgan stanley. Describe how the following areas influence the organizational behavior in a negative or positive manner: Type of culture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl) Modes of communication in the organization (i.e., written or verbal) Nature…

Behavior Systems Family Experience 1- As a student and/or teacher, reflect on your own experience with direct instruction, mastery learning, or game-based learning from the behavior systems family model: Share the particular lesson in which you have participated and list those elements (a…,b…c…) that were present in which you or your students experienced growth. Were there any elements of technology involved? 2- Offer particular learning activities that would fit well into the behavior systems family in your teaching field. In your response tell how you might implement technology in the activity. Behavior Systems Family Experience 1- As a student and/or teacher, reflect on your own experience with direct instruction, mastery learning, or game-based learning from the behavior systems family model: Share the particular lesson in which you have participated and list those elements (a…,b…c…) that were present in which you or your students experienced growth. Were there any elements of technology involved? 2- Offer particular learning activities that would fit well into the behavior systems family in your teaching field. In your response tell how you might implement technology in…

A description of the constructs of the Pender’s model using a specific health behavior   The model of health constructed by Nola Pender describes that every person has some unique features and experiences that affect actions that they take later in regards to their health. The cluster of variables for specific behavioral knowledge and their effect has some important significance to motivation towards healthy behavior. Nursing actions can be used to modify the variables in accordance with specific health behavior concerns. The promotion of health behavior is the required behavioral outcome, and they signify the end results in the health promotion model. Behaviors that promote health should produce improved function ability, enhanced health outcomes which ultimately leads to better quality of life in all developmental stages that humans go through. In the long run behavioral demand is also determined by competing preferences and demands that occur in real time since they can slow or divert actions that are intended to promote health. A health choice or behavior which can be used to discuss the model of health promotion is the…

Behavior modification Discussion Behavior modification refers to the alteration of the patterns of behaviour through the use of various learning techniques through operant conditioning. According to Chance (2014), punishment and combination of reinforcement are used to correct unwanted behaviour by replacing it with the desired one. The key to making behaviour modification effective is consistency, and this is what I should do to my students so that I plant good behaviour in them. As a teacher, I should always instil good behavior to my students so that they can grow up as responsible people. I should make sure that any strategy I take is useful to my students (Chance, 2014). The best behavior modification strategy for my 4th grade student who is very fidgety and talkative during class when I’m teaching is negative reinforcement. This strategy involves taking away some unpleasant from a child so as to reinforce a desirable behaviour (Chance, 2014). In my case, the unpleasant thing is the fact that the child is annoying. In my case, I will separate the student from the others and make…

Organizational behavior at Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch is a branch of the bank of America that is involved in Wealth management. The firm is located in Manhattan, New York and it is involved in management of client’s assets, which are valued at over $2.2 Trillion in 2017. Merrill Lynch is one of the biggest asset management firms in the US with over 15000 staff members who are mainly financial advisors and managers. The history of the firma dates back to 1914 when Charles Merrill and Edmund Lynch joined hands to start one of the first wealth management firms in America. Winthrop Smith later joined them in 1916 and over the years, the firm has grown rapidly to become one of the most successful and financially stable asset management firms in the world. The firm employs professionals from all over America and even the rest of the world. As part of the organizational behavior, the type of culture embraced by Merrill Lynch is the salad bowl culture. Salad bowl culture is as a culture whereby there is a mixture of people…

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