Impact of Corporal Punishment on Aggressive Behaviors Introduction Child discipline is a responsibility of parenting aimed at encouraging behavioral compliance among children. Several methods of discipline exist, but corporal punishment has been not only the predominant approach but also the most controversial. Corporal punishment (CP) is a persisting pre-historic disciplining practice in which the parent employs physical force to cause pain but without injuring the child intended to correct or control certain socially unacceptable child behaviors (Frechette and Elisa Romano 135). Spanking, slapping, shoving, and hitting are the typical forms of CP prevalent both at home and school environments. Historically, CP was not only a socially acceptable form of discipline but also the primary method of punishing errant children. However, beginning in the early 1990s, studies started to uncover links between CP and child aggression, delinquency, and spousal assault later in life. Additionally, CP was not more effective than the other methods (Durrant and Ensom 21; Frechettea et al. 135). Since then, the body of research on CPs has grown significantly, but with mixed findings, some findings point that CP…

To Investigate the Impact of Internet popularization on consumer behaviors in e-commerce businesses. 1.1.Background Before the popularization of the internet, the original consumer behavior patterns mainly focused and relied on the use of offline shops to engage in the consumer buying process. Consumers focused on the ability to access physical business organizations that provided the best deals and business bargains. (Laudon and Traver 2016). There has been a shift in this structure and consumer behavior. Consumers have increasingly engaged in different approaches to generate the required products and services. Technological growth and the advent of the internet have been significant in affecting the way consumers behave (Kakabadse, Kouzmin and Kakabadse 2017). Through internet usage, the world has experienced a change in communication and interaction structures. Consumer patterns have shifted with relations to how they perceive and interact with business organizations as the use of internet usage, and internet commerce has increased. (Kong et al. 2017). The behavioral consumer theory that supports this shift is the theory of reasoned action. It suggests that consumers consider various factors before engaging in the…

Addressing Disruptive and Non-compliant Behaviors Identify the five components of social and emotional learning. (1 point) Relationship skills. Social awareness. Self-management Decision making. Self-awareness. In three to five sentences, summarize EACH of the components. (1 point) Relationship skills seek to identify whether a child’s consistent performance of socially acceptable actions promotes and maintains positive connections with others. Social awareness is the capability to interact with others in such a manner that shows respect for their ideas and opinions. Self-management is the ability to control personal emotions and behaviors. Decision making is whereby values guide the actions while self-awareness is the understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses for improvement. Identify a classroom strategy and benefit for each of the components. (1 point) Relationship skills- Group class assignments strengthen relationships. Social awareness- Group class discussions make one respect other opinions. Self-management- Individual class presentations show one’s emotions. Decision making- Critical thinking sharpens one’s ability to brainstorm. Self-awareness- Individual class assignments show areas that the student should improve.. Three assignment Reflections from Teachers of Culturally Diverse Children (PDF) In this handout, they discuss…

Applied Behavior Analysis Mental disorders are one of the complicated health conditions that attract social and scientific solutions. According to Harvey, Luiselli, & Wong (2009, p. 212), the causes of mental illness could be a result of complex interactions between psychological, genetic, and neurological factors. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is an essential tool to explain and manage mental disorders. Therefore it is crucial to understand what it is to be an ABA expert and the related issue. ABA is an integrated module that helps to eliminate undesired behavior. Harvey, Luiselli, & Wong (2009, p. 214) state that behavior is a complex process that understanding of environment interaction and neurological process. In a school setting, the process is a little tricky as the process must differentiate childish behavior and disability. Therefore, to effectively implement ABA, an expert need to understand the biological processes and how they interact with the surrounding to produce a character. The competence of ABA relies on principles that must align with psychological principles. According to the American Psychological Association. (2017, p. 2) psychologist principles include integrity, beneficence…

Administrative Supervision among Behavioral Health Employees Administrative supervision is concerned with the act of supervisors evaluating and monitoring work practices as well as clinical programs set by the organization within which the supervisor operates. Clinical supervision involves a supervisor in-charge of implementing an organization’s policies and procedures while at the same time offering support and learning for the clinical staff (Miller, 2018). While administrative supervision helps the organization in making an autonomous decision, some elements and contents of the regulatory activity are still confusing or a bit fuzzy. Administrative supervision among behavioral health workers strengthens relationships and administration as well. In the process of offering assistance and support to clinicians, the organization can meet its demands while ensuring fairness and efficiency in its operations. However, there is some difference between administrative supervision and clinical supervision. Clinical supervision, also known as educational supervision, refers to training and educating both the new and already experienced health workers (Pack, 2017). Unlike administrative control, clinical supervision requires every health social worker to participate regardless of their levels of education. According to Pack (2017), clinical…

Development in behavior genetics Abstract Development in behavior genetics proposes a moderate relation among specific genes, early childhood and criminal behavior. Even though scientific testing is still at the preliminary stage, genetic information is being introduced in criminal proceedings. However, the scope to which such information affects the jurors’ resolve is surveyed. In the study, persons between the ages of 18-30 years receive a depiction of impetuous homicide that go along with one of the descriptions of criminal impulsivity; child mistreatment; genes; childhood abuse and genetic predisposition. Contributors are tasked to pinpoint the felony committed and choose suitable sentence. Proof of gene predisposition does not have an impact on crime which a felony is sentenced to. Contributors who undergo abuse or genetic plus child abuse inflict longer jail terms. The summary of the findings reduces disquietedness that genetic proof in criminal justice persuades members of the jury. Even before the studies recognizing specific genes as the condition of an impact on criminal tendancies, there is appropriate cause to be of the opinion that genetic components play a part in predispositions…

 increased risk of adult antisocial behavior For this assignment, assume that, in fact, science has been able to identify the particular gene that is associated with an increased risk of adult antisocial behavior in that persons with this gene are four times more likely to commit a felony from the ages of 18–30 than are persons who lack this gene (call the culprit gene ASF, short for AntiSocial Factor). What should you do with this information? For this task, you may want to research how governments have used genetic information in the past (e.g,, phrenology was routinely used in the 19th century in America and Europe, and has since been discredited). Specifically, you are to create and justify a policy regarding how this knowledge should be used. Should people be tested for ASF? If they test positive for it, what should be done? It is permissible to answer in the negative: you can argue that people should not test for ASF and should not use that information for policy purposes. Your response should address the following: Should the government mandate…

Effect of Phobias and Obsessive-compulsive Behavior As a phobia physiologist, I would define phobia as a type of anxiety or a mental disorder which makes a person persistent and excessive in fear of an objection or a particular situation. Irrespectively phobia can be divided into different types such as specific phobias; and social phobia. Basing on today’s society many people are facing hatred in many different ways, for example, you can find people are in fear of snakes, dogs, storms, fear of needles and others have the doubt of phones. Basing on my healthy life through the research and analysis that I have done on my study I found myself in the same situation of suffering from phobia one having a fear of some wild animals such as snakes and crocodiles. Out of this fear I find it very hard to visit the warm areas because this is where most of the time you can see snakes, I also keep away from major rivers, dams and lakes which I may have a clue that they have crocodiles. Out this phobia,…

Research Consultant Paper: Abusive Managerial Behavior Introduction Today, organizational change in management is a normal phenomenon. As a consultant hired by the organization, my work will be to determine the most profound and complex issues and circumstances that the association is confronting. I should execute diverse business and organizational behavior knowledge of the matters that this association has to give proposals and ceaselessly improve by and large execution of the association. The problem I chose to delve into is abusive managerial behavior in institutions. Administrators within an association can decidedly or contrarily impact the attitudes and behaviors of subordinates during working environment communications. In numerous firms, directors utilize their capacity to abuse and disrespect their juniors, and the most upsetting reality about oppressive boss conduct is that there is no legal protection against these activities except if they include sex, race, and ethnicity. Abusive supervision is characterized by ‘subordinates view of the degree to which bosses take part in the economic showcase of antagonistic verbal and nonverbal practices, including physical contact’ (Zhang & Liao, 2015). Abusive conduct additionally causes work environment…

Behavioral significances of deontological and consequential reasoning Reasoning entails co-ordinations of brain cells to give commands to execute a function and respond to a stimulus. Deontological reasoning takes into account the human actions that are derived from their day to day duties and morals. From this definition, human behavior will be positively effective to society due to the features of behavior or action itself and not the product of the actions. Inconsequential reasoning, the final product of action and decisions is evaluated. This evaluation is what is now used in making moral conclusions of an individual. From these two arguments, it can be seen that consequential reasoning brings productivity to society as it can be applied to academic disciplines to evaluate the effects of theoretical knowledge in real life (Khalid, 2017). Deontological reasoning from definition focusses more on human being behaviors or acts rather than their outputs. In this, the description of action will be judged positively or negatively without taking into account its effects. For example, in law society one should not involve himself or herself in criminal activities…

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