Consumer Behavior Model: Environmental factors. Consumer behavior entails finding out the factors that influence the mind of an individual to make a purchase.  Most of the environmental factors that influence the level of consumer purchases include economic, technological, social, cultural, and other marketing stimuli (Ramya,  & Ali, 2016). However, the environmental factors that influence the purchase of Play-Doh products are economic and social. Play-Doh is a product that children use for modeling. Children who come from families that are economically empowered would choose to buy this product as it does not make children dirty. On the other hand, children from financially disadvantaged families would prefer to use mud since it can play the same role. People from the same social class have similar consumer buying behavior. Play-Doh is a product meant for children. The purchase of this product will, therefore, depend on the social class that these children belong to. Social classes develop as a result of people living in the same area and share a single occupation and therefore have similar income levels. If children in a specific social…

Social Class Affecting the Criminal Behavior Among the Youth A research question that would arise from the social class affecting the criminal behaviors amongst the youths is; How could inequality among families lead to the addiction of illicit substances or drugs among the youth? According to the social learning theory, youths tend to learn from their peers and the people surrounding them, and the things they learn from observing their behaviors, influencing how they behave. If the neighborhood is surrounded by low-class people who are addicts, the teens will imitate these acts and follow suit, becoming addicts in later years. More evidence shows that if parents abuse substances, youths will copy it due to the availability of these substances and easy accessibility. The theory is a linking bridge for cognitive learning as it employs the use of attention, memorizing, and the motivation behind the acts. Research shows that using drugs becomes a reason why youths abuse them as a way of controlling stress, which is learned from their peers and is a motivation behind it. In all these, inequality among…

Uncouth Behavior By London Escorts London is a fascinating city with it being the largest city in England, in which a lot of activities are carried out. It comes second in popularity around the world, making it a great tourist hub. Most of the world’s largest companies are also situated in this amazing city, guaranteeing enormous economic gains. Its home to sophisticated bars and restaurants and holds over three thousand bars and restaurants not to forget the royal family residence. Many football clubs are situated in this city, thus making it a rich city. This fact makes it eligible for escorts who find it easier to get business. Rich businessmen and women frequent land for business and leisure. Tourists also flock the city to enjoy what this fascinating city has to offer, not forgetting the royal family resides in this city. Most of the football clubs are also situated in London city. Economically London is home to thriving companies and fashion capital meaning it is an extremely busy city. Businessmen and women frequent this city. Escorts also thrive here due…

The Impact of Internet popularization on consumer behaviors in e-commerce businesses. 1.1  Research Gap The internet has significantly affected the consumption pattern of consumers and the way consumers engage in buying behaviors. With the rise of the internet and its use, most individuals participate in the process of obtaining goods through the internet or seeking to get services through the internet. The increased use of the internet by consumers has led to increased research on the subject of internet popularization and the way it affects the economy. The research gap that exists, however, is that there is extensively minimal research detailing the way internet popularization has changed the consumer buying pattern. In essence, there is the fact that through the popularization of the internet, the consumer behaviors relating to e-commerce must have shifted towards a specific direction. This paper attempt to engage in extensive research to determine the increased internet use and accessibility has had on the consumers who participate in the e-commerce business practice. 1.0.An elaborate exploration of the research questions The study attempts to fulfill the gap of…

Behavioral economics             Behavioral economics is intuitive that does not encompass economic concepts. Its intrinsic control of matters and issues of the business, and involve law and politics as well.  Freedom of choice is part of the economics that makes the changes in operating economic matters. Studying most of the perspectives of economics expose preference behavioral and preserved scarce cognitive emotions of the explicit or implicit concepts. People have countless options or choices during the purchasing of products. The effectiveness of the product proposition encourages the preference for the people to make a choice. The existing literature analysis implicates the mistakes the marketer place on the production procedure to optionally delegate the choice and control intuitive control (PORTER, 3). Behavioral economics is the optimal choice that enables the consumer to recognize the satisfactory by making multiple choices intuitively on the wide range of the market product. The behavioral economics turns the ideas of the human in a solely way of making choices in their rational self-interest based on the specific economic factors. People consider making choices according to their economic…

factors contributing to the American political behavior and change A common political culture suggests that Americans cooperate in one way. Some are liberal, and they tend to vote for democratic and others are conservative, and they vote for the republican. The attitudes determined the political development of the solid south and contributed to its transformation to the republican. Many factors, including gender, ethnicity, and race, and religion, contributes to the American political behavior and change. Shifts in gender influence contributed to the transformation since women started to vote in 1920. Women voting implies there is equal contribution because everyone got the right to vote despite the gender. However, many women supported democratic more than Republicans, and this means they somehow shifted their loyalty to the democrats. The reason why women recommend democratic its because they tend to believe the democrats support their issues like equal pay, work, and equal rights. Despite their tendency to help the democrats, their efforts to contribute to the republican have contributed to its transformation hence development. Religion is another factor that has contributed to the…

The Major Forces Influencing Human Behavior at Work Human capital is the most valuable resource an organization can ever have. It is through this capital that a company can transform ideas and other resources into products and services that can increase profitability while serving the firm’s purpose. As opposed to machines, however, human beings experience emotions and feelings, which in turn affect their behavior. This fact makes it necessary for organizations to identify the factors that influence employee behavior encouraging those that elicit positive reactions while eliminating those that do not. This essay discusses six major forces that influence employee behavior at work and provides recommendations to increase employee awareness. Organizational Culture Organizational culture refers to the underlying values, beliefs, assumptions, and other means of interaction that adds to the psychological and social environment of an organization. According to Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2019), it is the means through which individuals in a workplace develop meaning and stability, and it affects employee behavior and motivation (p.171). Culture varies from one company to another and at the same time, differs significantly from…

Antisocial behaviors at the workplace Antisocial behaviors at the workplace occurring in the form of physical and verbal assaults, threats, coercion, intimidation, if not arrested in its primary stage, can inconvenience an organization’s operations. Typically, workers engage in antisocial behavior for various reasons. Organizational competition, frustration (Spector, 1997), work urgency and specific job demands are some of the factors that heighten people’s emotions and trigger antisocial work behaviors (Giacalone, & Greenberg, 1997; Neuman, & Baron, 1997). Supervisors at healthcare facilities always wish to ensure timely work output. The need to guarantee timeliness in organizational operations may provoke the supervisor to put pressure on employers to get the job done before the stipulated time elapses (Neuman, & Baron, 1997). The role of a supervisor usually is to lead a group of employees towards a common goal set by an organization. This role, however, is encompassed by myriad challenges bearing in mind some of the negative traits of employees. Managing and controlling such employees with interpersonal attributes like psychological defects and emotional difficulties such as depression and frustrations at times, require aggressiveness.…

Courses of Action for Unethical Behavior Unethical behavior can be costly and complicated for a business to solve. A study from the Journal of Business Ethics found significant challenges in addressing ethical issues at the individual level. As a cashier, I have noticed some unethical behavior in my assistant manager, and I have chosen to talk to her about the subject as well as to research the risks involved. First, I would meet the assistant manager in private to discuss the matter with her. Experts say that you suspect that someone is acting unethically, the first thing to do would be to talk to the person. Tactfully, I would explain to her that, while she may be improving customer service, minimizing delays, and vme to do my work, taking customer cash without entering sales is a violation of the company’s conduct. I would let her know that; there is no possibility that one can know what was ordered later on by just adding the cash and as it would result in shortages due to register records not matching the cash…

Understanding the Concepts of Applied Behavior Analysis Interactions enrich human relationships. These interactions help people develop and grow. Some people have difficulties in developing and maintaining relationships. Such people may be suffering from personality disorders. Medics have developed therapies for such people, especially those suffering from autism disorders. It involves observing the natural environment of the patient. Then, they understand the relationship expressed in the patient’s behaviors. Afterward, they analyze consequences based on the patient’s response and design specified treatment. Analysis of action is a technique involved in utilizing psychological principles in designing alterations of action in humans. Applied behavior analysis can be used in a wide field. It is used to treat autism, in business, among other areas. This paper focuses on analyzing the techniques of applied behavior analysis and shedding light on how they can be used positively in society. People with Intellectual Disabilities are often inactive. They engage in little or limited physical activities. Human skeletal muscles coordinate physical activities. (Krentz, Miltenberger, & Valbuena 2016).  These people have low physical activities.   has indicated the cause for this…

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