No One Person is an Island: Behavior is Often Influenced and Swayed by Others Introduction According to the famous poet Donne, personal traits can be easily influenced by contemporary society. Personal, social, and cultural factors affect learning in different ways within the education environment. These factors relate to various outcomes during the learning process. They analyze the potential within a learner and how appropriate a particular factor modifies the learning behavior. The consequences of learning are defined by the external and environmental factors of the learner that may be personal, cultural, and social aspects. Impact of Personal, Cultural, and Social Aspects of Learning Personal Factors Personal choice of a learner may affect the behavior and influence the learning activities if the options are malicious. Intelligent systems should discourage the maladaptive choices of a learner regardless of personal circumstances. The housing status of a learner determines the performance due to the adapted behavior and language. Offending behavior of a learner may affect the process of education, and risk benefits analysis, if conducted, may determine the accessibility of the required learning procedure.…

Jennifer’s Behaviors Jennifer’s behaviors can be classified as normal according to the 4D’s. Her behavior of controlled diet, which leads to losing much weight and shaping her body, is described friends describe as abnormal are normal to her. According to the first D (Dysfunction), it can be argued that her actions do not interfere wither her daily functions, so this is normal (World Health Organization, 2017). When it comes to the second D (Distress), her actions do not cause physical pain or emotional pain. When it comes to Deviance (the third D), the outside norms are abnormal, as is described by her friends (Borsboom, 2017). Last but not least, her feeding behavior and exercises are taken as dangerous because they scare and the others, and to some point, it distresses her. In general, Jennifer’s mental disorders can be described as normal.

Common Patterns of Social Behaviors The activity that I took part in was hanging out with friends at a coffee shop. It was on the weekend, when my friends and I opted to get some coffee and catch up on the events that took place over the holiday. We walked into the coffee joint at around 3 pm and left at 5 pm, so the whole event took two hours. I chose this event as the ideal one for my participant observation field study because it was proposed by my friend Nick, thus making it perfect for me to conduct a covert observation of my friends’ behaviors, as well as those of other customers. Also, the coffee shop was ideal as it was close to the college. Walking into the coffee shop, we were welcomed by a great ambiance. The place was clean, with adequate lighting, and of course, the aroma was scintillating. Upon taking my cup of coffee, I went to sit with my friends on a table outside the outlet. It was time to study the behaviors of…

Environmental release with powerful effect on male stickleback behavior.             The environmental release that had more powerful effect on a male stickleback is the color red. This can be exhibited by the laboratory experiment where the male replica fish that was not red, was not bothered. When the dummy with red lining was introduced the stickleback went at it in an instant. My derivation can also be supported by the fact that when the female released an egg, the male stickleback also attacked the red.   Unreliable monkeys From the findings it is clear that alarm calls made by a monkey to a different group of monkeys from which it doesn’t belong will be ignored, it will be treated as a false alarm. Incidentally if in the last instance a male monkey made a leopard call; when a female monkey makes a similar call it, the latter will be treated as unreliable. The dichotomy will be true where if in the last instance a female monkey made an eagle call or an approaching different group of monkeys, when a male…

Prosocial Behavior and Motivation The scientific study of how humans think, influence, and relate to various interactions is defined as social psychology (Macmillan, 2019). Social psychology aims at unrevealing mysteries behind human behavior and how they impact on others around them. In daily interactions, it is common to find persons helping each other. A person might help another expecting nothing in return or something in return. When an individual assists another person out of love and not expecting something in return, the act can be considered altruism. Altruism is, therefore, defined as the selfless concern about the wellbeing of other humans (Macmillan, 2019). An altruist aims at seeing everyone happy regardless of their race or kind. The main motive is to alleviate suffering by providing a helping hand without expecting rewards. In ancient societies, tradition played an import role in defining the behavior of individuals within a community. Important traditions were passed from parents to their children, and this included those that encouraged altruism (Beitin & Aprahamian, 2014). Currently, traditions are not treated as they were in the past; they…

How Genetics and Environmental Factors Produce Antisocial Behavior Psychologists attribute antisocial behavior to both genetics and external factors. Antisocial behavior refers to conduct that leads to violation of other people’s rights, harm and endangering of other people. It involves manipulation, breaking the law, lying, fighting and any other actions that we consider socially an acceptable. Studies with twins and persons from varying social settings have shown that such actions result from the genetic make-up of the individual or the environment they live in. Precisely, research findings show that the combination of genetic and environmental predispositions is more effective in producing antisocial mannerisms than each of them would when acting singularly. Behavioral genetics research has revealed that both factors account for antisocial behavior in roughly equal proportions. Hence, none of the two is sufficient to bring about conduct disorder in an individual. For instance, the genetic make-up of an individual exposes them to particular environments. Studies involving children of criminals show that the children are more likely to take to crime than children from law-abiding parents. Thus, though scientists have not…

The role of digital and social media marketing in consumer behavior 1           Customer satisfaction and digital media The customer experience and changes in the behavior are being observed in the past few years, and management is focusing on it. However, firms that are operating functions at the global scale have different business plans and strategies for each region. The industry is diversified as well as marketing tools are increased, such as digital media is promoted from the past few years, which include a website, social media, and mobile applications. The management of the firm does design strategies to attract and engage customers on social media platform as it does impact on their satisfaction and affect positively on buying decisions. The management is performing operations by developing the network with the help of digital media. The administration is engaging customers with the help of Youtube, Videos, Twitter, Facebook, and other mediums are also focused. The management makes conversation with customers when they face problems that impact on customer satisfaction as well as it allows management to maintain a long-term relationship with…

Counterproductive Behaviors in Organizations Most employees work hard to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization employing them. Under normal circumstances, employees perform their duties to the best of their abilities. They may even go beyond the call of duty to develop innovative and creative ideas to help the firm achieve its objectives. Employees engage in such behaviors because organizations go to great lengths to recruit workers that can help it achieve its goals. As a result, firms develop appropriate criteria and systems that help them get such workers. However, some workers participate in counterproductive behaviors that are contrary to the aspirations of the organizations. Counterproductive behavior in organizations refers to the practices that are contrary to the expectation of their employers. The common types of self-defeating behaviors are absenteeism, sexual harassment, employee theft, substance abuse, violence, ineffective job performance, accidents, and staff turnover, among many others. Some individuals also have difficult personalities that make it problematic to develop cohesive teams. Some of the practices are prevalent, while others are less common. However, all counterproductive behaviors are destructive and…

Organizational Behavior in Hospitality Question 1. Human resources is an important part and section of an organization. When we uphold all the motivation techniques and theories in our hotel, we will be in the way of encouraging the employees to be more productive. Employees need the motivation to work hard and compete for the reward by management at the end of their activity. In such a scenario, there will be a general increase in the productivity of the employees and the entire hotel. What determines the effectiveness and efficiency of the operations in an organization for this case, being a hotel is the willingness and ability of the workers. We should mainly focus on educating and training employees, primarily in their areas of operation, to ensure that they acquire the required skill for effective delivery of service in different departments. On the other hand, workers may be having the knowledge and ability but not willing to deliver their service as required by the organization as a result of a lack of motivation (Tung 2017 pg. 23-25). Some of the possible…

Criminal-Behavior Theories             To understand crime well, one needs to comprehend what inspires a person to engage in crime. The causes are different and range from contextual, involving what drives some people to engage in crime but not others, to situational, including the influences that make a target susceptible. Criminal-behavior theories explain the causes of criminal conduct among people. The various criminal-behavior theories include social-learning, rational-choice, labeling, and biological theories, among others. These theories explain how the law is broken, criminal and aberrant conduct, and patterns of criminal activities. Traditional biological theories hold that people engage in crime because of genetic/biological defects. Biological theories are associated with various strengths, including that it views crime as some type of illness as a result of pathological factors. These make up the variations that pinpoint particular abnormalities in a person that set apart criminals from non-criminals. This theory has a weakness; in that, it is influenced a lot by viewpoints. According to internationalists, a person is viewed as a criminal due to the fact facts that he/she is labeled as one but not…

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