question of whether managers should attempt to instill ethical values and behaviors in their employees In the modern business world, a question of whether managers should attempt to instill ethical values and behaviors in their employees. Or whether business ethics is primarily a matter of personal integrity and autonomy has raised a lot of back and forth arguments and has attracted attention from many quarters. In my view, I firmly believe managers are responsible for teaching ethical values to their employees. Contrary to the view of ethical values in business should be left to an individual free effort and will. A successful business manager should possess and practice a set of attitudes, behavior, and ethical practices. These are the values he or she would like employees to practice in their day to day work operations. The set of ethical values helps the managers to become trustworthy to their employees. When employees trust their leaders, they become more committed in their work of helping the business achieve its objective. Thus it is the responsibility of the manager to understand the ethical…

Observation of a child behavior Introduction Observation child study is one of an essential method of research in which the person doing the research observes the behavior of a child or even the target individual systematically without also interfering or influencing the action of the child. This kind of methodology is used by researchers when there are ethical concerns in using other research methods such as experimental design. The process of observation provides the researchers with real exposure of life concerning the child, thus providing valuable information which is vital in informing the clinical practices. Also, the observation study helps the research and the parent to be able to understand their child effectively in terms of the strengths and the weakness of the child and how the responsible people around the child can positively support the child to grow well now that they understand the child’s character and behavior well. The essay, therefore, provides an in-depth analysis and discussion of the kind of behavior observed of a girl at a birthday party with her mother. The kind of behaviors observed…

Elements of Individual Behavior in The Organization Introduction Employee behavior, attitudes, and perception are vital to the success of an organization. Employees are at the center of efficiency and overall performance of the organization. Understanding individual employees implies that the managers understand the organization. For managers to have a better understanding of the individuals they use organizational behavior tools.  Griffin and Moorhead, (2011) refer to organizational behavior as to how people either individually or as a group act within the context of an organization. Individual differences and organizational behavior Each person is different from any other individual, as the behavior of human beings is viewed to be complex. Griffin and Moorhead, (2011) define the individual difference as the variations among individuals to several characteristics. The differences in human beings pose a challenge in an organization’s performance and efficiency. Also, the organization can influence directly or indirectly the behavior of the employees. Managers need to know the individual differences among the employees as people see situations differently, and they have a direct effect on behavior. The impact of individual differences affects…

Health-behavior Program Health care redefinition is a goal of every health care facility to minimize unnecessary expenses and maximize profits. All over the world, health care systems are struggling with rising costs and uneven quality. Even though the hard work put the doctors and policy makers to minimize spillage of funds and digitizing operations (Miller). It is, however, essential to identify areas to reduce costs and implement a program to support the objective of the company. In determining the program to initiate, it is essential to consider the total health care and not just the insurance premiums paid every month to the insurance company. Premiums alone are not the contribution to the total spending of health care, but also there are other costs (Miller). Therefore to reduce the insurance costs of the hospital, we need to reduce the insurance covers. Since not all of the patients are smokers, there is no need for insuring all against smoking. Another plan to increase funds for the clinic is through rising therapy for smoking cessation to the smoking people. The reason for the…

Behaviorist Theory and Constructivism Theory For this discussion, we are working on behaviorist theory and constructivism theory. The age group we are going to teach will be between 15 to 20 years. It is during this stage that most learners get confused about the learning process. Most with low self-esteem might drop out of school when educators fail to provide the best practices. This information will be procedural, and learners need to read each step to understand the meaning of the learning process. The learners will be studying the topic on the planet, and a lot of understanding is required. The behaviorist practices are automatic since when practiced more than once the learners get used to them. The constructivism theory is learned to recall the last experiences one had to help in improving skills. The two approaches fit the bloom’s hierarchic of understanding the learning process. The behaviorist theory belongs to effective domain the levels of receiving and response. On the other hand, constructivism belongs to the cognitive domain understands the standards known as remember, understanding, and apply. Behaviorist theory…

Theories used to model risk-taking behavior.   Introduction. The focus of the study is to carry out the fundamental differences that are brought about between the expected utility theory (EUT) and the alternative theory that is used in the modeling of the risk-taking behavior which is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Therefore, a clear analysis will be conducted to identify the differences that are between the two theories and how they act as motivation in taking a risk by organizations which are to achieve the goals of that particular organization. Different predictions will be made by the theories whereby a clear discussion will be taken to identify the differences in risk-taking (Nieken and Sliwka, 2010, pg254-268). From the analysis that has been done by the various researchers, the theories can be used as a motivation to enhance the process of risk-taking which is the behavior of taking the risk in the different organizations to enhance a change in the economy of those organizations. Thereafter, there will be a detailed discussion of the implications for the economic policy or the business decisions…

Nordstrom’s Best Practices and Behavior. Abstract. Nordstrom Inc. is a fashion retailer of shoes, apparel, and accessories for every group of individuals, young to the elderly. The company operates via multiple retail distribution channels, boutiques, discount stores, catalogs, and via the internet. Additionally, the company offers its products via subsidiaries, debit cards, credit cards, and private labels.  Erik Nordstrom leads the company’s executive management team as the CEO, who also serves as the Co-president and Director with Peter E. Nordstrom as the other Co-President and Director. Over the past few years, the company has undoubtedly made changes to how they present themselves in terms of merchandise selection, among other changes worth with many of these changes regarding attempts towards customer satisfaction and desire for more modern and updated fashion varieties. However, the question is, among all these changes, what makes the company unique? What are the best practices that the company focusses on to stay at the top of other fashion companies? The likes of Saks Incorporated, Dillard’s Incorporated, May Department stores Company, Sears, among several other departmental stores. Introduction.…

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Introduction Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is the kind of therapy that can be used to enhance communication, social, and learning skills through positive reinforcement in toddlers. Experts believe that ABA is an effective way of treating children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as well as other developmental conditions. Research by healthcare practitioners has demonstrated that one of the effective interventions of ASD disorder is ABA.  Over the years, ABA has been used in different regions to assist children with autism. However, ABA has turned out to be familiar and not entirely adequate. The ineffectiveness of ABA in treating ASD conditions had become a significant debate on whether to look for other alternatives that would address the disease much better. Parents should use alternative therapies for children with ASD because ABA therapy is not always practical. However, ABA methods can be repetitive, and alternative therapies are more holistic. According to Bowker & Wells (2011), there has not been a single medication that has been approved by physicians for the treatment of the critical symptoms of ASD.…

Applying Social and Behavioral Theory  In particular, the success of an intervention program is enhanced through the use of an appropriate theory, which provides a framework for proper execution. Utilizing behavioral science theoretical frameworks is increasingly essential, especially in interventions, which are geared towards behavior change. To this end, the article titled “Applying social and behavioral theory as a template in containing and confining VRE” provides critical insights on the utilization of behavioral science models in a program aimed at changing behavior among health care workers (Curry & Cole, 2001). The fact that the authors use the behavioral models to address the five levels of influence underpins the efficacy of the approach used in the strategy. The various levels of influence include intrapersonal or individual aspects, interpersonal elements, institutional factors, public factors, and community components (Curry & Cole, 2001). The health belief model is increasingly relevant in aiding the change of behavior among individuals. For instance, perceived benefits explain an individual’s viewpoint of the efficacy of a pre-specified action (Curry & Cole, 2001). Health professionals have an incentive to change…

Applying the Theories of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior and the Trans-Theoretical Model to Health Challenges Theoretical frameworks provide a platform for understanding and predicting human behavior. Some of the commonly used theories in comprehending the behavior of individuals include the theory of reasoned action/planned behavior and the transtheoretical model. In particular, the theory of reasoned action and planned behavior are closely linked and founded on premises that emphasize on personal motivational elements, which determine the likelihood of an individual to perform a certain behavior (Patel, Arocha, & Ancker, 2017). The theory holds that the most appropriate projector of one’s behavior is their intention to act (Patel et al., 2017). A person’s behavior is directly influenced by attitude and subjective norms. Attitude describes one’s beliefs regarding action and the outcome linked with the behavior, inclusive of his/her evaluation of those outgrowths. Similarly, subjective norms refer to one’s viewpoint of how individuals will view the behavior and, subsequently, their motivation to adhere to it (Patel et al., 2017). On the other hand, Liu, Kueh, Arifin, Kim, and Kuan (2018) opine that the transtheoretical…

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