The onset of technological advancements The onset of technological advancements has impacted almost every aspect of human life. The incorporation of social media in schools continues to generate mixed reactions from educators and other concerned parties. Indeed, social media in education, especially its application in a classroom setting, can help elevate the level of education in schools. According to Ferriman (2013), there has been an increase in the use of social media platforms in schools since 2012. Such a revelation demonstrates the trust educators have on the ability of these social media platforms to uplift education standards within schools. When modern learning strategies integrate technology, student-centered learning activities, and effective communication, they create a productive learning environment for students. In their article, Boateng & Amankwaa (2016) note that social media has the power to create meaningful collaborations among students, streamline classroom communication, and boost teacher-student relationships. When educators integrate social media into their lesson plans, they expose students to real-world scenarios and experiences that are integral to the learning process (Liu, 2019). An overlooked thought is that using social media…

Public Policy Issues Introduction Every government or state has a responsibility to ensure that its citizens enjoy safety and security. Therefore, it comes up with public policies to mitigate social issues. The simplest way to describe public policy is the actions taken by a government or a state to address issues affecting its people. Public policies are generated by government or states through the law-making process. Law is part and parcel of public policy. The laws depict what will be done to a person if they do or do not do certain things (Ozawa, 2019). There are various attributes of public policy discussed below. One, a policy is developed from an issue or a sort of problem that needs attention. The policy is what a state or authority decides to do or not do concerning specific challenges or problems facing its people. The state does this on behalf of the citizens. The government directs the policies towards achieving particular goals or solving some problems. The governments form systems through their ideas or by interacting with customers. Making policy is a…

Information Censorship in the Digital Era    The digital era disguises as a period with certain rights to information and expression. However, different government regimes are employing technology to perpetrate information censorship against the masses by confusing them through disinformation and information overload. Their actions camouflage as a control against propaganda when it is an approach to limit their level of transparency.  Freedom of speech in the internet era has invited information censorship from authorities, which not only denies individual rights to information access but also increases the risk of fabrication due inability to distinguish noise from reality. Censorship affects individual judgment on issues. First, it is impossible to distinguish facts from fiction or even trace an idea to its source for proper analysis.  Consequently, citizens are unable to hold their leaders responsible for specific predicaments emanating from their actions.  Despite the various ways in which freedom of expression affects an individual’s political perspective, it also affects the people on a personal level. For instance, I have experienced bullying and trolls from other internet users executing their freedom of speech…

4 ways to Evaluate coding academy for kids You want to learn how to code but do not know where exactly you should begin. Well, do not be worried. You see, the first thing that should come to your mind is a tutor. Yes, you need someone who can hold your hand throughout your learning period. There are so many schools that will appear when you search online. This makes it even difficult to come up with the right one. However, with a few insights on how to make the selection, it is possible. This article gives criteria on how you can successfully evaluate coding schools. However, you could also apply it when finding an online course provider. Consider reputation You will find that schools that offer great coding courses are well-reputed. Indeed, these schools will have many positive reviews on their websites. Even before the genuine testimonials from past clients will tell you if the school is trusted by many kids. To prove that the course provides you are about to choose is trusted to offer great coding techniques,…

Victims of Bullying In life, different people encounter different challenges and experiences. This is because a good life includes a mixture of different traditions, values as well as different cultures and politics. It is these experiences that make us who we are today, and it can be argued that all individuals have been a victim of bullying in one way or another in their life. However, how one is able to handle individual experiences and stages in their life is the most important factor that victims of bullying should consider. In my life, I have experienced many challenges, and I can confirm that I have been a victim of bullying. Being a victim of bullying, my life has been shaped differently, including how I interact with others, my actions, as well as my preferences and values in life, have been developed by my past bullying experiences. However, I have to admit that bullying experiences have made me learn several skills in life. For example, I have learned that everyone should have good morals and the ability to appreciate others. I…

Cuba calls on 28,000 medical students to fight coronavirus University students visited 1 million people, from house to house. Cuba has 16 confirmed cases and one death   The Cuban regime announced on Friday, the 20th, that it had invited about 28,000 medical students to participate in an “active research” in the cities of the island. The objective is to find suspected cases of Covid-19 , the disease caused by the new coronavirus , before the epidemic spreads throughout the Caribbean country. The task delegated to university students consists of going from house to house to identify suspected cases and report to the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap). More than 1 million people were seen until Thursday 19 and “several major cases of acute respiratory infections” were detected, according to the head of the University of Medical Sciences in Havana, Jorge González, at a news conference. “This activity does not consist of carrying out any exam or having any physical contact with people (…) We do not even guide the entrance to the houses, but keep the distance”, said González.…

The data breach The data breach has become the talk, and this is due to an increase in the number of incidences that involve data breach that is being reported. Data is sensitive, and whenever there is a breach, the company or business is impacted significantly, and this has also contributed to the fall of many companies across the globe. There are many data breach incidences over the past few months. Newegg incidence caught my eye and I will like to dive into this incidence as I explore how a data breach can impact both the organization and the user or client’s trust. Financial gains mostly motivate cybercrime, and this is the reason why organizations must come up with mitigation factors to help in preventing a data breach. In the case of Newegg, a cybercrime group known as Magecard was able to compromise the systems with malicious code. The code was able to compromise credit card information of clients who transact online. The same group is also responsible for high profile attacks that have impacted the operations of many organizations.…

REFLECTION JOURNAL INTRODUCTION The most successful and prominent people on the job market were one-day leaners and with little or no experience in their areas of specialization. Hard work pays, investing in knowledge gives the best profits in one’s life. I have been working hard in the course work to ensure that my future is bright, and I meet the expectation and standards I have set for myself. This reflection will purposely review my placement activities and responsibility integrating all topics and knowledge that I have learned in class. The following information is going to analyze my personal experience and lessons acquired outlining the areas needing improvement and how I think I am prepared to enter the competitive job market. Some of the topics featured in this discussions include the professional and ethical behaviors in the workplace, the goal-setting unit, the workplace relationship, my roles I the workplace, the leadership roles and the examining goal in the workplace relationship. Having done this course, I have been empowered by the theoretical knowledge and skill that I have learned in class and…

Research Report Question 1 The specific topic for the research report is about the use of social media by children and adolescents. There is no doubt that the increased rate of technological revolution has resulted in increased use of social media among children and adolescents because they can afford mobile phones and computers. Increased competition and drive for business moguls have led to the diversification of social media platforms, which include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Whatsapp. Additionally, the United States is a developed country; hence parents can afford to buy mobile phones and computers. The majority of the children and adolescents have created accounts on either of the social media platforms. Question 2 I am arguing about the negative effects of social media use on children and adolescents. The use of social media has resulted in negative impacts on children and adolescents, which include bringing social problems, isolation, and destruction of effective interactions. Social problems that children and adolescents may experience as a result of using social media include sexting, cyberbullying, isolation, destruction of effective interactions, mental health problems, Facebook…

CIVIL RIGHTS PRESIDENTS SHOULD HAVE DONE MORE Presidents did not do enough during the movement because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not the beginning of the end of American racism but the beginning of the belief that America was ending racism. Presidents were forced to intervene in schools and the cold war pushed aside civil rights. • Double Spaced, 12 Font/Times New Roman, 1-inch margins • 5 pages of content- There is a deduction for significantly more or less than this amount. • Title Page—not one of your 5 pages: Title, name, course, date and teacher name • Format: -Thesis Paragraph and background info (maximum 1 short paragraphs) -First Support (approx. 2 paragraphs) -Second Support (approx. 2 paragraphs) -Third Support (approx. 2 paragraphs) -Concession Paragraph (placed directly before conclusion) -Conclusion Paragraph • Works Cited (MLA Format) including in-text citations: You must access and cite at least five sources—diversify them! Wikipedia or your textbook are not allowed as sources. Presidents did not do enough during the movement because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not the beginning of…

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