Can Civil Liberties and Homeland Security Achieve Balance? The terrorist events of September 2011 changed the way the U.S. handles security. Public civil rights and national security were affected as a result (Wong & Lovelace, n.d., p2). In efforts to combat terror acts, the Bush administration initiated the covert surveillance program, for example. The program has elicited debate over the years as regards the right to privacy of American citizens. The Bill of Rights is a fundamental component of the American constitution. The national security of the country and its people has to be upheld as well.  In its efforts to do so, civil rights must not be infringed. It is, however, essential to note that without national security, civil liberties cannot be fulfilled. The public would not enjoy freedoms that are currently enjoyed if the country was under siege (Holmes, 2001). In this regard, there is a need to strike a balance between civil rights and security measures. Challenges Protecting the public from terrorism involves search and seizure protocols. The Fourth Amendment is clear on search and seizure protocol…

Hacking as an instant of Cybercrime Cybercrime refers to the use of computers and networks to perform illegal activities like Online bullying, spreading computer viruses, unauthorized electronic fund transfers, etc.  (Dwan, 1998) we note that most cybercrimes happen through the internet. Cybercrime is now a real threat to the world. Both at institutional levels and even at Government level.  (Dwan, 1998) The acceptance and use of modern technologies and the internet don’t come without its downfalls. Organizations and governments are putting in place various measures to counter this vice, which has become so rampant and scary. One common form of Cybercrime is Hacking and refer to unauthorized accessing a single device (such as a laptop or a smartphone) or a computer network, and people involved are known as Hackers. Hacking when analyzed keenly is not illegal in itself as it is a skill but what people may do with this skill that may be considered illegal. The use of computers to run successful businesses has become mandatory, but you cannot isolate computer systems; they have to be networked to communicate…

Importance of Adolescent Physical Development to Teachers Adolescent Physical Development Introduction Adolescence is a phase of life (10-19) years. Research implicates that this period has gained recognition recently because of its distinct characteristics demanding individual unique needs. It is a period I the growth of an individual which is described by fast growth (physical) and behavioural and psychological changes, causing a transformation to adulthood. It is a period above childhood and below adulthood characterized by enormous psychological and physical changes. Indeed, the experiences in this period are known to alter social perceptions and expectations. Besides, physical development and growth lead to sexual maturation, something which causes intimate relationships. Critical thought, abstract thinking and self-awareness also develop in this phase due to emotional expectations and maturity. Indeed, effective teachers are supposed to be equipped with solid ground on developmental psychology. Effectiveness in instruction is realized when teachers understand the students emotional, cognitive, social and physical needs. Trends in Puberty over the Last 100 years and Reasons for These Trends In most developed countries, the age of the onset of puberty has…

STEFAN JAYNES VS NNPS Introduction The court hearing concerns Stefan Jaynes; a child discovered to have autism at two years old. The pediatric advised his caregivers to seek intervention from their local school district. However, the response encountered resistance from the school district. Moreover, the school district placed Stefan on a preschool program that did not meet the child’s autism. As a result of the typical plan, the child regressed, and thus, his parents resorted to seeking legal advice against the Newport News Public School district. Summary of the Court case Stefan Jaynes required urgent occupational therapy. His parents reached out to a unique program, PACES, meant for children with autism. However, Stefan could not enroll in the program. The enrollment required authorization from the local public school system. Stefan’s parents sought the necessary referral from the Newport News Public Schools (NNPS), citing it as a matter of urgency. However, NNPS delayed the assessment process and not until five months later that Stefan was declared eligible to access special education, as well as speech-related services. Moreover, Stefan enrolled in a…

Bullying in the digital age Kowalski, R. M., & Giumetti, G. W. (2017). Bullying in the digital age. In Cybercrime and its victims (pp. 167-186). Routledge. Reporting victimization has been a problem with both cyberbullying and traditional bullying. Kowalski & Giumetti (2017) set to examine cybercrime and the victims of cyberbullying. The study discovered that various methods of conceptualizing cyberbullying results in variations in the manner in which bullying is gauged. Many threats have been discovered as possible antecedents to the behavior of cyberbullying. Provided the seriousness of the majority of the potential negative consequences for the victims of cyberbullying, intervention and prevention efforts are vital for addressing the adverse outcomes. The author also established that technological digital divides develop a diverse condition with cyberbullying. The study concluded that privacy concerns have escalated as a result of the spread use of technology. However, the study failed to include study methods and procedures to support how the findings were reached. The research also did not include questions to guide the reader on the direction and what is expected of the research.…

Final Project The paper entails an extensive interview of someone who has a disability, their experiences in life, and the impact of the implementation of disability rights and legislation to make their lives easier in workplaces and schools, among others. Mr. Paul Williams, the interviewee, works at Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC). He has witnessed the changes in the regulations to improve the welfare of people with various forms of disability. He has been crippled from a young age due to a car accident he had while from school as a child. He has used a wheelchair since the time to aid his movement as a student from elementary school to the University right to his current place of work at MNCPPC). He is in his mid-sixties and has seen the change in the regulatory regime from the time when there were virtually no laws to the current time where vital pieces of legislation such as American Disability Act (ADA), ADAA, Universal Design and Inclusive Education among others. Paul Williams concurs that pro-disability legislations have significantly made life…

DEALING WITH CONFLICT Dealing with Conflict How do conflict and ambiguity related to group roles contribute to an adverse event? What skills and attributes are needed to effectively manage groups while promoting a just culture? These questions are addressed this week. Analyze situations of conflict in the workplace. Evaluate approaches to address conflict in the workplace. Recommend conflict resolution strategies. Learning Resources How Do You Deal with Conflict? Since healthcare organizations rely heavily on productive interactions to achieve positive outcomes, it is important for nurse leaders to recognize the value of emotional intelligence. What is the importance of recognizing how you personally handle stressful situations? How can understanding effective strategies for conflict resolution be beneficial in the workplace? [unique_solution]Self-awareness is an important skill in becoming a leader, so knowing how well you work under stress and in stressful situations may improve your effectiveness as a leader. In this Discussion, you reflect on emotional intelligence and how you handle conflict. To prepare: Review the Resources for the week, specifically those on emotional intelligence. Post a brief desсrіption of a conflict you…

How to Protect your Kid from Cyberbullying-Tips for parents For most kids, going to school can be quite stressful. Often, kids have to endure different pressures and peer issues, and one of them is bullying. Now with the advent of technology, bullying tracks kids to their homes and continues to traumatize them even after school hours. Cyberbullying is a cause for concern among parents, and keeping kids safe online is of the essence. Here are tips to prevent or mitigate cyberbullying effects: Train your kid how to handle bullies The best ways to deal with bullies are; having a child-safe internet browser and teaching your kid not to respond to provocations. Remember keeping kids safe online is crucial and responding to attacks can only result in more problems. If this persists, educate them to report this to you immediately. When aware of all the events, you can contact counsellors to speak to the child. However, if you notice that your child responds to bullies online, recycle old phone for cash and prevent them from accessing the internet. This way, they…

Deep vein thrombosis Deep vein thrombosis often occurs in the lower extremities in the calf veins, specifically in the soleus sinusoids and valve cusps. It is prevalent when blood flow is compromised in the veins due to either intrinsic or extrinsic factors such as accident injuries and surgeries (Di Nisio, van Es & Büller, 2016). Three factors are crucial in thrombus development, according to Rudolf Virchow. These comprise, firstly, venous stasis, which obstructs the venous blood flow, thus increasing viscosity and driving to the development of microthrombi. These microthrombi are not readily removed by fluid movement past the valves when skeletal muscle pumps, causing thrombus to thrive and propagate. Secondly, the Virchow describes that the imbalance between circulating factors might lead to the hypercoagulable state in the vein, particularly in the calf veins due to an increase in circulating tissue activation factors alongside the reduction in circulating plasma antithrombin as well as fibrinolysis (Othieno, Okpo & Forster, 2018). The third factor described by Virchow is a vein or endothelial damage which can either be intrinsic or result from external trauma…

Examining the Impacts of Bullying An eight-year-old boy in Cincinnati school committed suicide days after he was taken to hospital. (Iati 2019). The boy had previously been found lying unconsciously in the washrooms of the school. The surveillance camera did not give much evidence as to what might have caused the boy to lay motionless.  The school followed set protocols, and the school nurse released the boy saying his vital signs were intact. However, two days later, the dead body of the boy was found in his bed by the mother. Earlier on the mother had taken the boy to the hospital where he was diagnosed with gastrointestinal issues. However, the mother did not understand the real reason why the boy committed suicide. In the lawsuits that ensued, shocking revelations were made. The boy had earlier reported issues of bullying to his teacher, who did not take much attention. This was the reason behind the boy’s actions. Bullying is defined as actions that cause a threat to another person. The bullying may appear in different forms. Despite the kind of…

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